View Full Version : GC: FOmar or FOnewm

May 17, 2003, 04:12 PM
a'ight, i narrowed down my character to either a FOnewm or a FOmar,,,, now help me decide..... i want one that wont just die if a boss does a critical hit, i want him powerful spells but decent weapons jsut in case i run out of fluids... i want powerful spells but i want 99.9% reliance not 100%... also please tell me what i should upgrade the MAG in and what SECTIONID i should be

May 17, 2003, 04:28 PM
fomar-pinkal-pow=mind > dex > def

pow and mind equal, with dex the 2nd highest stat after and def the lowest

May 17, 2003, 08:32 PM
Well, you definately won't be good with weapons as a FOnewm, but as a FOmar, you shouldn't completely rely on techniques to do your dirty work.

The whole premise behind the character design of the FOmar is to be the most versatile class as possible. He's not the best at flinging techniques everywhere, and he's no match for a HUcast in melee, but he can be damn good in both if you know what you're doing. It can be a good challenge at times, so you might just pick him so your time never gets boring.

May 17, 2003, 10:01 PM
The whole premise behind the character design of the FOmar is to be the most versatile class as possible. He's not the best at flinging techniques everywhere, and he's no match for a HUcast in melee, but he can be damn good in both if you know what you're doing. It can be a good challenge at times, so you might just pick him so your time never gets boring.

Amen to that! If you are a PSO veteran and want a good challenge, pick a FOmar. I deleted my level 80 HUmar to start over as a FOmar.

May 17, 2003, 11:43 PM
Delete a level 80 character to start a new one? I wouldn't do that. I'd just buy another memory card, and be able to start up to 4 new ones. The things are only $15.

May 17, 2003, 11:46 PM
Well if you want one that can battle close a little then go FOmar. You can make one of them thats a good mix of pow and mst, or you could go all out pow, or all out mst (but if you choose the last I would choose another char)

Use the other one if you want pure MST.

May 17, 2003, 11:53 PM
I have a FOmar, but I don't use him for physical attacks at all. He's too weak. With the strongest weapon I can get him to use (he's almost level 40, and in hard mines) he only does a very small amount of damage. Maybe if I gave him a power mag it would be different, but until he can use an Elysion, he won't be doing any physical attacks. I like FOmars because of the damage boost on gi techs.

May 18, 2003, 02:06 AM
Yep, I would also choose a FOmar, having one myself, the better renge for support techs can come in really useful, when i play multi-player offline with friends, the whole party really does benifit from the support techs, reviving, healing, even the odd fireball flying across the room. + FOmars look like a proper mage should, in robes. (not a sticking out behind and about 100 ft clogs.

May 18, 2003, 10:38 AM
On 2003-05-17 21:53, Shentar wrote:
I like FOmars because of the damage boost on gi techs.

If that's all, then you'd really like a FOnewm, as they get the same boost to Gi-levels techniques, but also get a boost to Ra-level techniques. No Grants, Shifta, or Deband bonus, though.

May 18, 2003, 10:43 AM

May 18, 2003, 12:15 PM
Delete a level 80 character to start a new one? I wouldn't do that. I'd just buy another memory card, and be able to start up to 4 new ones. The things are only $15.

It sounds crazy, but ive been using the HU/RA class since the DC days. And it was getting to be kinda stale. I created a FOmar and was instantly hooked, it takes more strategy than using the brawny HUmar, or the MST lacking RAmar. Oh and im on xbox, no mem cards for me!

I have a FOmar, but I don't use him for physical attacks at all. He's too weak. With the strongest weapon I can get him to use (he's almost level 40, and in hard mines) he only does a very small amount of damage. Maybe if I gave him a power mag it would be different, but until he can use an Elysion, he won't be doing any physical attacks. I like FOmars because of the damage boost on gi techs.

Well all forces, but FOmars need two mags. One for actual combat, and another for using/learning techs.
My combat mag is (10/85/40/65) and im currently working on my mind mag, but it's final stats will be
(16/0/4/180). But yea, try to make a mag with at least 70 POW and 60 MIND and you should be okay till Ultimate, where you will definately need a high DEX mag