View Full Version : Item: Need some clarification about what these rare items do

May 9, 2003, 08:58 AM
I recently read the Photon Drop FAQ on GameFAQs, and am really curious as to what some of the items you can earn will do for you. I've already looked at the screenshots and descriptions here in the guide, but I still have questions. Can someone please help me? I need a lot of clarification before I go running out to try to trade my Photon Drops for one of these things. Here goes:

1. Beril Photon - Description says "A special Photon that refracts Ether. If used with a corresponding item, then..."

Then what...? Ugh. Too vague. What does this thing do?

2. Magic Water - Description says "They say its magical powers can make certain plant species evolve into powerful weapons, but..."

Sheesh, here we go again. I can only *presume* that you use this on Lilies, but what do you get out of it?

3. Photon Sphere - Description says "A Photon booster that boosts the efficiency of an item."

What kind of item, and in what way does it make it more efficient? My guess is that if you use this on a Monogrinder, will you get a Trigrinder? Or perhaps it works on weapons...?

4. Heart Key - Description says "A mysterious heart-shaped magic stone. When used on certain items, it..."

It WHAT?! Ye gods, just spill it. I would be infernally pissed if I spent my Photon Drops on this thing and it makes your item/weapon/whatever turn into something I didn't like.

5. Photon Sphere - Description says "Rare super pure crystal Photon. There is someone who needs this..."

Isn't this just a Photon Drop...?

OK, please help me! If I gotta choose just one, I want it to be a GOOD choice. Thanks for any help.

May 9, 2003, 09:15 AM
The Berril Photon is used on Sinow Berril hands #0 to make them #1 It makes them stronger.

The Photon Booster is used on the Flame Visit/Frozen Shooter/Panzer Faust to make them the Burning Visit/Snow Queen/Iron Faust

The Special Holy water is used on the Fatsia/Plantain Leaf to make them the Plantain Huge Fan/Something else which I can't remember.

The Heart key is used on a wand type weapon to get the Magical Piece.

Nobody knows what the photon sphere does yet...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: PlatypusMaximus on 2003-05-09 07:15 ]</font>

May 9, 2003, 09:16 AM
Weapon combinations:

You equip the base weapon, barrier, or armor, and then use the special item. If you meet the level/class/grinder requirement, then the items will combine.

May 9, 2003, 10:28 AM
Ah, thanks very much for the clarification! Basically I just learned that I should not spend my Photon Drops on anyting other than the Photon Booster, 'cause I'll never want or need those other items. Y'all have saved me a huge amount of trouble.

By the way, SnAPPUrU-nyan-ko, I greatly appreciate your Sato Mag FAQ as well. I'm working on raising my first one now, and could not have figured it out without your guide. Thanks!