View Full Version : Heaven Punisher Special Attack Damage

May 15, 2003, 07:23 PM
My friend got one today, but it only does 51 damage!?

Anyone know how to increase the attack power of the special? We know the timing, just not the damage.

May 15, 2003, 08:07 PM
I think beat time has something to do with it. more powerful at certain times i think.

May 15, 2003, 08:10 PM
The Heaven Punisher's special attack only happens at the even beats of 100 so it's like 200, 400, 600, 800, etc.

May 15, 2003, 08:14 PM
Well, to start, what level is the Ranger that you are using? Also what is your ATP with the gun equipped?

May 15, 2003, 10:25 PM
Well now, this is something interesting to hear.

I once found a HEAVEN'S PUNISHER offline in V2, and kicked ass ever since back then.

Thing was, every shot the special did landed 300 magic damage, hands down. I believe the magic shot had no specific property to it, it just hit 300 every time. Only Falz was immune to it, everyone else was fully vulnerable.

Now it seems to be something entirely different. Hmm, different damage according to Beat time? Sounds rather odd and unlikely. It used to be speculated that the shot's property was Dark Magic, so maybe that's the case now. Either Dark or Light Magic damage. All enemies have varying resistances to that, try hitting multiple types of enemies with it, see how the damage registers.

Cause I can't imagine that it always hits for such an odd low number like 52.

May 16, 2003, 10:26 AM
Also there's a rumor that the damage depends on MST. I guess that could be true. For I know that damage for specials of the weapons that casts techs depend on MST, but then I don't know if the HP's special is like a tech. Anyway it shouldn't be hard to find out.

May 16, 2003, 03:37 PM
My friends a level 94 Ranger, and he did 51 without any ATP boost. I then cast Shifta and Zalure with my lvl 116 FOmar, and still, 51 damage.

It was in Ultimate ruins though, we'll try it in other places.

May 17, 2003, 04:45 AM
Some enemies ar resistant to it. I remember the tremendous slowdonw in DC when 2 or more rangers where using it lol. Imagine 20 rays appearing at screen each hit when theres a canabin ring.

MST adds more damage. A ranger with techs will domore damage with heaven punisher than a ranger droid. And ATP doesn't matter, is magic damage not physical.

May 17, 2003, 02:00 PM
Well, that's a bummer to hear for the Droid's side.

It now seems that the Ultimate Ranger weapons are more Human-oriented, and push the odds further in their favor.

One with a Heaven's Punisher can probably match up there with the Droid's damage ratings. The more MST they have, the better the magic damage of the HP special. Sux that a RAcast would probably only be able to pull off 52 damage each time, wish there was another way...

And of course, GULD MILLA was always RAmar/RAmarl oriented with it's Geist special. Oh well, at least the Mechgun King is much stronger off in a RAcast's hands http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 17, 2003, 02:03 PM
On 2003-05-17 12:00, NeoPhatnutz wrote:

And of course, GULD MILLA was always RAmar/RAmarl oriented with it's Geist special. Oh well, at least the Mechgun King is much stronger off in a RAcast's hands http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

It's Gush not Geist.

May 18, 2003, 04:26 AM
Heaven Punisher's specail damage is pre-set. Nothing about your character will change it. It has a set amount of damage it can do to each enemy (different amounts for single or multi). Some enemies it does lots of damage to, some only a little. I don't know why it was only doing 51 damage, though. In ultimate ruins there are no enemies that it does less than 150 to, at least single player.

Were you actually getting the special, or were you just firing the special attack when the special is inoperable? The special only works when the hundreds place of the beat time is even.

May 18, 2003, 07:40 AM
On 2003-05-17 12:03, Davion wrote:

On 2003-05-17 12:00, NeoPhatnutz wrote:

And of course, GULD MILLA was always RAmar/RAmarl oriented with it's Geist special. Oh well, at least the Mechgun King is much stronger off in a RAcast's hands http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

It's Gush not Geist.

Since I've never made one, I could be wrong about this.

I thought that if you combined the Guld with the Milla equipped the Guld Milla would retain the Milla's special and vice versa.

Sorry I don't have a few of these guns to test this out. =P

May 19, 2003, 12:17 AM
Well now, isn't that something to hear...This might exlpain why I thought it was Geist, and everyone else think's it's Gush...

I just wish I had a sure way to find out. After all, trading for TWO of each would be a true pain in the ass...

May 19, 2003, 12:20 AM
So, Heaven's Punisher's Special damage now varies between enemies. This sounds more like it. This, I can understand. This would further comfirm that the Special is either Light or Dark Magic, simply because it damages enemies different, but will always hit the same kind for enemy for the same kind of damage. Like magic. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif