View Full Version : PSO will soon be totally ruined!

Mar 11, 2001, 04:49 PM


Well, we have totally ripped this game to shreds... Covered almost every nook and cranny there is.. I am currently working on a big project for this game..... Yes, its big, I wont say what it is til I can confirm it can be done
Soon as I see if its possible I'll post more about what it could possibly be.....

Keep checking here for more details!!

-Code Master


Its official, the code is.....
"Item Modifier Slot 1 Only"

And before you ask .. "Why is it slot 1 only?"..... Just wait til you see the code, its 30+ lines long

Sorry, but its the only way to hack this kind of code.. All items can be accessed with this code..... RARE items are in all CAPS.... I seen a weapon that looked interesting.. it was called the "GOD HAND"... lol There are a lot of kick ass items..

Sega will be extremely pissed if we release this code because all of the items wont be considered rare anymore because anyone can use the code and get any item in Slot 1...

There has been some speculation about this code for a while now. Things that have not been tested yet.. How it works with the Item Duplication code.. is the item Duplicatable.. Only time will tell..

The code should be finalized within a day or 2... If I hear any bitching about the code being released...... This post will be deleted.... And noone will know shit about the code or have any idea when its going to drop..

-Code Master



Mar 11, 2001, 06:52 PM

On the plus side, maybe once every duper has every single possible 'best-ultra I need it now' item, they'll all get bored and leave PSO to the real players.


Mar 11, 2001, 07:24 PM
Sorry, no. When Diablo1 got cheated to hell, the people STILL played. Where there is a cheat, there is a million stupid assholes to replace the first.

Mar 11, 2001, 07:30 PM
AW, CRAP! This just sucks!! PSO will be more f'ed up than it is now.

Mar 11, 2001, 07:44 PM
sigh. I hope sega learns how to ban serial numbers of cheaters.

Mar 11, 2001, 07:49 PM
That place makes me sick. There are people there that are begging for it to come out. Well soon the game will be ruined, mine as well have some fun while you can. I wish someone would just go and ruin their site. That would great...