View Full Version : Am I the only one who hates the new quest?

May 4, 2003, 07:34 PM
Not just cause it's slighty difficult to keep Elly alive. I'm not a big fan of the plotline (My name is Cal, please make me a real boy): omgwtfpinocchio?

The new enemies are kinda blah. The Del Lily looks like someone took a big crap and called it a flower. The Delsaber looks somewhat humanoid, the Delbiter looks somewhat canine, the Del Lily looks somewhat like a lump of black. The Ill Gill looks cool, but is stupidly powerful, especially for a quest where you have to keep alive a weak NPC. Freeze you in place, megid, powerful charges, elemental attacks. Kinda like a Grass Assassin/Ob Lily/Chaos Sorceror combo. I can't say much about Epsilon, cause I haven't fought him yet, but he gets points off just for having an attack that OHKOs your NPC.

I like the concept of going into the control tower, but I think they could have done more than just 5 rooms that essentially look the same with some computer guesswork thrown in.

It initially excited me when I read that the quest was up, and read the big list of NPCs that you supposedly meet during the quest. Then I found out that you actually don't meet any of them, the briefly appear and then die. If you can tell me which ones are Marvel and Oslo out of the bunch, I'll give you a dollar. Unless you're Barubary, he can't play.

And the end. Maybe I'm just bitter cause I got a dumb ending, but I'm not a big fan of games and such that end with something like this:
"Wow, you're the greatest hero of all! Thank you for playing"
These games usually don't have much in the way of a resolution to the major conflict either. I saw Cal go into MOTHER, screen fades, I appear at Seaside, Elly tells me I'm a hero, Thank you for Playing, I jab my eyes out with my own thumbs.

The Ragol Ring is nifty, but in all reality, it's still just a Scape Doll with stats. I like the +10 resistance to everything, but my Attribute Wall does better than that, with a slight loss on DK and LT, which my D-Parts make up for. And I don't lose those if the +10 EDK doesn't save me from a stray Ob Lily shot.

Also, it really should have been a download quest rather than an online quest. Online = play with other people, not NPCs.

And yes, I know this is just probably gonna get met with a bunch of "Could you make a better quest" and "You didn't do everything perfectly" BS, but I still feel better having vented against it. Who knows, maybe if I go back offline and complete 5 or 6 quests I've already done over again then play this one again, I might like it. But until then...

May 4, 2003, 08:54 PM
You're not alone. I actually find this quest rather annoying. I like how Sonic Team can't program the game to be challenging, so they program it to be cheap instead. Yeah, I don't think this quest was hard at all, but one hit kills on your NPCs are just a bit rediculous (some people recall hell with Mome in Unsealed Door back on the DC/PC versions). And I absolutely agree that this should have been a downloadable offline quest.

The story is okay. Nothing particularly special. However, I've actually gotten more out of doing the Sue subplot offline. There's some interesting stuff in there that I didn't know before (like what Sue is involved in).

As for the NPCs, it is kinda lame that most of them are short lived. To quote a friend of mine, they're just plot coupons (plot devices) put there to progress what little plot there is to the quest. By the way, Marvel is the RAmar killed by Cap the RAmarl and Oslo is the purple RAmar that kidnaps Elly. Where's my dollar, foo? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

May 4, 2003, 08:58 PM
Yeah, what Vulpes said, ST can't figure out ways to make the game difficult, so they give you a weak-ass NPC who sucks at everything, and extremely overpowered enemies. Way to go, ST. Oh well, I'm gonna do that quest until I get the rares from Del Lily, Ill Gill (I know this is a Demonic Fork), and Epsilon. Wish me luck.

May 4, 2003, 10:38 PM
Like a popular joke now, can't spell STupid without Sonic Team. I swear, am starting to think they intentionally screw up every update, new quest, and just everything new that comes out so they don't change their image. Heck, I'd be more surprised if they released something new and it *didn't* have any bugs or problems with it.

May 4, 2003, 11:00 PM
I don't like this quest either. In fact I find it rather annoying. Too many movies and cutscenes. You get a lecture after every room.

And to VulpesMundi, how do you know the names of all the NPCs?

May 4, 2003, 11:05 PM
I agree with you guys. It could have been better. Heck, I can take those new enemy on with no effort but poor Elly can't even take a hit without dying. lol.. It's a joke. The ending suck.. I thought I have to fight some new boss or something but nothing. *sigh* The excitement left me...

May 4, 2003, 11:44 PM
On 2003-05-04 21:00, Rolf_Landale wrote:
And to VulpesMundi, how do you know the names of all the NPCs?

Simple enough. Just use the word select to make their names appear. Online (single-player) the name in slot 2 is the red arrow, the name in slot 3 is the yellow arrow, and the name in slot 4 is the blue arrow. Offline (single-player) the name in slot 2 is the green arrow, the name in slot 3 is the yellow arrow, and the name in slot 4 is the blue arrow.

> *Insert name*

Here's a couple screenshot examples...



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VulpesMundi on 2003-05-04 21:58 ]</font>

May 5, 2003, 12:35 AM
On 2003-05-04 18:54, VulpesMundi wrote:
(some people recall hell with Mome in Unsealed Door back on the DC/PC versions).

Ugh, fighting De Rol Le with Mome... a horrible, horrible experience.

I agree that this quest is rediculous. I expected so much from it, and got very little. It was fun the first 4 times, but after that seeing Elly go down in one hit was just lame. Not to mention all the talking you have to go through every time.

It's a decent quest, at best. But I still prefer Maximum Attack 2 - challenging, yet reasonable.

May 5, 2003, 12:59 AM
Here is the quote from Barubary on how the area was supposed to be (again).

On 2003-04-25 16:32, Barubary6 wrote:
I've played a beta version of this quest, known by the Engrish name "MAP CHECK SECRET". The version I've played has no plotline to it, no NPCs, and no reward. You just beat the Control Tower (it also had nighttime Seaside, but that wasn't interesting).

Del Lilies are just slightly nastier version of Mil Lilies. They have attribute Dark, though.

Ill Gills are a lot of fun. They are humanoid monsters that hold giant scythes. They jump around a lot, paralyze you, Megid you, and all sorts of stuff.

Epsilon is a new boss. It looks like it should be Vol Opt ver.3, but it's a lot harder. It has shields known as Epsigard that rotate quickly around it and make it difficult to attack Epsilon. Epsilon changes to one of 4 colors as you're fighting it, indicating which attack mode it's using.

There's a room that's very annoying in the beginning - the hardest in my opinion. You fight Mericarol, Mericus, and Merikle all at once, right next to each other. And they all can Megid you. A later room has 4 Mericarols, but if you stay close to one of the 2 pairs, the other can't hit you, so it's significantly easier.

This is the hardest quest in all of PSO. You're all going to love it. If you ever want to drop your Mag's Synchro to 0, just play this quest on Ultimate. When a party of 4 level-150 characters played this quest, we died like 50 times each. It's insane, but fun. You better hope you can have 3 players ^_^

As for Normal, I had some trouble beating the quest as a level 50 FOmarl. I have no idea how hard it would be on hunters on Normal.

-- Barubary

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Barubary6 on 2003-04-25 16:34 ]</font>

That still sounds incredibly hard but much more fun. For one, there are no NPCs to die constantly to end the quest. Another reason is that you can actually play with other characters in the same area *gasp* ONLINE *gasp*, not solo!

Like I said, it's as if Sonic Team realized they had a new, exciting area and releasing a quest that could improve their image is a no-no so they 'STupified it'. >_>

May 5, 2003, 07:59 AM
Elly isn't completely lame, she has more EVP and DFP at lvl 20 than any player could ever have at lvl 200!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ropponmatsu on 2003-05-05 05:59 ]</font>

May 5, 2003, 08:26 AM
note that i haven't played this quest yet.

yes... should have been downloadable, but sonic team seems to think 'hey, why make it offline when you could make it online?'. in my opinion all online-singleplayer-quests should be download-quests since... online is for teamplay, not for being online.

i'm on dial up and pay per minute, if i weren't i wouldn't mind to be online while i play something i don not actually need to be online for.
thats why i spend my online time more likely to do challenge mode or chatting than doing this quest.

maybe i'll give this quest a try some day, but not in the near future...

thank you sonic team, thank you very much.

May 5, 2003, 01:55 PM
Yay, I feel better now that I know there are people who aren't blind to the hype! Anyway, I have one more question: Who the hell is the yellow arrow that appears near the end of the Temple that you can't get to? If I cared enough to go online, I could find out the name (*hands Vulpes a dollar*), but I don't care that much.

Oh, and I believe I coined the phrase "I that Elly chick, she's a retard" after failing the quest several times. Anyone who was on GameFAQS around the peak of v1 should remember that quote.

Useless fact: De Rol Le almost killed me in Unsealed Door when I found out that MOME plays dead, I was jumping around and crap. It made me so happy.

May 5, 2003, 02:58 PM
The quest would be WAY better if it was a Download quest...simply because half the people on PSO can't beat it on ultimate mode. I can't even with a level 157 HUmar.