View Full Version : Lol- 400 hour History

May 15, 2003, 08:19 AM
When Sil was a RAmarl**

Lv1. Lets see what has changed in the last 2years.
lv4. Played in Episode II, where I stayed for awhile.
lv10. Found my first Pdrop. Yay.
Lv14. Went back to episode I.
lv18. Defeated Del Rol Le.
lv23. Got online and met pixelate(omg I can't spell)
lv25. Got a Bravace/Glight/a few arms/a mag
lv35. Got the three: Visk/Wals/Justy!
Lv56. Looked for a Ranger character to pass my stuff onto(successor to my RA stuff was Vertigo)Deleted character: RAmarl sucks.

**When Sil was reborn as a HUnewearl**
**Mission to bounce back from DC corruption**
**Mission to reunite with Chao**
**Main goal: To get Sinow Beats Blade back, and recieve Sreds Blade**

lv1. Starts off legit. Only wants to use what he finds.
lv5. Still legit. Found a 40hit% dagger. LOL
lv10. The mag from my RA/ Asparas, evolved into Kabanda.
lv12. Kabanda becomes, Savitri.
Lv15. Met Friutopia. Who gave me a BUNCH of RARES. All with LONG WAITS. Lv req. lv121+! Cept, Rati.
Lv.16 Sil is no longer legit. I recieve 4 god/powers in a trade
lv.20 Begins DEF MAT hunt.(I also believe I met Mikari at this level, he was 118 then..)
lv25. First FSOD ever. Lost nothing.
Lv30. Second FSOD. Lost non valuables.
Lv35. Za'leshea is born.
Lv40. Lost contact with a really good friend...GAIN the 3 Dupe Cannons. TRADED the dupe cannons for: A legit MKB. LOL
Lv45. Traded Rati for Heart of Chao.
Lv45. Started new mag. Took long HS runs with a former friend, to build up lost power.
Lv60. S-Beats Blade obtained.
Lv65. A person offers to get me to lv80.
Lv70. Being too stupid to listen to Mikari, and still insist on raising my DFP. DFP at this point was 267.
lv75. I'm wondering why, with 290 DFP, I'm getting owned still.
lv80. Varaha is born.
lv85. Reunited with Chao. 40/60/60/40.
Lv90. Still wondering why I'm getting owned with 297 DFP..
Lv95. I enter Ultimate. Wow, Forest should be a snap with my 320 DFP!. WOOWHOO LOOK AT THE BARBLES POUND MY ASS SENSELESS! While I don't even knockdown. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif
Lv100. DFP is 400........
Lv102. Luminous Field Trade, solves my "getting owned" porblems. Can evade in Ult Forest now.
Lv109. Sil rebounds from old DC courruption.
Lv111. Dupe-Tripolic sheild baby! 424 DFP baby! >_>
Lv115. Sil stops eating DEF mats. Hmm, leveling seems to take longer.
Lv120. Sinow Red owned this 424 DFP HUne. In 1.5 seconds. Will be months til I ever get lv121 I bet.
Lv121. God/body and Metel/Body is removed. Chao is discarded. Sato is given to me. DFP is 334. Sil will never Jellen bosses again.
Lv122. Sil realizes that Mikari was right. No more, Barble owning Sil.
Lv125. Sreds finally obtained after so long. - They suck.
Lv127. When the hell when 128 roll around?

May 15, 2003, 08:30 AM
Lol, maybe not very exact.
But you made a story of that one =)

May 15, 2003, 09:20 AM
*cold sweatdrop* That was kinda long wasn't it? ^_^;;