View Full Version : Rare items

May 17, 2003, 08:07 PM
You know, I don't get it. I'm a Bluefull (I think thats the ID) and I'm level 65 and I've only found like 5-6 rare items. Sooo, my point is, I was fooling around with this new character level 2, don't remember the Id section name, but at only level 2 I've already found 3 rares. What. That kinda made me mad, that I've wasted so much time with the bluefull character.

Anyone else notice these kinds of things?

May 17, 2003, 08:34 PM
If you feel that way then just recreate him with a different name. Your really don't seem to care about how much work you've already put into your bluefil character.

Just keep looking, you should find quite a bit of rares, but don't give up on whatever.

BTW, what rares do you have?