View Full Version : Question for FO users.

May 19, 2003, 08:45 PM
Hmm, so this doesn't qualify for a rant(I'm trying to post in other sections, instead of being "Rant exclusive" here)I'm gonna jumble this around, haha.

Do you thrive for FO rivalry when in a game with another, or you feel alittle, "obsolete" when you join and they obviously have everything better over you?

Personally, BEFORE, I searched and searched for high techs, (and eventually getting 30's from a friend). I use to HATE, going into game with ANY fo. Being that I was a support only FO, joining any game with high lv FO in there, made me useless everytime.

In short - I gain no pleasure from rivalries.

Of course now, I don't care, cause I've expanded past just using SD/JZ/Resta/Anti(30/30/30/30/30/7). And most 'all FO' or 'Some FO' games are pretty interesting to me now. >=D

So uhm what about you?


May 19, 2003, 08:47 PM
I used to hate joinin with a cocky FO....seems they are cocky a lot if thye got good stuff, but now I got good stuff to so I tell them what they can kiss

May 19, 2003, 08:53 PM
At 1st it was like that I dident realy see a sense of hate but kinda jealous when I saw a bigger better FO then me but when I reached a higher level like in the 70's I dident feel that way any more I just tryo to live up to my job as a FO and do my obligations as a FO such as all round heals and such but , I dont like it when I join a game with other cocky classes who think your just suppose to stand there and Shift and Deband them ever second of the game, that pisses me off though.

May 19, 2003, 08:59 PM
I dunno, I just whack the Sil Dragon offline with a Brave Hammer..I cant take a hit from it so I just mess around. 0 Synchro is where it's at

May 19, 2003, 08:59 PM
I'm a Fomarl, so I"m not exactly the strongest of the forces, so yea.I once played with a fonewearl that was 20 levels lower then me, but was doin 120 more damage then me, so i felt really obsulete. But then like u, I got some 30 techs and a Psycho Wand adn life was good.

May 19, 2003, 09:12 PM
True but when I got my psycho wand it dident take off that much damage but it did help a great deal in ultimate in the forest.

The only thing I dont like about the FO's abilities is that they made the megi spacificaly for the FO but yet 70% of the time it doesent realy work.

May 20, 2003, 03:30 AM
My FOmarl is geared towards fighting, so it's always amusing when the Hunters who are higher level than me repeatedly beg for s/d in a game where they're overpowered anyway... while they yak on and on, my FOmarl is busy cleaning rooms melee style. ^_^

May 20, 2003, 05:45 AM
At least as a marl you got attacks to protect yourself and save tp.


May 20, 2003, 11:37 AM
On 2003-05-20 03:45, Moleman wrote:
At least as a marl you got attacks to protect yourself and save tp.


Nice reads, until I got to this post. And what is this suppost to mean? lol. FOnewearls aren't THAT frail, you meanie.

Cocky fos?(ugh, I don't wanna sound generalistic)
As in: I don't use tris at all. I'm at max MST =)
>>>I used 20 tris...
Cocky FO: lol

Heh, I haven't quite ran into a few like that in a while.

And I suppost, jealousy is what I feel other than hate. For some fo's, I feel evny(the good meaning of it). You know, they set like a very good example, that another can 'assymulate' into his/her own FORCE playing style.

May 20, 2003, 11:57 AM
I get sick of entering games with people 50 lvls lower then me with lvl 30 techs, using 4 duped GOD/MINDS and those dam 185 mind mags, makes me feel worthless to the team lol, For crying out loud I'm lvl 124 (Pinkal) and I have NO lvl 30 techs! lol

May 20, 2003, 02:06 PM
I agree with the above post. I am pinkal lvl 136 and have very few lvl 30 techs. I think with 2 wizard techs most of my techs reach 30. I personally enjoy being in a game with another FO, especially one that knows what he/she is doing. I was recently invited to join a league of Force's where they make Force only game(s) other classes are certianly welcome to join though. Higher level Force's then share techs/ wands, etc with lower level Forces. They call it Team E.L.F. or Elite League of Force. It certainly takes pressure or envy off when you know those that you're playing with are looking out for you. Just my opinion.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Starseed on 2003-05-20 12:13 ]</font>

May 20, 2003, 02:26 PM
If there is already a support FO in the party, then I might as well bust out with my HU. As a FO, I feel like I don't do sufficient damage to do anything other than support.

SDJZRestaRestaAntiResta. Drain all day. =D

May 20, 2003, 02:49 PM
I personally despise playing with other forces. It's completely unnecessary to have two forces in one game, in my opinion. I always handle the Shifta, Deband, Jellen, Zalure, Resta, Anti in my games, therefore I see no reason for another force to come in and be obsolete.

May 20, 2003, 04:17 PM
Now theres a post I can relate to starseed, its good to play with people that know what they are doing and look out for each other ...plus I never heard of the E.L.F but how do you join the league?

And in the caves when someone gets paralized theres always some stupid idiot of the group to come and destroy the lilly..damn I hate that.

May 20, 2003, 04:24 PM
When some other FO joins my game, I feel like they're crampin' my style. It makes my skin crawl. As a FOnewearl, I'd always avoided joining games that already had another FO in it.

I guess it's mostly because my playing style is unique, and I'm intolerant of anything else. ^_^ That, and the fact that too many techs on the screen at once=slowdown and seared eyeballs. o_o

May 20, 2003, 04:29 PM
i usually skip teams with a force in them, because they are apparently taken care of by that force

actually, i like to join HUmar teams with my force, since those poor little HUmars will truly appreciate my support http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

plus, they make good meat shields ... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

May 20, 2003, 04:46 PM
Now theres a post I can relate to starseed, its good to play with people that know what they are doing and look out for each other ...plus I never heard of the E.L.F but how do you join the league?

And in the caves when someone gets paralized theres always some stupid idiot of the group to come and destroy the lilly..damn I hate that.

You can find TEAM E.L.F. on Celestite block 13. They also meet at http://www.dreamstation.cc then check out the PSO forum. All are welcome, hope to see you around.

May 21, 2003, 12:46 AM
I really don't mind. I started a new Fonewm awhile ago, and most of the time other forces are way better than he is. I choose to use what I find on him. It is more enjoyable for me that way so... meh. Doesn't bother me.

May 21, 2003, 01:57 AM
I never join a game that already has a FO in it. I did once, only because the FO was only lv 42 in a vhard game (me being in the mid 60s).

All of their techs were at least 26 (all had special effects) and level 30 s/d.

Made me wanna hurl.

But yea, if a FO has all 30 techs, and I'm not helping any, I'll just leave and join another game, or make my own.

May 21, 2003, 02:13 AM
Heh, I don't really care about how much more mst anyone else has... My force is almost to the point where he can use soul banish.