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View Full Version : Beat Time

May 13, 2003, 12:18 PM
All right, it isn't really affecting my gameplay or anything like that, but I have got to know: My beat time is WAY off. I used the beat calculator on this site, and compared it with my beat time. My beat time is about 150-200 beats lower than the calculator. What's the deal?

May 18, 2003, 04:37 AM
When you play offline PSO has no way of knowing your time zone, so you only get the real beat time when you play online.

May 18, 2003, 08:28 PM
Also, if you set your GC clock correctly, it SHOULD be correct...have you tried that?

May 18, 2003, 11:36 PM
ugh. No. Look. See this URL here?


Turn on PSO, start up an offline game, and put in the internet time it says. Then check Tokyo, and it will list the time that your system has. The GC HAS NO WAY of telling what time zone it is in. The beat time it displays when you're playing offline is that of if it was that time IN JAPAN. When you are playing online it can check with Sega's servers and get the actual beat time.

And just so you know, we aren't in standard time right now. So if you put your time into PSO World's beat calculator, you won't get the real beat time. We're in daylight time (so here it's EDT as opposed to EST). Daylight time is one hour ahead of Standard time. So EST is GMT-5 hours, and EDT is GMT-4 hours. You have to subtract an hour from your current time to get the proper beat time with the calculator.

May 19, 2003, 02:22 AM
Yea actually i was jsut about to post a support question on this myself. I am currently playing over dreamcast, and i set the timezone and the time on my dreamcast to its correct designation. I check it many times.

I tested the beat on my PC and using the beats convertor, in both exe and web forms. I have determined that my dreamcast is always 3.5 hours behind. Does anyone know why this is?

Right now as i am posting this post the beat time is 348 beats. And on my dreamcast online with PSO v1 it says 220 beats.

Anyone know why this is doing this or how to fix it?

Thanx, -LordNikon

May 19, 2003, 10:32 AM
i encounter this prob. in my other thread..
i notice the default beats in pso offline is for japan's time..