View Full Version : Phantasy Dungeons And Star Dragons

May 11, 2003, 12:44 AM
PSD&D! Think about it. Most role players love dungeons and dragons. Most people on this site love PSO. What would happen if you combined them both? You could make your own quest instead of waiting for months for sega to make a new one. You could custimize your characters even more than you could on any of the system. You wouldn't have to worry about hacks or cheats. No loading times. No erasing games. The possibilities are endless! I made a basic character sheet already (It's in it's first form, more to be added) below:

( NAME _______________ ) ( LEVL _______________ )
( RACE _______________ ) ( MEST _______________ )
( STR _____ ) ( SIGN _____ ) ( SLOT __________ )
( DEF _____ ) ( HP _____ ) ( SLOT __________ )
( MGC _____ ) ( TP _____ ) ( SLOT __________ )
( SPD _____ ) ( PB _____ ) ( SLOT __________ )
( WEAPON RIGHT __________________+_____STR_____ )
( WEAPON LEFT __________________+_____STR_____ )
( ARMOR CHEST __________________+_____DEF_____ )
( ARMOR ARM __________________+_____DEF_____ )
( MAG STR_____DEF_____MGC_____SPD_____ )
( WEAPON RANGE RIGHT __________________________ )
( WEAPON RANGE LEFT __________________________ )
( WEAPON SPECIAL R __________________________ )
( WEAPON SPECIAL L __________________________ )
( MAG SPECIAL __________________________ )
( ITEM 1 __________________________ )
( ITEM 1 EFFECT ___________________QT_____ )
( ITEM 2 __________________________ )
( ITEM 2 EFFECT ___________________QT_____ )
( ITEM 3 __________________________ )
( ITEM 3 EFFECT ___________________QT_____ )
( SPELL 1 __________________________ )
( SPELL 1 EFFECT ___________________TP_____ )
( SPELL 2 __________________________ )
( SPELL 2 EFFECT ___________________TP_____ )
( SPELL 3 __________________________ )
( SPELL 3 EFFECT ___________________TP_____ )
( TRAP 1 __________________________ )
( TRAP 1 EFFECT ___________________QT_____ )
( TRAP 2 __________________________ )
( TRAP 2 EFFECT ___________________QT_____ )
( TRAP 3 __________________________ )
( TRAP 3 EFFECT ___________________QT_____ )
( STATUS EFFECT __________________________ )
( BATTLE STATS STR_____DEF_____MGC_____SPD_____ )
( MOVE STATS STR_____DEF_____MGC_____MOV_____ )
( CHARACTERISTICS __________________________ )

May 11, 2003, 01:44 AM
looks interesting...

I could help you with this... we could make a site for it and shit

lemme know

May 11, 2003, 03:02 AM
I've considered working up a game system for a table-top PSO, based on the Character Manager program on this site, in conjunction with a game system that I designed from scratch for my own home-brewed RPG, which randomly happens to include a combat system that can very VERY closely approximate PSO's combat system.

May 11, 2003, 03:45 AM
we should gather a group of people and make one bad ass pso rpg

May 11, 2003, 01:33 PM
On 2003-05-11 01:45, HaLLa wrote:
we should gather a group of people and make one bad ass pso rpg

All I'd really need to get one off the ground right NOW, is enemy and item data to adapt to my existing system... Existing PSO stats would apply... Then I'd just have to tag an extra stat on here and there (a stat to measure speed, in fact... In milliseconds), and it'd be ready to go.

May 11, 2003, 01:42 PM
I could make a site for it if you send me info

May 12, 2003, 12:33 AM
A table top version of Phantasy Star probably could be made by using most of the rules from Star Wars D20. You would only need to edit some stuff. Just an idea.

May 13, 2003, 01:53 AM
Actually, there's a guy that did make a Phantasy Star d20 suppliment, but that's legacy Phantasy Star, not PSO. Still, nonetheless, as I mentioned, I could have everything up and ready to work in a matter of hours, if I had an Access or Excel file containing a sufficient amount of enemy and weapon data, and with a system that can fairly accurately approximate PSO's actual gameplay, at that. All it would take really, is assigning speed values to weapons and enemy attacks. That's it. Then I'd have a complete system with which to work. If anyone would like to aquire such data in said format, I'd be happy to put everything together.

May 13, 2003, 03:27 AM
Y'know what would be cool? Having a PSOW D&D Thread XD

I doubt that would ever happen, but it might be able to actually work. I like the idea of this, it's like twisting Diablo into D&D, I remember a friend having the kit for that.

May 14, 2003, 10:00 PM

That's better...