View Full Version : About this get-together thing...

Mar 11, 2001, 01:01 AM
I bet it's like Catholics(I was baptized one at birth) and the two big holidays, Easter and Xmas. These people show up to these and only these events at their church and then they are never seen or heard from again.

And then getting all these people together, over 2 blocks and 6 lobbies? Has anyone ever tried to read a msg on Oberon??! It's damned near impossible.

I think it's a noble effort/nice publicity stunt and nothing more. Now, I will return to my forum browsing and play a quick game or two of chess.

Mar 11, 2001, 01:13 AM
I was baptized a catholic to. But even after years of trying to scare me wtih the treat of eternal damnation all thoughout my young life, I still manged to find the truth. We are all alien spawn. Placed here by the Greys as some sort of strange genetic experiment.

I sort of agree Spy. Then again the whole thing kinda makes me sour cause I can't be there. I hate work. Nothing really matters anyway. Once the Greys are done with us thier going to destroy the planet to clear room for the intergalactic super highway. Everything is mute. Can you tell I'm in a pissy mood right now?

Mar 11, 2001, 01:21 AM
Yeah, the greys, that's right...

NEways, I'm done with work, which is gr8. Congrats on your "Fiendship" danger, so, uh... what else is new with you?

Mar 11, 2001, 01:45 AM
Well I'm at work. I'm kinda sleepy. Pretty cranky. Maybe some strong black coffee will snap me out of this funk. I'm always so cheery. Not sure whats wrong. I only have a few hours left here. More than likely I just need a little sleep.

Mar 11, 2001, 01:52 AM
Yeah I'm stuck here on Puck 10-5, and the people on puck 10 just want to get to puck 9. It sucks, but we just can't all fit...

Mar 11, 2001, 01:53 AM
I just came back from it. There were a ton of people I had never seen before and after a while with no games I wanted to join, I just left.

Mar 11, 2001, 02:20 AM
dont feel bad. I tried to get into the meeting lobbies, most were full, I ended up in one full of juveniles. I gave up, joined a game, was in for a minute, and I got the BBA version of the BSOD apparently. It just insta-respawned me back in the hunter's guild, but all my unequipped items were gone.

Oddly, MOST of my stuff ended up in the bank. My Delsaber buster, the de rol armor I had just gotten minutes before.. most stuff. The only thing I lost of any value was a MAG I was raising, which isn't too bad, he was like L38 or so. I found another mag soon after anyways so all I lost was the star atomizers. Replaceable.

Kind of a good thing. I was lugging around scape dolls, grinders, and junk I couldn't store but didn't want to part with. Bought some mates, fluids, and potions and I was back in business in no time. PSO musta felt bad cuz I found 3 luck materials soon after. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_cool.gif

The meeting was a wreck for me personally. I couldn't find anyone I knew, and the juvenile kids in the lobbies teasing female characters and using those obnoxious captions really annoyed me. I also ran into a faked L100, and the guy berating him for faking his L100 admitted to being a duper. Sheesh.

A game with some quiet JPN players would have been better I think.


Apr 8, 2001, 12:08 AM
ya you bet. Another old relic here. This one has Danger_Girl and Spy joining the PSOW! LOL

-Nawms aka: the recoverer

Apr 8, 2001, 01:06 AM
heh, im surprised that the 9 ocklock turnout was so high. I got about 20 guild cards, and played in a couple good games... I can say it was an overall success, and it was pretty fun too....

Apr 8, 2001, 01:15 AM

This post was in reference to 'The [original]mother of all get togethers'

Apr 8, 2001, 04:26 AM
I must've been the only one who showed up that didn't absolutely enjoy it.

I only managed to do two things it was so laggy. I got some pics of Omega12's new character and played a game with Aviendha.

All day at work I was looking forward to all the people I'd meet, and how much time I'd spend playing. We had probably 5 people come into our store today, so I had plenty of time to daydream about it.

So when I get home, I immediately set up my TV capture card, bring the a TV next to my comp (for when I'm not taking screens). I set up everything so that I'm as comfy as can be.

It takes me three times just to even get on a server. I lagged out twice in the lobby. I joined countless games, and timed out. I probably had to reconnect 15 times at least.

I figured it was too laggy to try an actual game, so I started a game for taking screen shots. 30 min, no one joins. I give up, try a game again. I see Omega 12, and remember he wanted some screens. So I joined, and took a few pics. None of them were to great, but they were ok for a first time. We beat the dragon, and everyone disperses.

I try a few more unsuccessful games. I finally try the last game with a name I even recognize. Aviendha's game had an extra slot, so I tried it. It worked and I had a semi-decent game. At this point I was tired and frusterated, and it affected my performance. I was getting knocked down left and right. (BTW, thanks for all the Restas after I ran out of mates, Aviendha http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif ).

After we beat De Rol Le, I'm beat, even though it's only 9:30, and I was in the westmost timezone of everyone. At this point I surrender the DC and TV to my nagging siblings and lay in bed for an hour or two, not able to sleep. So I decide to post. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

I'm sorry, I complain too much. I always have. So don't mind me =)

Apr 8, 2001, 11:52 AM
Kamotz I absoulutly agree with youl. I didn't have a blast simply because by 8:50 only 47 peeps were on and they said they had server problems. ME TOO! It took me three tries to get on. Lots of peeps weren't there that I wanted to be there. For me it just
DIDN'T WORK OUThttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif To Ice and everone that started the get-togethers Please reschedual or do one every week!


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Nawms on 2001-04-08 09:53 ]</font>

Apr 8, 2001, 12:28 PM
I definately could have been fun but I didn't even get online until 8:30 pm. When I got there, the only people I saw were Mei-lin and Rio.

After finally getting a game set up with Rio we decided to hook up with some other friends. That's when the REAL frustration began. Took me over 1/2 hour just to join the game then of course I made the suggestion of joining yet another game (stupid me). Anyway Rio ended up leaving (sorry Rio we will have to play again sometime).

After all the trials and tribulations I finally got in a friends game and stayed there till 2 am(NO way I was going to leave this time). At least I played with Kamtoz, Nynaeve and Synthesis (dern no sylvia http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif )

Maybe when the servers get fixed up, a get together would work better. There is always hope for next time. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 8, 2001, 12:43 PM
The first get together set up by Ambrai was the best.