View Full Version : XBox: My first rare enemy encounter (on PSOX)

May 14, 2003, 09:31 PM
Yeah, so I decided to randomly go to Temple in Hard mode, offline. Then, later on, when I got to one of the rooms, I clear out two of the three enemies, turn around, and see a Nar Lily standing there. I then proceeded to take screencaps, killed it, and it gave me a Diska of Liberator (oh joy.) But yeah, anyways, I'm just glad I finally encountered a rare enemy on PSOX. Here's one of the screencaps:


May 14, 2003, 10:13 PM
Congrats on the find sighting of a rare enemy!

i always find seeing a rare enemy as fun as getting its drop....kinda.

May 15, 2003, 01:21 PM
Haha, well, I just started playing PSOX yesterday (though I'm a veteran of the DC PSO's), and my very first play through I found TWO rare enemies. First one was an Al Rappy, and the second was a Hildeblue. Needless to say I was quite amazed. Unfortunately, the Hildeblue dropped a crappy resist/fire, and I'm sure the Al Rappy would have dropped something crappy... if it had dropped anything at all. (I was playing with a FOmar, and my melee attack did no damage, so it didn't drop... yes, I'm stupid, I should've used a spell....) But considering it was the very very beginning, you can't expect anything good from even rare enemies. But getting 100exp. each was still pretty nice.

I just know that later, when I can actually get good drops, I'm NEVER going to find even one rare enemy, let alone two in the same forest run!

May 15, 2003, 08:10 PM
Looks like my char


May 16, 2003, 07:23 AM
God/Tits++ ROFLMFAO!!