View Full Version : can anybody suggest recommended stats for a rati mag for my

May 18, 2003, 07:16 PM
can anybody please make suggestions and what i should feed it? i wanna make this as stress-free as possible because i dont wanna screw it up...thx in advance

May 18, 2003, 07:18 PM
whoops i meant HUMAR even though u probly knew that

May 18, 2003, 11:03 PM
Since i only raise mags for androids (and i love Rati), i typically raise the mag to lv 100 with 10/40/50/00, at which point it'll evolve into a Rati (usually from a Kama). From there i just blast it with Trimate. Typically i shoot for 25/125/50/0, which is a decent balance for an android (though i wish i could delegate less to Dex and more to Pow).

For a HUmar, your best bet is probably to raise it to 15/35/25/25 and then decide what you want stat-wise from there. You could shoot for 15/135/25/25 and be in good shape all around. As a HUmar, and able to use all the stats to evolve it, it's really up to you where you want to take the mag. Consider your style of play and evolve it accordingly.

Use the mag guide on this site for feeding and you'll have a good Rati in no time.

May 19, 2003, 09:35 AM
mind and def is wasted for any mag that isnt for a force... your humar can handle his jellen zalure, resta and anti also without higher mind, so pump everything into power and dex.

i'd recommend aim for a 5 45 50 0 mag to evolve it into a rati (that is for skyly, pinkal and yellowboze HU males - greenill, oran and purplenum would require either def or mind high - i dont recommend that).

then finish it to a ...5 125 70 0 - or 5 145 50 0, like you want.

good luck.

what you feed depends on what photon blasts you want.

in any case - easiest way to get quick and cheap evolutions early is to feed antidote until it reaches lvl 50. that will also keep def as low as possible. once it passes evolution 2 (mag lvl 35) feed antidote and dimates.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rena-ko on 2003-05-19 07:38 ]</font>