View Full Version : PSO D&D

May 12, 2003, 02:31 AM
I just had a completely bizarre idea I thought I'd share with the lot of you. Not sure if it makes any sense, but you can let me know if it's a good idea or not.

Basically, I was thinking the most tedious aspect to D&D is combat and item allocation/finding. Roll d20 to see if you hit, roll d6 for damage, etc... BLEH!! However, it does allow for some serious free-form storytelling and character interaction.

PSO, on the other hand, handles all the combat and item allocation beautifully, but is a little short on plot.

So why not combine the two?

A GM sets up the story in advance, determining which areas you will need to go through, what you need to find and filling in the plot and event details (Youprolly wanna have a keyboard for this!). You enter and leave games as needed, with the GM popping in NPC's as needed. The GM decides what quests and/or levels will provide the necessary difficulty for combat, and when it's time to fight sends the players there (You'll prolly want all levels unlocked too, so create the game with an ult character).

It would require a little imagination to fill in the blanks, but no more so than a regular D&D game. The GM could preset telepipes in nasty areas if he wants to surprise the players, telling them to take it down if they, say, get in a bar brawl suddenly, or are ambushed.

Does this make any sense, or am I just talking crazy talk?

May 12, 2003, 04:59 AM
Your Talking NUTZ!! J/k, far out idea...I would be down if i played more than twice a week!!

May 12, 2003, 05:54 AM
THat shounds cool! If you're doing that when I get online in June, ill participate!

May 12, 2003, 06:07 AM
PSO D&D was mentioned on the Fan Works forum.

What do you mean by doing this online?

Sounds like something you would sit and do with a friend.

May 12, 2003, 03:21 PM
On 2003-05-12 04:07, HaLLa wrote:
PSO D&D was mentioned on the Fan Works forum.

What do you mean by doing this online?

Sounds like something you would sit and do with a friend.

I mean that instead of sitting down around a table and go through all the nonsense of creating character sheets and rolling ice for combat, you actually PLAY PSO, with the GM filling in the plot and story in between. When the story calls for combat, he sends you down to Ragol for combat, filling in plot as you fight your way through.

May 12, 2003, 03:22 PM
ah ic.....

so instead of just killing monsters endlessly for no reason he makes a story or a quest and so on...

sounds good

May 12, 2003, 05:57 PM
I sent up the pso d&d ideas. (SEE THE PHANTASY DUNGEONS AND STAR DRAGONS POST). A site would be an idea, but, as of now I know nothing about making sites let alone running one about psod&d. I thought maybe the staff would let us make a flash game of pso d&d, send a sample to them, and who knows what might go from there. I don't know how to make flash games so I might ask someone at school or someone might volunteer to do the flash part. I can send what I have done for the game already to them in the mail or something.

May 12, 2003, 06:02 PM
I sent up the pso d&d ideas. (SEE THE PHANTASY DUNGEONS AND STAR DRAGONS POST). A site would be an idea, but, as of now I know nothing about making sites let alone running one about psod&d. I thought maybe the staff would let us make a flash game of pso d&d, send a sample to them, and who knows what might go from there. I don't know how to make flash games so I might ask someone at school or someone might volunteer to do the flash part. I can send what I have done for the game already to them in the mail or something.

May 13, 2003, 02:00 AM
Actually... What might be REALLY interesting... Would be to get a huge community involved in such online play... Like... An offcial PSO World-sponsored, on-going story arc, written and GMed by a crack-squad of PSO World representatives... Much like the contests that occur involving online participation, except that the MODs would have actual characters stirring things up. Hmm... Huzzah, indeed!

EDIT: Heh... Like... Someone could start a Battle game... And the idea is that some crazy level 200 HUcast is out to kill a particular character... And someone has to run in and stop him before it's too late... HUAH!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HUnewearl_Meira on 2003-05-13 00:03 ]</font>

May 14, 2003, 09:54 PM
It's been done I DID IT waaay back in 1998!

If you want to play then Check This Place Out (http://deathkiller.proboards16.com/index.cgi?board=ORPGs&action=display&num=1051219034)

I've even got character sheets Here (http://members.lycos.co.uk/shinokai2/PSOSheetsa.JPG)


Don't bother contacting me outside of that forum the link goes to...