View Full Version : Fur is Murder - Boycott Macy's.

May 8, 2003, 05:54 PM
To produce a single mink coat, fur farmers must raise and murder fifty innocent animals.

These fifty animals live tortured lives trapped in tiny, cramped cages.

After a lifetime of suffering, fur-bearing animals are murdered using cruel and inhumane methods like gassing, trapping, anal electrocution and clubbing.

---- Why Macy's? ----

Every year, 40 million animals are murdered because stores like Macy's sell fur. As one of the largeset retailers of fur in the Northeast, Macy's contributes greatly to the suffering of animals.
Despite hundreds of anti-fur demonstrations, and thousands of boycotting customers, Macy's continues to participate in the bloody fur trade.

[ For pictures from the "fur-farms" go here.. http://www.boycottmacys.com/photolib.shtml ]

---- Take Action! ----

. Boycott Macy's until they stop selling fur.

. Call or write to Macy's and tell them how you feel about fur.

Phone: 1-800-264-0069

Email: [email protected]

Postal Address:
Harold Kahn, President
C/O Macys Herald Square
151 W 34th Street
New York City, NY 10001

.Attend a demonstration in your area. To find out more information about local demonstrations email [email protected].


Thank you for reading this.
Please discuss.

Lv. 72 fomar.
[mars army]
-lafayette division leader-

May 8, 2003, 07:14 PM
eh, good lord this is going to be flamed. Or just ignored.

How is this different from animals that are killed for food? At least it's not going to waste. THe vegetarians and vegans that avoid meat because of animal rights, how many of them grow their own food? Anything that's processed is made in bulk. The primary... secondary... effects... kill.

An example? The chemicals used to keep insects away, guess what else it harms? Or even the machines used to crop the crops, rodents and rice are always getting killed by those, they aren't even being used for food or clothing.

Do you ever go to a restaurant? Assuming most restaurants aren't growing all their food themselves and don't sell any meat, you're supporting the slaughtering of animals. Even if you don't eat it.

Even if you don't go to the market and buy the meat yourself, someone else will. Even if the entire community doesn't buy the meat, it'll still be produced and wasted.

Pissed off that the Gap uses sweatshops? Well what are you going to do about it? It gives people in 3rd world countries jobs and an opportunity. Granted the unskilled labour of the US becomes jobless, hell, they might be out of luck, but it that's the incentive for the newer generations to become educated, there's no reason for other countries to be the ones doing the unskilled labour and for us to continue to advance. It's the uneducated that are keeping us behind, I don't care if you tell me "they don't have the opportunity" etc etc, and don't even bother telling me that I'm naive and oblivious to "what it's like"

Yea, I know what it's like, I've been through it. I know things aren't right, I know certain people have it inheriently harder, but hell, it's America, it's all about rising up, why? because you can.

So if you want to Boycott Macy's go ahead. What are you going to do? Run around behind your shedding dog/cat and knit yourself a sweater? We can't kill the trees so we can't use paper for your clothing, that's bad for the environment... ultimately killing all the animals. Cotton? Are you going to go out and plant it yourself and pick it by hand? Those big machines kill those poor little animals. Cotten kills animals, when you kill animals for fur at least you're utilizing the resource.

May 8, 2003, 07:29 PM
Look, you've obviously givin too much thought to something that requires very little.

Animals killed in the wild, or accidentally by harvesting techniques, mean pretty much nothing to me. You know why? Because thats natural. The strong feed off the weak.

Whats not natural, is sticking an electric prod up a mink's ass and shocking it to death. End of story.

Lv. 72 fomar.
[mars army]
-lafayette division leader-

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ophiel on 2003-05-08 17:29 ]</font>

May 8, 2003, 07:39 PM
On 2003-05-08 17:29, ophiel wrote:
Whats not natural, is sticking an electric prod up a mink's ass and shocking it to death. End of story.

...well unless the mink start doing that to humans, I guess...

Humans - Strong

Minks - Weak

*/Devil's Advocate*

..wait..don't we already do that to each other..minus the "to death" part...? =X

...and I'm kidding, incase someone did'nt realise that. o_O

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2003-05-08 17:44 ]</font>

May 8, 2003, 08:30 PM

May 8, 2003, 08:48 PM
Once again professor.
Ill have you take note that I could care less about people who eat meat. I eat meat, and I have no regrets about it.

But I dont smack foxes in the heads with hammers and skin them alive, leaving them to slowly bleed to death.

Lv. 72 fomar.
[mars army]
-lafayette division leader-

May 8, 2003, 08:52 PM
On 2003-05-08 18:30, Prof_Frink wrote:

My freind here is a Grade A moron. All I know is, when I grow up, I'm going to bovine university!

May 8, 2003, 08:54 PM
On 2003-05-08 18:30, Prof_Frink wrote:

Yum, Slug.

May 8, 2003, 08:56 PM
On 2003-05-08 18:30, Prof_Frink wrote:

Well..damn...that was rather to the point. XD

On 2003-05-08 18:48, ophiel wrote:
Once again professor.
Ill have you take note that I could care less about people who eat meat. I eat meat, and I have no regrets about it.

...I throw lobsters in a pot of hot boiling water..and yet..I hear no screams >_>

For all we know, they might be having the best, last few moments of their entire life.

"Thats it..just boil into sweet, sweet serenity..."

But I dont smack foxes in the heads with hammers and skin them alive, leaving them to slowly bleed to death.

Yeah, point taken. For every dead animal they leave to rot, they could have food drives for the homeless. =D

More creamy filling!


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2003-05-08 18:58 ]</font>

May 8, 2003, 09:04 PM
On 2003-05-08 18:56, ABDUR101 wrote:

On 2003-05-08 18:48, ophiel wrote:
But I dont smack foxes in the heads with hammers and skin them alive, leaving them to slowly bleed to death.

Yeah, point taken. For every dead animal they leave to rot, they could have food drives for the homeless. =D

Yum, Fox.

May 8, 2003, 09:04 PM
come on man, have a heart. please.

Lv. 72 fomar.
[mars army]
-lafayette division leader-

May 8, 2003, 09:08 PM
On 2003-05-08 19:04, ophiel wrote:
come on man, have a heart. please.

Nah, I'm not to fond of animal hearts, you sicko.

May 8, 2003, 10:13 PM
On 2003-05-08 19:04, ophiel wrote:
come on man, have a heart. please.

Lv. 72 fomar.
[mars army]
-lafayette division leader-

Mmmmm hearts.... don't mind if I do!

May 8, 2003, 10:21 PM
I have spent 0$ at Macy in all my life..but I still won't boycott!!
Cuz animals are stupid...!
If they die for food, fasion, or game
they deserved it....

Damn poodle is flushin good

May 8, 2003, 11:50 PM
You're telling me you never burned ants with a magnifying glass? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

You say you couldnt care less about animals getting killed in the wild, because the "strong feed off the weak".

Death to animals is just as brutal in the wild.

May 9, 2003, 12:16 AM
Oh well, How can I expect board full of 14 year old virgin humars to have the kind of maturity required to post on a thread like this.

Let this thread die, and go back to your duping and "phat lewt."

Lv. 72 fomar.
[mars army]
-lafayette division leader-

May 9, 2003, 12:19 AM
did you know that boycotting is not as effective as starting a political action committee? i'm sure there already is one for the anti-fur industry already, so maybe you should look it up! get out there and support what you believe in!

i too have issues with fur... especially because mink are related to ferrets. i was really mad at my mother one day to find a fox fur coat in her closet, but upon closer inspection, i realized it was faux fur (no pun intended). yes, i do know how to pronounce faux by the way. anyhow, i cannot believe that people would kill animals that inhumanely. i told my ferrets that when they die they have a choice of becoming a hat or a scarf... i hope they know i am joking!

May 9, 2003, 12:30 AM
why just stop at fur, go for leather too

May 9, 2003, 12:36 AM
Better stop driving cars, too.

May 9, 2003, 12:38 AM
and why macy's? boycott sak's fifth and neiman marcus.

May 9, 2003, 12:47 AM
Let's get naked, paints spots on ourselves, sit in a cage in front of Macy's, and make cat noises. I'll get Macy's, you get Tiffany's.

May 9, 2003, 12:47 AM
I'd rather go in tiffany's and look at diamonds

May 9, 2003, 12:48 AM
Boycott Macy's by going broke on jewelry!

May 9, 2003, 12:59 AM
wait boycott diamonds because of the working conditions of the african mine workers

May 9, 2003, 01:00 AM
The monkey mine workers!

May 9, 2003, 01:37 AM
On 2003-05-08 18:30, Prof_Frink wrote:

Frink, if you've only done one thing right, this is it.

Ophiel, if you don't have a problem eating animals, then why do you have a problem with wearing various parts of them as decoration? It's really the same principle; kill animal, use the resources extracted from the corpse. The only real difference is the use of said resources... Unless you think it's "barbaric" or something to use them like that(tell that to the Native Americans, Inuit, and all those other groups that use what they can from things they kill).

Besides, do you really think you can gather enough people to make an effective boycott?

May 9, 2003, 01:41 AM
On 2003-05-08 22:16, ophiel wrote:
Oh well, How can I expect board full of 14 year olds to have the kind of maturity required to post on a thread like this.

We have to act like 14 year olds to be understood by a 14 year old.

May 9, 2003, 01:46 AM
On 2003-05-08 23:37, Kent wrote:
Ophiel, if you don't have a problem eating animals, then why do you have a problem with wearing various parts of them as decoration? It's really the same principle; kill animal, use the resources extracted from the corpse.

Exactly. This is why, Opheil, this thread has become full of "14 year olds". What everyone is getting from you is "Its ok to kill and eat, but you can't kill and take the fur" Either way the animal dies and becomes food/clothing for humankind.

Sorry that I've just repeated what you said, Kent.

May 9, 2003, 01:46 AM
i've actually never seen anyone protesting fur in front of macy's

it's always in front of neiman's

hell i'm all for animal rights, not wearing fur. but not peta style and with more common sense.

May 9, 2003, 02:21 AM
i'm all for the using of animals as a resourse, but if they are killed inhumanely, i get a little upset... i believe cows are killed by clubbing, and as are baby seals... in cajun country, they have a big pig party (i know the correct word, but i cannot spell it =P). anyhow, to drain the blood, they cut the jugular and let the pig run around screaming and shooting blood everywhere, to drain the blood before spit roasting it (mmm...). i just wish there was more being done to dispatch an animal in humane ways... mmm, pig.

and by the way lolita, my dad always told me peta stood for "people eating tasty animals"

May 9, 2003, 03:54 AM
"anal electrocution and clubbing."

I'm sorry, I lost it there. God bless Macy's.

May 9, 2003, 04:27 AM
Health Editor - The Sun

FAMILY pets are to be killed to prevent them spreading the deadly SARS virus, police in China said last night.

Dogs, cats and other animals belonging to people quarantined in Beijing will either be isolated or put down.

Their fate will depend on where their owners live, said an officer at the capital’s police HQ.

Dogs found in the street will be rounded up and killed.

The cop said: “Pets are very likely to be another virus carrier. We must cut off any possible sources of infection to fight against SARS.”

Dogs are also banned from going outside in Nanjing, where 10,000 people are quarantined.

The SARS virus belongs to a family that can also cause animal diseases. Scientists are investigating whether the virus may even have come from animals.

Authorities yesterday said the number of cases in Beijing — the worst-hit place in the world — could soon begin falling.

But China’s PM Wen Jiabao ordered urgent preventative measures in rural areas.

Five more people died from SARS in China yesterday, taking the total to 219. The global death toll rose to 497.

But the World Health Organisation says screening of air passengers and quarantines are starting to control the disease.

In Britain, scientists have been working “flat out” with NHS chiefs to prevent a SARS crisis.

The Expert Advisory Group on SARS, meeting in London, heard there have been only six cases in the UK — and all have recovered.

May 9, 2003, 06:20 AM
I actually wrote a well thought out reply to that post, LollipopLolita. ...Before noticing that the paper it was from is "The Sun"

May 9, 2003, 07:18 AM
Do I rock? We don't even have Macy's here in Quebec. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

May 9, 2003, 09:12 AM
On 2003-05-08 23:46, FinalMasterM wrote:

On 2003-05-08 23:37, Kent wrote:
Ophiel, if you don't have a problem eating animals, then why do you have a problem with wearing various parts of them as decoration? It's really the same principle; kill animal, use the resources extracted from the corpse.

Exactly. This is why, Opheil, this thread has become full of "14 year olds". What everyone is getting from you is "Its ok to kill and eat, but you can't kill and take the fur" Either way the animal dies and becomes food/clothing for humankind.

Sorry that I've just repeated what you said, Kent.

Well, some people need things repeated several times to get it through their thick skull, so the reinstatement will most likely help.

May 9, 2003, 12:48 PM
On 2003-05-08 22:59, LollipopLolita wrote:
wait boycott diamonds because of the working conditions of the african mine workers

First, Lollipop, I <3 you.

On 2003-05-08 17:29, ophiel wrote:

Look, you've obviously givin too much thought to something that requires very little.

Animals killed in the wild, or accidentally by harvesting techniques, mean pretty much nothing to me. You know why? Because thats natural. The strong feed off the weak.

Whats not natural, is sticking an electric prod up a mink's ass and shocking it to death. End of story.

2nd, what is obvious is that you didn't think before posting any of your posts. You read from somewhere, didn't do research and voila, a one sided close minded point of view formed with some crap you read because you clearly aren't thinking for yourself.

Did you even read what I wrote? I was trying to point out the hypocricy in your reasoning. You admit to eating meat, do you think the way animals are raised and then slaughtered is natural? It's not. Are you that naive to think that their death isn't painful? Yea, it sucks they die, but you don't do anything about it. Chicken are mutated so they have extra heads and wings. Cows are abused and butchered. If you want to rant, rant about the lack of goverment regulation when it comes to our food being processed.

What is your next post going to be? DON'T BUY PUPPIES!! THEY COULD COME FROM A PUPPY MILL!!!!!

May 9, 2003, 01:17 PM
This whole thing somehow reminds me of Maddox who once said this to intolerant vegetarians:

For every beef that you save, I eat two.

May 9, 2003, 01:38 PM
On 2003-05-09 04:20, BlackCanaryOfDeath wrote:
I actually wrote a well thought out reply to that post, LollipopLolita. ...Before noticing that the paper it was from is "The Sun"

That news organization is second only to the Weekly World News in it's journalistic integrity. If it's in either paper it has to be true. Go bat boy!

May 9, 2003, 02:20 PM
On 2003-05-09 11:38, Guntz348 wrote:

That news organization is second only to the Weekly World News in it's journalistic integrity. If it's in either paper it has to be true. Go bat boy!

That is why I posted it actually. I thought if we're gonna go with such topics, hell why not.

On 2003-05-09 10:48, Vanango wrote:
What is your next post going to be? DON'T BUY PUPPIES!! THEY COULD COME FROM A PUPPY MILL!!!!!

Actually, I do agree with that. Don't buy puppies or kittens from pet stores. Don't buy from newspapers since they are mostly backyard breeders. Only buy them from reliable reputed breeders who are part of their breed clubs and active in trying to make the breed better as a whole. Good breeders even find homes for their puppies before they are born and match puppies to their homes by temperament testing. Better yet adopt. But most importantly, research the breed before you get a dog. If your wolfhound killed your cat and you claimed to be surprised, you're a moron.

I can go yakking about it but oh well. I have a new foster doggy though! She's coming today in 2 hours! And she's been very neglected and abused by her previous owner. And we're going to work on her take care of her til we can find her a permanent loving home!

Vanango's cheecks needs to be squeezed.

May 9, 2003, 06:54 PM
the problem with even breeders is there are ways around it. Papers can be, and are forged. Even if you go to the farm and it looks happy (10 free meseta if you can name the farm Snoopy came from) but in reality there are full size dogs put into small kennels together and puppies live in their own feces.

Actually, I don't know of any animal stores that sell dogs around my area anymore. Even so, the American Kennel Club (AKC) has been in lawsuits for signing false papers to so called reputable breeders. My suggestion is if you are ready to raise a puppy, try friends first, even the penny saver or puppies from people's home, and for goodness sakes, get them spayed/neutared.

Finally, Lolita has a puppy! AOooohhhaaa cutey wootey fuzzy wuzzy schnookums!!! <3

May 9, 2003, 08:07 PM
That is why you research your selected breeder and go with breeders that are selected by the individual national breed clubs and are involved in the breed and health registries. With the right breeders, papers are never forged since pedigrees are needed and dogs are nevel kenneled. They are house dogs raised for companionship, work or show. Breeder's homes are always open for inspection by any of their prospective buyers. When buying a dog or a puppy from such breeders, you go through interviews, questioning sessions, they ask for pictures of your house, ask about your schedule, ask to meet all the members of the family, and go into legally binding contracts. It's like adopting a kid. And you do this BEFORE the puppy even gets born.

If you stop breeders completely, there will be no improvement in the breeds, no advancement and no purebreeds. And it's not being snobbish or selective but it's keeping true to the breed and letting them be what they were bred for.

I think you might not know what I mean by reputable breeders. There never has been a reputable breeder, the kind I mean, that has been sued by the AKC. Besides the AKC is just a company that basically certifies pedigrees.

If you are not ready to have a dog, don't get one. Don't get one on a whim, or just because it's cute. Expect to dedicate a lot of time and effort, research dog issues, such as food, health and training. It's a 15 year commitment. And yes, if your dog is purely for companion, get them fixed. If you're doing comformation and planning a line, then it's different but research the ancestry. DO the health testing and get the health clearances and get all the required certification.

And Vanango, this isn't exactly my puppy. And it's an adult dog. I'm just taking care of it and fostering it til it gets healthier, better and working on her temperament and training til she is stable enough to find a new home. I already have 3 dogs on my own. 1 1.5 yr old, 1 2 yrs old and 1 2.5 yrs old. ^_^

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-05-09 18:10 ]</font>

May 10, 2003, 01:25 PM
Oh wow another bleeding heart animal lover. I doubt that the manner in which these animals are killed is as cruel as you say it is. Also I saw those pictures and they were pretty bloody, but what makes you think that they were skinned alive? Also those cages didn't look that bad. I mean it's just like your basic hampster or gerbil cage that pet overs own today. Also that mink was probably not going to be suffocated, but only knocked unconsious. That way they could kill him without pain. Also most "fur" coats are made with synthetic fibers nowadays. Also why boycott Macy's? They don't make the coats, they just sell them.

It is the companies they buy them from that make the coats and most of them use synthetic fibers. If you want to boycott someone then boycott the companies that use actual fur.

May 10, 2003, 01:34 PM
well you know, just because ophiel feels that way doesn't mean he's a bleeding heart animal lover. there is nothing wrong with believing in what he believes in.

the boycotts are not the way to go in my opinion. i think what should be done is more education. educating the people, and once that is done, then it will make people more aware of what goes on into producing the coats. and boycotting will only work because people will ask why are they doing that, and then they'll get educated. but it's not right to be very radical or extremist, just educate people more on animal rights and present all the facts, not one sided information. and why just coats, i mean there's leather too right?

this involves changing the way people and society think, it's not easy but it can be done slowly.

May 10, 2003, 01:41 PM
On 2003-05-10 11:34, LollipopLolita wrote:
[quote]well you know, just because ophiel feels that way doesn't mean he's a bleeding heart animal lover. there is nothing wrong with believing in what he believes in.

I guess you're right about that.

the boycotts are not the way to go in my opinion. i think what should be done is more education. educating the people, and once that is done, then it will make people more aware of what goes on into producing the coats. and boycotting will only work because people will ask why are they doing that, and then they'll get educated. but it's not right to be very radical or extremist, just educate people more on animal rights and present all the facts, not one sided information. and why just coats, i mean there's leather too right?this involves changing the way people and society think, it's not easy but it can be done slowly.

I not for boycotts either. I was just saying that if he wanted to boycott someone, then he should boycott the right person. Otherwise, it's just like putting an innocent man in prison.

May 10, 2003, 01:50 PM
i don't understand boycotting a store for fur, sure it's a nice gesture but you're not going to stop someone intent on buying the coat

if there is no demand, what's the use of supplying it?

and as long as fur coats remain to be labelled as a luxury item that announces status, people will still want it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-05-10 11:51 ]</font>

May 10, 2003, 01:57 PM
On 2003-05-08 22:16, ophiel wrote:
Oh well, How can I expect board full of 14 year old virgin humars to have the kind of maturity required to post on a thread like this.

Let this thread die, and go back to your duping and "phat lewt."

Lv. 72 fomar.
[mars army]
-lafayette division leader-

Well jeez we all can't be level 72 fomar lafayette division leaders in mars army!

May 10, 2003, 04:07 PM
On 2003-05-10 11:25, Ness wrote:
Also that mink was probably not going to be suffocated, but only knocked unconsious. That way they could kill him without pain.

uhh..the last time I had a metal baseball bat cracked over my head...it fucking hurt, and I did'nt die or go unconcious.

..and now that I think about it..when I got slammed with a wooden golf club I did'nt die or go unconcious either...I did'nt stumble around, but damn, I think my grandmother screamed. 0_o

May 10, 2003, 04:24 PM
On 2003-05-10 14:07, ABDUR101 wrote:
and I did'nt

I think its spelled didn't. I'm pretty sure. the ' replaces the vowel, which was "o".

Did not = Didn't.

If I'm wrong crack me over the head with a metal baseball bat.

May 10, 2003, 04:29 PM
Funny how people have to resort to insulting for their opinions to be heard.

I find myself strapped in the middle when discussing animal rights. Convenience will never come to one without causing incovenience to another. Do have compassion, though. Would your opinion change if you were the one in the cage?

May 10, 2003, 04:39 PM
On 2003-05-10 14:24, Nawms wrote:
I think its spelled didn't. I'm pretty sure. the ' replaces the vowel, which was "o".

Did not = Didn't.

If I'm wrong crack me over the head with a metal baseball bat.

Feldenkrais! Stop abusing my bad spelling habits! ,_,

*cracks self over head into sweet, sweet serenity*

May 10, 2003, 08:06 PM
Is there really that much difference between an animal being "anally electrocuted", or being gutted by a lion? It's a painful death, no matter what. I'd probably even pick electrocution over having every bone in my body shattered by a python(or whatever the hell the name is of the snake that does this.)

You're a hypocrite to the fullest. Don't bitch about animals being slaughted for fur, and be all for slaughtering animals for food purposes.

This topic is stupid.