View Full Version : Is anyone else tired of playing with other people?

May 20, 2003, 12:18 PM
I am beginning to feel that the disadvantages of playing co-op outweighs the advantages.

When you play with others, you have to share rares.

You also have to deal with dupers, hackers, thieves, lamers, foul language (if with voice chat) and various jerks.

If you want to level up, you can probably do it faster playing quests solo.

The only benefits I see of playing with other people is if you have a weak character and need others to babysit you or give you donations.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: tehkao on 2003-05-20 10:30 ]</font>

May 20, 2003, 12:38 PM
The only way you can level up faster offline is by using a twinked character at higher difficulties. Like a lvl 40 character playing in Ult. Unless you want to do the Canabine trick all day long or run endless SoaB's. You'd be better off playing Tetris, at least it's more challenging.

I'd use the Player Matchup forum to meet people that play like you do. That way you won't have to play w/all the morons. I only go to Vega now to be entertained by the idiots & lamers. There are cool people out there just like you. All you have to do is find them.

edit: removed quote

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: gallaugher on 2003-05-20 10:39 ]</font>

May 20, 2003, 12:42 PM
I hardly play with strangers these days. If a friend of mine is on, we make a game and lock it =/. If no one's on then I'll join a random game. Personally, I can't get enough of multiplayer http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif. The game is VERY boring offline (unless it's offline multiplayer http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif) and going online is the perfect solution. I've been dealing with all the negatives of PSO for years, so I'm quite used to it. Just find some good friendds to play with, and things will be a lot better.

May 20, 2003, 12:42 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and assume you play on Apetite.

Do yourself a favor, and find another ship. Apetite is a haven for assholes; it's full of the types of people you don't want to play with.

...you'd think that the first clue to do that would be that every time you log onto apetite, the first thing you hear is some ghetto punk calling someone else gay, or some little kid screaming at the top of his lungs...


May 20, 2003, 12:50 PM
Yes I agree that with a good group of players, ones that are focused on levelling up fast, you can level up faster online.

But what I found 80% of the time is that you have to deal with:

People using overpowered weapons that kill everything before you get a chance.

A lot of time wasted on:

Waiting for people that keep running back to shops to replenish

Waiting for people to finish chatting/trading

Or just waiting for newbies who are generally slow

Maybe I just haven't found the right people to play with online.

May 20, 2003, 01:02 PM
Is this psox you're playing? It sounds the same as the GC version. The first ship (Vega) is where most the lamers are. Sounds like the players are the same in both versions too.
Chatting & not killing stuff is a part of the game too. Once you're with a group of players that you like, you won't mind wasting time chatting. Sometimes endless killing sessions get boring.

May 20, 2003, 01:14 PM
After playing mainly offline for a few hundred hours, I'm starting to get tired of offline and playing by myself. With the sharing of rares, most of them I could care less about, only the ones that I don't have yet, I would actually care about.

May 20, 2003, 01:25 PM
Yup I am playing PSOX...

I know that Apetite is full of jerks but that's also where most of the games are. Sometimes it's hard to find an open game that suits me on the other ships.

Maybe if you're playing Ultimate it's better playing with others, but right now my character is only lvl 50 and I'm trying to get to lvl 80 as fast as possible, and I've found that I can do it faster playing by myself than with others.

May 20, 2003, 01:32 PM
I joined a game last night (XBOX) called Ruins. Went through Ruins 3 and Falz, and the whole time all they talked about was hacking and duping. Needless to say, when they started a new game, I did not participate. I guess I will stick to those on my friends list.

May 20, 2003, 01:55 PM
The problem with sticking to people on yours friends list is that it leads to nothing but locked games, and you never meet new people.

That's what Celestite's like, now. Every damned game is locked. My friends list is small, because I only keep people I regularly play with on it, and there's rarely anyone. So I'm always looking for a pickup game, and it seems that 90% of the ultimate games are locked with 1 or 2 people inside.

It seems to me that wouldn't be much fun, either. This game's best with 4 people. Don't lock you games, just move to a ship that doesn't have as many assholes.

May 20, 2003, 02:41 PM
I actually agree with tehkao.

Every time I join a game, rather it be on Apetite or Celestite, it's full of either morons or people using blunt dupes/hacks. I'm sorry, but I get no enjoyment playing with HUmars using the BKB killing everything in a single combo.

If none of my friends are online, I just quit, and play offline. I wish I could just join and random team, meet new people, and have a good time. But with all idiots out there, it's really hard to find a decent team.

May 20, 2003, 02:49 PM
I gotta agree w/ this topic %100
I play i apatite all the time... since thats where the most people play... but i mostly do it to find someone to do HS runs w/ me in ultimate...
i wana lv up not sit around in the lobby cussin ppl out... (which i do sometimes but only on my spare time http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif but its hard to find ppl that actually know how to play and are fair w/ other character types... Im a RAmar... if im using my HEavens pun, all i do is stay bakc and shoot... they can hit them up once w/ magic and thats the deal but they pick every item up... and i get jack but the exp... is it fair? i really dont care but it shouldnt be that way...
I mostly play w/ friends now for that same reason... but still havent found a person to do HS runs w/ http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

May 20, 2003, 03:11 PM
The way I see it is, if you just stay back and shoot, and aren't close enough to grab rares, then tough luck. Those who get close and risk themselves getting hurt probably deserve it more than you do anyways. That's what you have to live with being a Ranger.

That's just my philosophy, other might think differently.

That's another reason for me not to play with other people. With my Ranger character, I almost never get to grab any rares.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: tehkao on 2003-05-20 13:14 ]</font>

May 20, 2003, 04:22 PM
On 2003-05-20 13:11, tehkao wrote:
The way I see it is, if you just stay back and shoot, and aren't close enough to grab rares, then tough luck. Those who get close and risk themselves getting hurt probably deserve it more than you do anyways. That's what you have to live with being a Ranger.

That's just my philosophy, other might think differently.

I would totally disagree with you there! Rangers keep the baddies off your butt so you can keep pummeling them. The right way to do it is to share the rare items. Give it to the player that can use it (needs it) the most. That's what my friends & I do. It works out fine, everyone gets their fair share of rares.

May 20, 2003, 04:31 PM
On 2003-05-20 13:11, tehkao wrote:
The way I see it is, if you just stay back and shoot, and aren't close enough to grab rares, then tough luck. Those who get close and risk themselves getting hurt probably deserve it more than you do anyways. That's what you have to live with being a Ranger.

That's just my philosophy, other might think differently.

Yeah, I hope those box-tackling HUs enjoy all the Wals and Justys they'll get in my games.

May 20, 2003, 06:08 PM
On 2003-05-20 13:11, tehkao wrote:
The way I see it is, if you just stay back and shoot, and aren't close enough to grab rares, then tough luck. Those who get close and risk themselves getting hurt probably deserve it more than you do anyways. That's what you have to live with being a Ranger.

That's just my philosophy, other might think differently.

That's another reason for me not to play with other people. With my Ranger character, I almost never get to grab any rares.

One surefire way to make ultimate vastly more difficult than it needs to be is to piss off a ranger who's got a Spread Needle of a Frozen Shooter.

Screwing the rangers and forces out of rare is just lame, man. Greedy hunters are really irritating; I go out of my way to avoid playing games with people like you.

May 20, 2003, 08:05 PM
The only thing that postpones my rare swiping is Ob Lilies o_O I play solely offline since I dont got a BBA but I do have an unopened Dial up adapter lol. Offline multi is fun if you play with the right friends I guess. People go crazy if you see a rare item and take it before they do. Then again, if they try anything stupid they're always in punching range ^_^. Im slowin down on playing PSO until I get a BBA, or until Starcraft Broodwar gets boring o_o or maybe Ultima Online and Ragnarok Online...Oh yeah, never go away in a multi mode game. I left andcame back about 2 mins later and my inventory was looted..I showed him

May 20, 2003, 09:27 PM
On 2003-05-20 10:50, tehkao wrote:
Yes I agree that with a good group of players, ones that are focused on levelling up fast, you can level up faster online.

But what I found 80% of the time is that you have to deal with:

People using overpowered weapons that kill everything before you get a chance.

A lot of time wasted on:

Waiting for people that keep running back to shops to replenish

Waiting for people to finish chatting/trading

Or just waiting for newbies who are generally slow

Maybe I just haven't found the right people to play with online.

From what I've read from this, and the first post. You're just alittle anti-social really. Not meant to offend, but it certainly seems that way. The 'harsh' realities of playing with others(the jerks) has grown on you, and you natually will get tired of it.

So -

Why don't you play offline for awhile, or just go solo, til this feeling 'blows' away. I got the way at one time, and did just that. It worked. And you can use this forum to find cooler players.

Anyhow..when I'm not tired of playing with others, I almost HAVE to play with SOMEONE. It doesn't matter if it's a very hard game. I can be solo for alittle bit, then I start to get incredibly lonely in that game lol.

Probably, playing and then it's interrupted by everyone else wanting to trade, I get tired of.

May 20, 2003, 10:03 PM
Offline multiplayer with a group of close friends is a blast, I always play with my 2 friends, a HUcast and a HUcaseal. Especially, when you have a level 80 or so handing down rares to them to make it a lil more exciting. When they first got the game I started a Fomar to accomadate their androidness, and now we all level equally. And when we find rares, (we alternate whos first player so we find different rares), the person who needs the rare most, generally gets it. There are only a few instances of arguing, where my friends want better trades for amplifiers and stuff they cant use for my good weps. Also, my friends and I have balancing ID's. The HUcast is an oran, the Hucaseal is a pinkal, and im a skyly. So all the swords I cant use get traded for Techs, fluids, and wands. Plus, many moments during the actual play are hilarious, and make for good stories to tell later. All in all, if I found a group a group of friends like that to play with online, it would be awesome.

May 21, 2003, 06:41 AM
Why not discuss it at the start of the game when playing online. Plan out who gets what and hope that all of you stick to what you laid out.

May 21, 2003, 05:17 PM
On 2003-05-21 04:41, GuerillaPimp wrote:
Why not discuss it at the start of the game when playing online. Plan out who gets what and hope that all of you stick to what you laid out.

That's how each game should be played. But it doesn't happen that way.(As you know) There's also the fact that, atleast one of them isn't gonna follow through with the plan.

May 21, 2003, 09:40 PM
I find it very annoying when doing a HS with people I dont know, especially when I made the game. I end up yelling at people to do the whole of forest 2 with me and not to go ahead and steal my EXP. I hate people in general though, they just plain piss me off.

May 22, 2003, 09:44 AM
On 2003-05-20 10:18, tehkao wrote:
I am beginning to feel that the disadvantages of playing co-op outweighs the advantages.

When you play with others, you have to share rares.

You also have to deal with dupers, hackers, thieves, lamers, foul language (if with voice chat) and various jerks.

If you want to level up, you can probably do it faster playing quests solo.

The only benefits I see of playing with other people is if you have a weak character and need others to babysit you or give you donations.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: tehkao on 2003-05-20 10:30 ]</font>


Back on the Dreamcast playing offline was like pulling teeth for me. Nowadays I do partake in a long offline run from time to time, usually to build back up my funds and to find a bunch of materials.

I play a Ranger, and I know it can be frustrating when you're in a group and you've got one of those Hunters, or even sometimes FOmars up front grabbing whatever they can get their hands on (I'm talking about non-red boxes here). While most people want to call them greedy, and to some extent they may be, a lot of them are just young and don't realize how frustrated they are making you. Talk to them, don't be blasting them, let them know you'd like to get a shot at some of the loot as well, even if it's just for selling for the cash to restock.

As for rares, it's usually best to decide on a way of distributing the rares ahead of time. Now I don't mean before you even start the game, but before finding a rare. If you've got 2 Hunters, a Force and a Ranger, then the Force gets the Cane Boxes, the Ranger gets the Gun Boxes, the Hunters can work out a way to distribute the Sword Boxes, usually alternating with the person who has been in the game the longest going first. As for Animal Parts and non-weapon rares, well, if the Ranger has had a rare then let it go to someone else. If it's android only or class specific armor let it go to that class. Use common sense.

Will people always follow these rules? No. You'll still see some people try to Ninja Loot(tm) the red boxes as fast as they can. Then they will usually put up a TP and go back to town without even a word. This is when they go tek it. Then after about a minute they'll 'have to get going.' We know what they're up to, but hey, if you see that person again you'll know. You can find out their Gamertag easily on Xbox and so no matter how many characters they have you'll know it's them. Your reputation follows you.

As for leveling, there really is no better way than online. This will only grow more apparent as the quests get added. We can only hope for 'Towards the Future.'

As for dealing with dupers, hackers, foul language, etc. Well, in PSOX you really don't. Dupers and item hackers are a little tougher to catch, but the guy who's level 200 already on PSOX is easy to report with feedback, as is foul language and harassment. Too many people don't use the feedback option within PSOX. Once they get enough bad feedback messages then they'll have to pony up another $50 and will probably be inclined to be a bit more curtious and try to play by the games rules, or not play at all.

It's really not as bad as it seems a lot on the boards, mostly because it's people just trying to vent. It's about using common sense, but also communication of what should happen. Most players are reasonable and will agree to certain looting systems. Too often we assume the worst in our fellow man instead of looking for the truth.


May 22, 2003, 10:32 AM
Well said post...

On 2003-05-21 19:40, ginko990 wrote:
I end up yelling at people to do the whole of forest 2 with me and not to go ahead and steal my EXP.

LOL. You mean room skipping? Oh man, that is like the FAD of PSO games. Must must must beat stage in 1.5 seconds! Let's leave every player behind, because I have no patience. The enemies EXP don't matter. =)

Boss boss boss boss!!! NOW IMMEDIATLEY!!

*Activated teleporter* WOOOOOOSH!

BOSS! Me by myself! I left everyone behind! HEHE


Well, that's the way of PSO Life.

May 22, 2003, 11:54 AM
The right way to do it is to share the rare items. Give it to the player that can use it (needs it) the most. That's what my friends & I do. It works out fine, everyone gets their fair share of rares.

I totaly agree with you there. Even if you took the hits, killed the monster and picked up the rare, it shouldn't be yours if you have less need for it than the rest of your team.

In the last online game I had, I mauled one of those red ultimate wolves and got a god/arm. But since I'm a hunter I gave it straight to my friend..