View Full Version : Single Character Items.

May 15, 2003, 04:14 PM
What are the items that are only for one Character, or one type of character.


Zamba: Humar, HUcast (guessing)
Heart (Love/Safety) : females
Aurra Field: feshys

most importantly, i was wondering if, Smoking Plate was really just for FOnewms, man thats a cool looking armor.

any information even if common knowledge will be greatly needed.

May 15, 2003, 05:18 PM
Why can't you people search for it your selves instead of being lazy? If you have never been to the main site it's, http://www.pso-world.com.

May 15, 2003, 05:24 PM
the reason i didn't search it was because it's nice to here from the public sometimes, and maybe i can hear a few "yeah this items great" or "this isn't very good"

there are 500s of items and yes do you know what kinda hassle that is. thats why i posted. so when i cam back maybe i get some insite o.- you know not all of us here are idiots, i thought ahead.

lastly, the site isn't always right.
i've found a few mistakes here and there.
please, if your going to make replies, try to be positive -.-

May 15, 2003, 06:22 PM
It's actually not a daunting task to search for these yourself, but I see where you're coming from.

Also, if you find any errors in the item database (or elswhere on the site), feel free to post in "Site Related" or pm one of the admins.

As for exclusive items, here is what I can think of off the top of my head... and Zanba is equippable by all hunters by the way.

I just did a little digging, here's what I've come up with so far.
Heart of Poumn (Ali's Claw) - HUnewearl only
Smoking Plate - FOnewm only
Aura Field - Non Androids only
Electro Frame - Androids only
Secure Feet - RAmar only
S-Parts/D-Parts v.x - Androids only
Handgun:Guld - Male Ranger only
Handgun:Milla - Female Ranger only
Love Heart - Females only
Safety Heart - Females only
Stag Cutlery - Male Hunters/Rangers only
Angel Harp - Female Rangers/Forces only
Parasite Wear:x - Non Androids only
Riko's Earrings - Females only
Riko's Glasses - Either FOmarl only or Female Force only
Twin Psychogun - Non Android Hunters/Rangers
Panzer Faust/Iron Faust - Android Ranger only
Berdysh - Android Hunter only
Madam's Umbrella/Parasol - Female only

The Real Nei's Claw might fall into this category as HUnewearl only but I can't be certain yet.

May 15, 2003, 06:26 PM
thank you, and nope, Zamba is not usable by HUnewearls, heh better report again o.o;;
first time i had to report Agito AUW 1975 only usable by Hunters.

"DARN IT why does the Smoking Plate only usable by FOnewm >.<, is nothing FOmar only?!"

May 15, 2003, 06:41 PM
Hmm... that would explain it.

HUnewearl and RAmarl are the only two classes I haven't played in PSOGC.

I knew the Zanba was useable by at least the HUcast and the HUmar.

The rest of that info should be correct though.

About the FOmar, nothing exclusive comes to mind, but I know he can use an Ancient Saber and Ramars (possibly all Rangers) can not.