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View Full Version : Censorship: What is PSO World hiding?

Mar 9, 2001, 10:06 PM
Hi all

This morning I posted a topic "Who are Lynx andReye...and how do they get these weapons?"

I noted that these people must be Sega employees or hackers/cheaters/dupers.

After 6 weeks these are the first 4 pics, of these items all found by the same 2 people on same day?
No way. Something is afoot.
Even if they got them with some crack or code...why now? Why havent other cheaters gotten these?

Even more interesting is how the whole thread mysteriously disappeared from this board.
Why the censorship? What was so sensitive in the topic to have every message deleted?

in the weapons section you see these 2 people showing off the pics of:

Lavis Cannon
Sonic Knuckle
P-Arm's Blade
Nei's Claw

Again the question must be asked..Why doed PSO World promote listing and showing items that ONLY cheaters and dupers have access too? Please demand exact item location ingame before posting these things perhaps, and reject all pics of those who got it "through a trade"

Please don't censor or delete this. And for the rest of you who's posts were deleted, please reply again.
ANy info on these 2 and how they mysteriously get these items would be appreciated.


Mar 9, 2001, 10:09 PM
hmmm... There's only one answer! THE GOVERNMENT IS BEHIND THIS! Yes, that's right. This is all the work of the government. They are trying to trick us into seeing things... That must be it....

Mar 9, 2001, 10:15 PM
I wouldnt be so sure about those being duped items. Perhaps some one knows a Japanese player who lent it out or something... In either case, I sorta glad that at LEAST we have some picture of what the weapon looks like. After perusing the Gamefaqs boards (aka. Duper Central, just like the Trade board to some extent) it appears that these items are well on their way to becoming the next fad. I think its possible that if the same dude keeps getting all of these rares, they could have been duped, but like I said, at least we have some pictures of what they look like, even though most of us will never ever get them on our own.

Mar 9, 2001, 10:30 PM
I apologize to PSO World staff...

it appears my post and replies was moved to the "Cheaters" board. Altough I do not know why, as I was not reporting cheaters, merely trying to figure out who, how and why these pics get posted.

rekonstruct - I am not sure whether they are duped, real, etc or who this "Lynx" guy is who seems to get them all first.

Without the PSO staff placing the location of where item was found and photon stats in the Weapon list, it seems to needlessly promote duping and the toys you can get by cheating.

He also doesn't seem to post here( I would check "Member list area of site, but that page won't load for me)

ah well back to looking at Weapons which I will never see w/o duping, trading or cheating.


Mar 9, 2001, 11:24 PM
I am very much alive. There are 2 ways that I get these weapons so that the general public can see what is out there:

1)People lend them out to me.
I usually will be lent weapons so that I can take pictures and get stats.

I am sure that most of the weapons I trade for are duped, but I only want them to take pics and get stats, so when I am done with them I can trade them for other weapons which I can then take pics of and so on...

I don't see why you wouldn't want the pics and stats to be up if they were traded for. Usually people like to see what weapons are out there.

Mar 9, 2001, 11:40 PM
> There are 2 ways that I get these weapons so that the general public can see what is out there:


> 1)People lend them out to me.
> I usually will be lent weapons so that I can take pictures and get stats.

Well this is bizarre. Especially with all the cries of "stealing, BSOD", etc. You would think that the person who has the first actual item that SUPER rare would be a bit wary of lending it or dropping it.

How do all these people conviently know to find you whren they have these items to get pics taken of?
You must know everyone and everyone must trust you online.
Why not take a pic of them holding it as well? hmmmmm....

>I am sure that most of the weapons I trade for are duped, but I only want them to take pics and get stats, so >when I am done with them I can trade them for other weapons which I can then take pics of and so on..

OK, then what are you trading for these super rares?
Can you specifically tell us who gave you the 4 super rare items mentioned above? Where did they find em? If they aren't yours and you were just holding them, whose are they? Where did they find em?

and as far as the statement:

"I don't see why you wouldn't want the pics and stats to be up if they were traded for. Usually people like to see what weapons are out there."

Well indirectly this promotes duping and cheating.
Without a doubt, they should NOT be posted unless the method they were retrieved is avail to all.
And again since most here say they don't dupe, cheat, etc- I doubt any honest player will ever see them.

Sorry, still doesn't add up here...

Mar 9, 2001, 11:47 PM
I moved the post to cheaters because the way I percieved the thread was that it was borderline attacking the 2 you mentioned.

PSO World General/Off Topic policy on Deleting threads:

Threads are only deleted if they have no substance to them whatsoever (ex: Yooo d00d u maa rock in bed), or if they are double posts (in which I delete the one w/o posts).

All others are either moved if they dont belong here or are locked (ex: the recent attacks on Segagameplay).

I moderate these with indifferance, even if I cant spell 8P.

I do and will directly edit any post that is directly attacking an individual or group.

Mar 10, 2001, 03:21 AM
Speaking as a neutral voice. I dont really care how they acquire the weapons they get. The item section on this web site is to make us visitors aware of what exists. Its not a trophy area designed to rub other peoples luck and/or cheating methods in our faces. I know the frustration level over finds is very high. And its hard not to get bent out of shape when we see some folks with Ultra Rare items we have only imagined. Bottom line is you have total control over who you choose to associate with in the game. If what a person does or owns disrupts your personal enjoyment dont play with them.

Lynx regardless of how you get your items, please continue to make us aware of the stuff that exists. I personally havent found jack but I still like knowing what it is I am not finding LOL. I figure eventually either by finds, trades, or other players kindness I will come by a few nice items in due time.

Nivek 7

Mar 10, 2001, 03:33 AM
On 2001-03-09 19:09, Wing0 wrote:
hmmm... There's only one answer! THE GOVERNMENT IS BEHIND THIS! Yes, that's right. This is all the work of the government. They are trying to trick us into seeing things... That must be it....

Nope, Major League Baseball is plotting to take over the word. It ain't just a conspiracy, it's the truth.

Mar 10, 2001, 04:02 AM
>How do all these people conviently know to >find you whren they have these items to get >pics taken of?
>You must know everyone and everyone must >trust you online.
>Why not take a pic of them holding it as >well? hmmmmm....

Have you even bothered to look through the rare items section, I do have pics of other people holding them... the people who trust me are the ones who lend them to me. The people who don't trust me, don't lend them to me.

>OK, then what are you trading for these super rares?

The super rares that I have already taken pictures of and got stats from.

>Well indirectly this promotes duping and >cheating.
>Without a doubt, they should NOT be posted >unless the method they were retrieved is >avail to all.

Most the people who trade for super rares are not getting the original. Most the rares have been duped, even double sabers and photon claws. There's nothing we can do about it since it has already happened.
And since when has the rare items section been the "only rare items that you found yourself and are the original" items section? Do you think that the Eggblaster and other rares that were posted in the Prima Strategy Guide were actually found? No... Sega probably gave them a preview. Why don't you go mail the authors and tell them to stop printing those in their guides because they didn't find them on the ground in the ruins.

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Lynx on 2001-03-10 01:04 ]</font>

Mar 10, 2001, 04:12 AM
Your a little fast to jump Ven_Jance. (A level 30 guy screamed at me and called me a duper because I had a chain sawd, which is my only real rare). Just because he has a lot of stuff doesn't mean he's a cheater or a duper. Personaly, I think your just frustated because you don't think you ever find anything. I was the same way when I was around level 50. You just have to calm down and not worry about it. If I spent all the time worrying about rare items, the majority of my time would be spent trading and getting ripped off every so offen, then having a good time.

<img src=http://gambitx2k.homestead.com/files/sig3.jpg>
PSO: Glider [Puck.5/Puck.9]

Member of The Sonic Team [TST]

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Glider on 2001-03-10 01:14 ]</font>

Mar 10, 2001, 05:45 AM
The sad thing is, it just breaks down to jealousy.

Mar 10, 2001, 06:39 AM
I don't really think it breaks down to jealousy, I mean come on, this is a video game, slow your roll bud. The fact that people on this board are so dead against dupes cheats ect. and then all walk around with their own sets of one of a kind items makes people wonder. You are the same guy that used the HP cheat in import "just to make sure it worked" right? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif If you have the right to call someone jealous, then they have the right to call you a cheater, right? good. You hate dupers, but yet you say you trade with them, which means you support them, right? Maybe if lvl 100 characters weren't still finding Justices and Flowens Swords, they wouldn't be wary about seeing a lvl 86 with 10 undiscovered new items per day. People are free to express their opinions still I hope. Or maybe it's just the other thousands of PSO players picked the wrong section id like me http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif

Mar 10, 2001, 07:11 AM
<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Ambrai on 2001-03-10 11:50 ]</font>

Mar 10, 2001, 07:35 AM
Hey watashahasdhkhsajlgs how did u manage to get all those words out with that fat *censored* in your mouth. Vanse for one thing is not jealous. In fact he's stating the obvious. So stfd thanks.

Mar 10, 2001, 07:40 AM
<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Ambrai on 2001-03-10 11:49 ]</font>

Mar 10, 2001, 09:48 AM
I'll admit to being intensely jealous myself. I mean, as a Level 100, I felt no better then a level 1 when I'd enter games and see people throwing around ultra-rares like they were so much candy.

I eventually became so obsessed with it that I played offline V. Hard Ruins for about..ohh....5 hours straight. However, I eventually found a Sinow Beat Arm in multiplay, and the guy I was playing with had no idea it dropped! I asked people what it did, ran to Dr. Osto, and built the S-beats out of it.

Now, I might not have all the nifty items everyone else does, but I have my Soul Eater, and my S-beat Blades, so I'm no longer the jealous animal I used to be.

The guys who take the pics on this site are merely trying to catalogue them. Will I ever find them? I doubt it. Will it affect my gameplay? Nope, I'm doing fine with what I have.

Look at it this way vance:

We have crappy weapons, but manage to do all right with them. If you go by Haywire's reasoning, you have l33t skillz. Err..ummm...something like that. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 10, 2001, 11:07 AM
umm... if anyone doesn't like PSO world why are they here? this aint the USA, you can leave. go to cuba..

Mar 10, 2001, 11:20 AM
Hey i'll admitt it im jelious! Cause I probally play 100 times more then all these people with all these rare items and i dont *find* anything. And i refuse to cheat for them. There has to be something we're missing here cause i still have yet to find anything rarer then a DBL or Meteor Smash. You say we gotta play more.... how much more? hmmmm..

Mar 10, 2001, 02:11 PM
board to board? what boards are you referring to? you need to chill out dude, what do you contribute? amatuer rank flaming? I didn't attack anyone, I am backing up others whom I think have the right to share their opinion on certain matters. Jealous that I couldn't "play" with a fukking PSO Cannon first? *sigh* Believe me son, I have much better things to do. Maybe instead of fondeling cannons all day you should go and try to lose that thing.... damn what's it called http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif starts with a V and ends in a TY i think.... This game isn't like past online RPGs where if you got something, it would be one of a kind for weeks if not months and you could show it off to everyone. As soon as one person gets something, they pass it on to the fukking dupers for lvl 999million oomp loompa mags. Yeah, I do find it strange that so many special weapons were discovered by the same group in practically the same day. If you were in my shoes, you would to. You don't see me begging for free shit, tons of lower lvls want Serge's free oriagito and Lynx has the fukking balls to post on the thread that he wants it too.... umm greedy? You have a bigger arsenal than the US government, let someone who is running around with a DB saber have it. It's not like they can out trade you, you did say you have all l33t dupes from other people. ^_^ cya

Mar 10, 2001, 02:29 PM
"umm... if anyone doesn't like PSO world why are they here? this aint the USA, you can leave. go to cuba.."- Msfortune

this analogy doesn't even make sense, if you want to kiss up do it in PMs please. you can leave America whenever you want, you can't leave Cuba. PSO world is under the mods control and I can leave if I don't like it, but where did I say I didn't like it? The load times suck, but atleast Ambrai stopped talking about EQ. You say it's their forum, but what good is a forum without posters? I have been posting here longer than about 85% of you people, never once had a reason to argue until lately. I don't appreciate people that try to get you to help them while lying to you. I don't appreciate people trying to push their views on others uncontested. I don't appreciate bringing up a valid point just to see someone pretend they don't see my post cause they are too lame to admit the truth behind their words. I don't appreciate people with "special tags" on the forums acting like they have a license to be total dikks to the society. I don't appreciate people who make new handles to have one more person on their side. And I also don't appreciate sanctimonious behavior from people with an unfair advantage.

Mar 10, 2001, 04:01 PM
Okay, what the hell IS the argument here? It's...over. We have no way of proving Lynx is a cheater, and he has no way of proving that he's not. This topic should have been over a while ago. Let it go. I don't care if dupers are sending in pictures of these rares, I hate dupers just the same, but I like seeing the rares. Lynx may or may not have cheated, and since his arguments are logical and ordered and he doesn't say "stfu d00d!", I tend to believe he's telling the truth. A good sign of cheaters is how they talk. Still, neither side can prove the other wrong...so...drop it.

Mar 10, 2001, 04:41 PM
"A good sign of cheaters is how they talk." What a pos assumption this is. I will say S T F U and S T F D does this mean I cheat? umm no. I don't cheat yet I talk like one according to you. Anyway I'm out

Mar 10, 2001, 05:33 PM
Oh, I'm sorry, then I guess you just can't type well. Aight, listen, I didn't say that everyone who talks badly is a cheater, Athian, I said, exactly, it's a "Good sign of cheaters." A SIGN. I have yet to meet an intelligent cheater. Still, that doesn't mean everyone who talks in that stupid l33t sp34k stuff is a cheater. Anyone who does, holds just about every rare and can't hit shit at level 100 is a possible cheater. Not one cheater can make a logical argument from what I've seen. So...read my posts next time, Athian.

Apr 17, 2001, 10:41 PM

Ah, nostolgia...

WTH ever happened to Ven Jance anyways?

Apr 17, 2001, 10:54 PM
He went to Cuba.

Apr 18, 2001, 03:52 AM

I'm right here...I've always got my one good eye on you Spy. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif


Ven Jance lvl 100 Hunewearl
Hawkcatcher lvl 80 FOnewearl
Ghost Dog lvl 55 RAmar

Apr 18, 2001, 08:33 AM
Wonder what watashiwa said...

Apr 18, 2001, 09:44 AM
LAWN GNOMES! thats it the lawn gnomes are attacking pso?!

Apr 18, 2001, 12:51 PM

I says, "Damn I look O.G. in my new threads I just bought from the mall yesterday evening." http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

I'm just looking in the mirror like whoa. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif