View Full Version : Virus (A new FF)

May 6, 2003, 09:38 PM

The tall hunter stepped onto the portal leading down to the forests of Ragol. He looked at his wrist that began flashing indicating he could warp down to Ragol. It was displayed ruins, but he switched it to forest section one.
He was a highly respected hunter but going down to the forest? The place where beginning hunters went down to train. But he told there was some big monster guarding a victim. He pressed the button on his wrist but right before he did he observed someone running towards him waving their hands but he didn't hear what they said.
As he reappeared in the midst of Ragol, he calmly walked along, wondering if he would see a huge creature. But no, not yet at least. He just equipped his Stag Cutlery, and walked in.
A Booma approached him glaring right at him, but the Hunter calmly raised steadied his Stag Cutlery and swung.
He expected it to fall down at least but to his shock it raised its claw and when he struck his Stag Cutlery cut in half.
“What the...?” He said with little emotion in his voice. The Booma raised its claw to strike, and he quickly dove for cover, but the mighty claw swung faster than he had ever seen and grazed his arm, but still did immense damage and he was bleeding very quickly. He started running back to the portal, but to his horror the Booma along with many more stepped through the section barrier and closed in on him at a rapid pace.
He walked quickly to the portal and hit his flashing wrist band quickly, and at the top saw the same guy who had probably warned him not to go there, and the wounded hunter, Todd nearly collapsed on him.

May 7, 2003, 08:30 PM
Chapter 2

The man who was there pushed him back up to his feet and made sure he didnt fall as they walked to the hospital. The Nurse took a close look at the wound on the hunter's arm and looked like she was thinking very hard, and began squinting. "Did the come from a Booma? It's way no where near that powerful to leave a mark like that."
Todd didn't answer he just held up his stag cutlery. She took one last glance, but saw something strange, and pointed to how some of his arm was turning reddis, showing he got infected with something. She told him this and said she never had heard or seen anything like it.
Later, after the three claw marks where all patched up, he asked the person who saved him, his friend Zach how he knew something was wrong.
"Well we saw a huge explosion, that literally expanded and covered the entire planet, and we where worried there would be fires. What was it like down there?"
Todd had no idea what to make of this. "I didn't see any sort of fires or an indication that an explosion took place."
"That's impossible we clear-"
A tell, skinny person approached them, and motioned them into a quiet corner. He said he worked with the Hunter's Guild, and that he had some information.
"The explosion orginated from a tiny research facility, and the size of the explosion made no sense at all, considering it's size. But I heard you guys talking and the strange part is there is nothing showing anything like that. Of course we will further investigate. "
Todd questioned him, "But why were none of the animals dead, infact they seemed to be much stronger."
"Well the research facility was actually an underground one that we have been trying to shut it down for years, we know that they where doing illegall research. But they did a good job covering it up and we couldn't really shut it down."
"Then how did you know they where doing illegal research?"
"One time I went in undercover and well, we wont tell you everything, I dont even know much except they where doing unauthorized research."
"But could what they researced actually cause the explosion and the fact that nothing is dead, and actually stronger then they should be?"
"Probably." The man said.