View Full Version : Need Help On Finding Rares????

Mar 10, 2001, 06:24 AM
I've been playing Pso for some time now. I would like some help on finding rare items. Please post hints or exact details on how to get certain items....plz do not post items such as db saber and varista... tks 4 any help

Mar 10, 2001, 07:38 AM
I have the same problem. I think there might be some method to finiding certain items, but I don't know what they are. Other items just drop. I think the best way to find them is to play and play and play.

Mar 10, 2001, 07:42 AM
that's the best advice....you will eventually find something good....play ruins on v-hard

makes you wonder why they bothered putting in so many rare weapon "drops" if they are all varistas and db sabers...

Mar 10, 2001, 07:52 AM
Well, to be honest, Ruins V. Hard Sucks for rares. I mean, how many DB Sabres, Broiniacs, Flowens Swords, Visks, and Meteor Smashs can one have???

I do my "searching" in Forest. I seem to have an uncanny ability of finding AL Rappys, you know, the light blue-colored Rappy that drops rares? I have found quit a few rares off of him, most recently a Regenerate Gear.

Two ways to get great rares:

Kill monsters that drop body parts (Delsabre, S-beat, Chaos Bringer/Sorcerer) or hunt "Rare" monsters such as the Al Rappy or Red Poifully Slime. They ALWAYS drop rares.