View Full Version : Swords or Double sabers? mhat do you like using out there?

May 20, 2003, 08:56 AM
just fancied seeing what other Hunters found themselves prefering to use. For me ive always been a great fan of the swords they can wipe out an entire gropu of enemies wheras a double saber may leave you exposed although its attack is far better and its more powerful in terms of the 6 hits it doles out. Then again swords look the business.......
oh heck you tell me what you think

May 20, 2003, 09:01 AM
depends on the area I am in.

To be honest though? I generally take a double saber (Double Cannon) a random sword (flowen's or a caliber) and a mechgun (vulcans) and switch between them all.

I make sure I have my Double Cannon equipt whenever I am saving so if I get FSODed I'm using some crappy item that I won't be terribly upset if I lost.

In the ruins I need all of those, big hordes of enemies, sword, a bringer or a belra I whip out the double cannon, and for Del sabers and those weird squid things I just mech guns.

I know that didn't answer your question, but that's the way I play.

May 20, 2003, 09:14 AM
yeah its generally the same for me my tsumikiri j generally gets me through nicely in ruins (a whole 5% on dark whoo) and if i feel like exhibition or like you say run into a belra or bringer i will generally pull out a Black king bar never been a fan of mech guns i dont like the way you just stand still for a couple seconds after the combo. Anyway soon be able to use my dark flow (rubs hands together)

May 20, 2003, 09:15 AM
Never been terribly fond of double sabers, personally...

At lower levels, I have partisans over swords for the increased ATA. At higher levels, swords definitely make a better showing (esp. the red sword vs. the red partisan).

Anyways, for swords vs. double sabers, I'd definitely go with the sword. If I really need to hit a single traget hard, I'd use daggers or mech guns, anways.

May 20, 2003, 09:21 AM
have to admit id forgotten about daggers mostly because of the fact that they dont appear much in trade lists and its pretty hard to get a real powerful pair for the later levels other than Lavis blades and other friends but yeah.........really gonna have to start lookin round for a pair of daggers now youve put me in the mood

May 20, 2003, 10:00 AM
On 2003-05-20 07:21, HooBoy wrote:
.........really gonna have to start lookin round for a pair of daggers now youve put me in the mood

A good set of daggers is one with nice %'s. I haven't tried Pan Arms blades so I don't know how powerful they are. Sinow Berril hands are pretty cool tho.

Back on topic:

If I could use Double Sabers to kill everything I would. That isn't too realistic so I use a Red Sword a lot for crowd control.

May 20, 2003, 10:19 AM
With a male Hunter, you want to stay away from swords because of the craptastic new sword animation for them in Episode 1 & 2. For hordes, you're much better off using the much superior partisan-type weapons.

Normal-Heavy-Heavy, dodge, repeat. You'll almost never get hit unless you whiff on one of the enemies in front of you or one comes up from behind you.

For female characters, however, both sword-types and partisan-types are efficient and easy to dodge with, so either one will do (I'd just choose the one that would be best for the enemies I'm going to be fighting).

For single enemies, a multi-hitting, single-target weapons, or a powerful saber-type is best, I'll just use whatever is available at the moment.

May 20, 2003, 10:21 AM
i use both..
dblsabre for single foe, sword/partisan for crowd
btw, i think ds works great on a delsaber.. dodge his slash & combo away http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 20, 2003, 12:05 PM
I have always been a fan of the swords... Double sabers work better in team play than solo offline.

haha but I'd still use a sword online, simply because the red sword just looks mmmmMMMmMMmm TASTY!!!!

Can't beat red sword for overall damage either.. +90 with nice %..... *dribbleage*

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: phasma on 2003-05-20 10:08 ]</font>

May 20, 2003, 01:32 PM
I love the Double Saber weapon class, one of the great things about it with HUcaseals is that in the 3rd animation they take a couple quick steps forward, which is great for escaping attacks from behind. It's also really, really fast.

Being able to slow everything down with traps kind of negates the use of a sword for dealing with crowds, though, i have a high hit % Last Survivor, so i keep that with me for emergencies.

May 20, 2003, 01:38 PM
I like using double sabers and swords like the strongest verson of Meteor Culde with 35% to hit and the strongest of Red Sword with 10% Native and 10% Hit both max grinded on my HUmar.

May 20, 2003, 04:23 PM
I absolutly love daggers myself. I have a blade dance +15 right now that I'd prefer to use over a sword of any sort. I do have a Dragon sword that I use when big groups of enemys are about, but I dont like how slow it is... I love the speed of daggers. Which is why I don't do the musachis - they're really slow, slower than sword slow...

I also always have my trusty varista +30 on me for arial stuff and picking off enemies at a distance...

May 21, 2003, 01:05 PM
Like everyone else my weapon(s) of choice depend on what levels I am playing through. In levels like Forest, Caves and Temple my prefence is to use one of the double sword weapons ( Musashi, Yamato, etc ), in levels like Mines, Ruins and VR Spaceship my preference is a Sword and in levels like the Jungle, Mountain, Seaside and Seabed I have no real prefernce between Swords or Doubel swords.

I like double swords because they look cool and they hit more times than a standard sword and therefore do more damage, however I do find them a bit slow to use and then there is the issue of range which means that if you don't kill your opponents fast than you can be left open to an attack and you will pay a price. As for swords, I have always liked swords ( have a thing about them in real life ). Swords are great because they also look cool, they have great range, the recovery time between swings is very short making them a very quick wepaon to use and they can take out numerous oponents in one swing. I also like plain Sabres but I am not on a difficulty where I can find decent ones to use. Never been keen on Partisians or knive class weapons and don't even get me started on guns/mecguns, strictly Melee for me when I can help it.

Edit. I also have not encountered any Double sabres yet so I can't comment on how effective they are but I liked what I saw when I saw Ash using his.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SubstanceD on 2003-05-21 11:08 ]</font>

May 21, 2003, 02:55 PM
online, go with the sword, because there is the people that use a double saber and kill everything and dont let you get a hit in. offline take them all, you don't have to worry about FSOD.

May 21, 2003, 04:29 PM
I'm a Ranger. Can I put in my two cents worth as well?

May 21, 2003, 07:23 PM
I'm boring. I -still- prefer sabers above all else. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good saber at your side.

Never found a double saber, boo. Pesky cheap Barba Ray. And the slimes on ult won't give me a stag cutlery, either.

Twin swords are nice, but slow. I prefer speed to raw power usually.

Swords... Feh. I've got several decent enough rare ones, but I rarely use them. Too slow.

What I -really- find use from is a nice Partisan-type with hit %s. The power of your sword does you no good if you miss half the enemies. :3 Partisans are nice and fast, too.

And of course, always keep a gun for flying crap, and a slicer for De Rol Le/Barba Ray/Dal Ra Lie.

May 27, 2003, 08:23 AM
yeah i mean i got nothin to say against the partisan type apart from that it seems you cant really get a truly powerful one that can stand up to swords like tsumikiri and dark flow. My humar has his dark flow with 65% native and 50% machine and with that he can hold his own with simply a god battle to iron out the lack of speed. so i reckon i would still opt for swords simply because with a god battle the more powerful ones just overshadow the partisans.

May 27, 2003, 08:03 PM
Of course if you don't use overpowered dupes, it all falls within about a 200 atp range as for what's found without years of TPing/billions of runs. And not everyone can get a God/Battle either. Partisans are naturally fast, have better range AND higher ATA. Power does you no good if you miss. :3 Hell, the Red Partisan has low ATA for a Partisan-type, but it's still faster and more accurate than the swords I have. And almost as powerful. So.
Besides, if you can put up with the horrible slowness, difficult combo timing, craptastic freaky tech animation for males and find one with unholy hit %s, mechguns'll do more damage than your silly swords. Get some real weapons, boy! ^_^

May 28, 2003, 02:47 AM
My Hucaseal does not miss with Swords so a Partisians extra ATA in exchange for ATP is not exactly a good deal. I could understand why Hucasts or Hunewearls may want to use a Partsian over a Sword but for a Hucaseal there really is no point, to me Swords are just as fast and do lots more damage, sorry but that's just how I feel.

May 28, 2003, 03:21 AM
Hai, Hai. ^_^ HUcaseals have the highest ATA of the Hunter class, and 'droid Mags usually have a fair amount of DEX. HUmars have the second highest, but my Mag is less specialized, and only has 8 levels of DEX.(17/115/8/60, to increase the effectiveness of what techs I do use and give me more TP to use them. I also share the Mag with my FOmar, so.) So my ATA isn't what it could be, other people are likely the same way. I'm not a power freak. ^_^ And you still can't deny the increased speed(Male sword animation blows chunks) and the slightly better range of a partisan. And their specials are more likely to hit, too, because of the better ATA. *shrug* It's a matter of opinion. And one of taste, much like the animation sucking being a major reason I hate daggers. Very craptastic. Anyway! It's 4am, I'm hopped up on caffiene and I haven't slept yet! Time to party!

May 28, 2003, 07:05 AM
I picked my character in the first place because I've got this thing for swords (which tends to scare people. WHY are you afraid of the psychopathic girl with the sword?!), but now I mostly use my (legit, woohoo!) Double Cannon. I like that double sabres hit more than swords and they are way faster than most of the other weapons, even without a god/battle. As for groups of enemies, if you're going to use a double sabre, I suggest this tactic: run around the room until one of the monsters is closer to you than the others and attack that one. Repeat until the monsters are gone. It works really well with the dimenians in the ruins, because the so dimenians are faster than the la dimenians and la dimenians are faster than regular dimenians.

May 28, 2003, 09:59 AM
I prefer double sabers, they attack mroe and also faster. They may not do as much damage but if you get a good one, you can rip some shit up! I'm lvl 70, and I use a Partisan of Lightning +60..