View Full Version : Xbox Rare Mags?

May 21, 2003, 03:33 PM
I have heard you can make you mag rare at LVL 100 If some stats line up I am a Android (Hunter)with a Kabanda mag and wanted to make this a rare mag at LVL 100 How do I do this ?

May 21, 2003, 03:43 PM

May 21, 2003, 04:20 PM
So the way I am reading it is that Your REDRIA MAG DEF + DEX = POW + MIND... is that your DEF+DEX must be the same and your POW+MIND must be the same?
so if DEF is lvl 25 then the DEX must be LVl 25 also OR is it your DEF is 25 and your DEX is 10 for a total of 35 then your POW & MIND together must be 35 also? Thanks for your help.

May 21, 2003, 04:35 PM
They have to add up to be over 50, but otherwise you're right. Def 5 Dex 45 and pow 50 mind 0 will give you a rare mag.

May 21, 2003, 04:43 PM
Thanks for your speedy help..... So as long as they both add up to over 50 example= POWER+MIND=56 and the DEF+DEX=56 I am Alright?

May 21, 2003, 04:48 PM
On 2003-05-21 14:43, Xboxjunkie wrote:
Thanks for your speedy help..... So as long as they both add up to over 50 example= POWER+MIND=56 and the DEF+DEX=56 I am Alright?

Yes thats right. Just make sure that you section ID and class evovles when DEF and DEX are euqaled to POW and MIND.

May 21, 2003, 04:58 PM
Well, mags evolve at multiples of 5, so 55 and 55 would work but 56 and 56 wouldn't.

May 21, 2003, 05:05 PM
Sorry for the lame Questions But I am a Old man in age (about 2Xs older then the average Player)well maybe its oldtimers or burnout hehehe you said "Just make sure that your section ID and class evovles when DEF and DEX are euqaled to POW and MIND." so the Question is..... when both DEF+DEX and the POW + MIND are Equal When my Character advances a LVL it will Change my mag ? What LVL must my character be any LVL?..... Ok Next lame Question what is the advantage of a Rare mag over a Simple mag at LVL 100 ? Duz it just look Cool or Duz it have better powers Etc?

May 21, 2003, 05:20 PM
Mags evolve when mags level up to a multiple of 5. A version 3 mag can only be made when: the mag is a multiple of 5, the stat combinations (pow and mind and dex and def) are equal, and you are the right gender class and section ID. In other words, your mag can become rare when it becomes 100, 110, 120, etc. The actual character need be no specific level.

Savitri, Diwari, and Nidra get massive boosts from feedings. These three are the fastest leveling mags, except maybe for some cell induced mags but the others level fairly quickly as well.

They also tend to have a more centralized effect tendancy. Diwari casts a lot of Shifta/Deband, Nidra is all about the invincibility. This can help you pick the right mag for your character (Diwari is great for Casts and Caseals, Nidra's better for Forces) Then, there is the aesthetic aspect of a good looking mag.