View Full Version : DATING!!!???

May 22, 2003, 06:49 PM
Do ppl really date on PSO?If so are there ne couples here

May 22, 2003, 07:04 PM
haven't you read


there are no girls on pso

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-05-22 17:04 ]</font>

May 22, 2003, 07:14 PM
What Lolita said. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

It's pretty sad though, one of my very best friends on PSO is female, and she has quite a following of dumb teenagers that think they're her boyfriend or something. Funny, I never even see them around with her. Hmm.

Dating over PSO? The idea sounds pretty funny to me... But relationships can certainly start over PSO, I don't doubt that. I'm just not sure where "dating" comes into the whole thing...

May 22, 2003, 07:41 PM
I am dating my schizophrenic self.

In the future.

But in the past!

May 22, 2003, 08:47 PM
It's possible. Anything is possible to a degree.

Oh, and yea, there's no way a girl can play PSO... so I guess I better go have a gender change. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

May 22, 2003, 08:57 PM
Heh, I remember the lobby marriages on the DC version...

May 22, 2003, 09:27 PM
Or if you read here,


people may just date, sorta =/

May 22, 2003, 09:29 PM
i say we flood a lobby, fill it to the max and and then have random arranged mass weddings a la reverend moon style


we should also get burger king crown hats

May 22, 2003, 09:43 PM
Me and my Gf play pso does that count?

May 22, 2003, 10:02 PM
On 2003-05-22 19:27, Guntz348 wrote:
Or if you read here,


people may just date, sorta =/

Old bud Scorpionking knows that guy

May 22, 2003, 10:03 PM
Yea! Burger King crowns. Those are always fun. Let's have someone make a Ronald McDonald looking character to marry us all. That might prove interesting for some wedding book photos.

May 22, 2003, 10:07 PM
hey lolita, wanna date so we can prove people wrong? It'll be cool

May 22, 2003, 10:12 PM
for your sweet a**, yes please!! if i get french fries and shrimp dumplings with that!

May 22, 2003, 10:15 PM
Once, I saw a PSO lesbian wedding.

They broke up the same night. One of them was French and didn't know it was a PSO wedding.

I'm not lying.

May 22, 2003, 11:28 PM
i for one would love to have a woman that plays games <not mental mind you> and would go to the gym with me, add pretty and intelligent and im hooked for life. call it a wedding lol. but sadly i think i ask for too much, lol. <hides and waits for the woman that falls for this ploy so as to pounce on her>

May 23, 2003, 10:04 AM
MY BF and I play PSO together. He got me started on it, and I had to go buy a cube... Now, for our two year anniversary, I"m getting carry bags embrodored - kinda like his and her towels -

You want advice on mate hunting though?


I'm female (yes, IRL too) and I _hate_ it when some kid ASLs my HUnewearl the moment I show up in a game, then demands to know if I'm taken. Its true. like I'm really going to find romance and love with a kid who's 15 years old and lives 8 time zones away...

Try the real world for dating. That's the thing that happens when you turn off the cube. It's much more effective.

May 23, 2003, 10:45 AM
I once heard about a Diablo 2 wedding. It was all over the D2 chat rooms. Aparrently, a korean couple were trading and they got to know each other and ultimately got married.

May 23, 2003, 11:39 AM
On 2003-05-23 08:04, kat wrote:
MY BF and I play PSO together. He got me started on it, and I had to go buy a cube... Now, for our two year anniversary, I"m getting carry bags embrodored - kinda like his and her towels -

You want advice on mate hunting though?


I'm female (yes, IRL too) and I _hate_ it when some kid ASLs my HUnewearl the moment I show up in a game, then demands to know if I'm taken. Its true. like I'm really going to find romance and love with a kid who's 15 years old and lives 8 time zones away...

Try the real world for dating. That's the thing that happens when you turn off the cube. It's much more effective.

I've seen your Bf on pso...He was begging for rares in the lobby which I found funny considering you complain about people who do this on pso.

May 23, 2003, 12:31 PM
I am female (age 21) IRL and all my chars are female... and I've had the hordes of 14 and 16y/o stalkers wanting to love me even after they meet my fiancee's characters (yes we both play PSO all the time)... people tend to fall in love with other people who have similar interests, but I honestly cannot see too many relationships that would last for long, especially with the teenagers. Then again, I've become pretty close friends with some of the people from this game through talking on the phone and meeting every night, so I guess relationships in this game have as much chance at succeeding as internet relationships lol
BTW I loved the opportunity to "marry" my fiancee's character during that Famitsu mini-quest (since my real life wedding isnt for another 2 years... *grumble grumble*)

May 23, 2003, 01:09 PM
On 2003-05-22 19:29, LollipopLolita wrote:
we should also get burger king crown hats

I thought you didn't want those things on your head? ^v^ But all us femme-gamer-types need some rockin' cardboard coolness to distinguish our uniqueness. And then we can all chuck red boxes and non-believers and laugh maniacally! Yahahahaha!

May 23, 2003, 01:22 PM
but the moonies wear it when they get married. look at the link and picture!

flux you're lying, you're a guy. just like the admins of this site is lying. liars!!

May 23, 2003, 03:06 PM
wow somebody might have a tension issue, cough *lolli* cough cough.

May 23, 2003, 11:39 PM
Why am I so lonely...

May 24, 2003, 12:22 AM
hey man go out and see x2 or bruce almighty, it will make you laugh. it worked for me, now back to the electronic crack called pso.

May 24, 2003, 06:49 AM
Yes they date, and i know ppl who really Marry after pso http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

May 24, 2003, 10:30 AM
well u cant say there arent girls on PSO, because there are, i remember awhile ago there was a topic on celeb players and one of the girls from survivor plays PSO, so theres one there, but on this topic i think dationg online is just strange.

May 24, 2003, 11:05 AM
i guess where theres masses of people, weird things are bound to happn. except you think people would lay off the asl thing after awile. i think itd turn people off real quick. play awhile get to no the person.

May 24, 2003, 11:13 AM
see i don't understand the whole celeb thing. they are just regular folks, that their job is tv. so i am sure there are waaaaaaay more then you think. they just dont broadcast.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DaremoX on 2003-05-24 11:52 ]</font>

May 27, 2003, 06:27 AM
ok thanks for info every1 but isntit werid to have ppl date

May 27, 2003, 01:23 PM
No. Even I date online with the girl I've met in real life and she and I are planning to meet again this summer.

May 27, 2003, 01:44 PM
On 2003-05-22 17:04, LollipopLolita wrote:
haven't you read

there are no girls on pso

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-05-22 17:04 ]</font>


I came rather close. But in the end, she only thought about herself and ended up quitting PSO.

May 27, 2003, 02:01 PM
heh ill date.

akuma is lonly.....-_-

May 27, 2003, 03:25 PM
I visited a online wedding where a HUmar and a RAmar got married. Turned out that the supposedly homosexual couple was actually two females... who thought the other one was male.

I've seen stranger things happen. o_O

Oh, and Snap proposed to me once. :3

May 27, 2003, 04:34 PM
I too had seen several weddings in PSO on the DC versions back then.

May 27, 2003, 05:19 PM
Ive actually had a date on mechwarrior 4 merc. that was NOT fun lol...
techniqly it was at a comic/game/computer game store.

May 27, 2003, 06:26 PM
On 2003-05-23 09:39, Broken Hope wrote:
I've seen your Bf on pso...He was begging for rares in the lobby which I found funny considering you complain about people who do this on pso.

Yeah, it would be funny... if it had really been him.

You know how many guys named Chris play PSO? He's seen other Chris characters as have I...

...please... ::scoffs::

May 27, 2003, 07:33 PM
I play with girls on pso. Some are 19, some are in the 20s and I even meet a 30s. Well anyway I play with them. I don't date people on video games nor online. Its not a life to do that.

May 27, 2003, 09:09 PM
Alot of people dont have alot of PSO wedding anymore do they? Back when PSO was for DC everyone had a keyboard and alot of the mainstream people who just play PSO without actually enjoying it (talking, joking, getting married, lobby parties) were waiting for PS2, while all the "hardcore gamers" were playing PSO on Dreamcast (rest its soul) doing all that was listed above. Thats why I like the other ships instead of the first one because it has all the mainstream people. Or something like that. Anyways I think it would be interesting to have a relationship online but it goes against my "dating online" policy

May 27, 2003, 09:49 PM
Then man, have I got a story for you guys. Online Dating is one thing. PSO Online Dating is something completely different. I see so many people vouching for the idea of "dating" other characters in the game, while most others claim that there aren't even real girls playing it, which certainly isn't true, but I can understand why many would think this. But most of all, people in the end suggesting that it's all a bad idea, and that either you should try harder in real life, or get one. It's so easy for people to say that last bit. Unfortunately, it's not easy for everyone, and for those that can get a life, it's highly suggested.

However, as I've witnessed online, for those that CAN'T have a real life, this may be all they have.

Take for example one of the few characters I met online that was decidedly a girl in RL. I met her in a lobby. Why? "She" had just broken up with "her" PSO online "boyfriend" for another guy in the game. And in the worst way possible too-Mail. That's like doing it over the message machine. You think that was bad?

Turns out the guy it happened had a real bad case of outcastism. A lonely Asian boy living in the backwoods of Mississippi, dozens of miles from the nearest town, both parents dead by age 4, with only his grandfather still around. He knew nobody in RL, much less have any friends. All he did, when he wasn't being homeschooled, was this. He had a decent amount of players on his Guild Card list, but they were nothing compared to her in his mind.

He was in love with her. FUCKING love. And when she ditched him for a fellow player on his list, he lost it.

I first found out from a fellow player I was in a game with. He got the mail from another, and hurried out, telling me the reason. Luckily, I'd gotten the guy's card only minutes before, so I followed him out and traced him to the problem.

I suddenly found myself in a lobby with 6 people surrounding the brokenhearted boy, who was on the verge of committing suicide, LIVE. It was unbelievable. All his active online friends and strangers alike in the lobby, pleading with him to think it over, and here he was, gushing a river of tears cause he truly had nothing else that could be called a relationship with someone. What little he had was suddenly stolen from him. He had had it with the cruel hand Fate had dealt him in life. It made me so mad to hear his story from him, and yet I felt so low at taking life for granted myself.

At first, I thought he was making things up, cause he wouldn't tell me who did this. She wouldn't answer his mails either, he said. Luckily, one of the other people knew her online name, and I entered it into the search and found her active. I immediately zoomed to her location. I found her in a lobby standing around another guy, her new attraction. I told her the situation. She knew, as the mails had been coming in nonstop from the boy, begging her to reconsider. She also confirmed the rest of the story.

And yet, she wouldn't go see him. She couldn't bring herself to face him. She said she felt sorry about it, but still stuck by her decision and refused to go help the poor lad, not even by a single mail message. Which, really, isn't being sorry at all. She just left him carelessly. Once this reality came in, I officially got involved.

From that moment on, I stopped being nice. I told her straight up what was happening and spared no reality from the situation. A teenager was in the process of contemplating death over life, and it was her careless action that brought it all down. I told her that if she had a shred of decency and care for this yound lad, she'd visit him and stop him from making this drastic mistake.

She didn't. Wouldn't budge. Not a step.

Oh yeah, she sounded sorry, like she didn't know what to do and that she felt powerless. I was screaming EXACTLY what to do, and she just shrugged. And her new man beside her never said a thing. This guy, a player on the boy's Card list, did even less about the situation. I got no effort to help him from either of them. Either she couldn't face him outta guilt, but more likely she just didn't care enough, or else how could she have done what she did in the first place? To put it bluntly, she was a coward. A careless coward. Her and her new online hubby. I made sure that message got across their neglectful minds in the worst way possible, possibly in a way they'll never forget, before I abandoned them to theirselves.

When I got back, the situation got worse. Some of the bystanders were panicking. The boy had been standing still almost as long as I'd been gone. Everyone feared the worse. But almost as soon as the others finished explaining what happened, there was a faint message from the suicidal boy. I jumped at the chance, and made my case open to him. The others gathered their wits again, and supported my logic to the boy. He started to listen. Suddenly, I'd become the negotiator, working with him with every mental bit of will power in myself.

It wasn't easy with RL interfering. In the middle of the heat, the staff in charge of my assisted-living apartment and a few others called a meeting, and it was mandatory for everyone to attend. They nearly had to drag me away from the situation. I managed to tell the boy that I'd be back, but at the time, I honestly didn't know how long I had before he'd take things into his own hands. At the meeting, things were unpleasant. Being social workers who typically thought that they knew their job and authority over anything their "cases" had to say, they were concerned with my attitude at the time. That they didn't like me being compliant, they said.

And why should I have been? Whether they cared to believe me or not, they got the story on the way over. A boy was in the wrong state of mind, dangling to life by a thread. His "friends" couldn't offer him much help that he'd listen to, so they brought in a stranger. One who didn't know anything about him, and yet became committed to his very survival. One who made him his responsibility when no one else would or effectively could. Me. And yet, they wasted my time with a meeting by trying to deprogram my thirst to save a life. "He's not your responsibility." As if they were doing a damned thing about it themselves, let alone could do so. But even my fellow roommates & neighbors told me to turn my back to the game-turned-real. "He's not your problem."

I once knew a girl who thought like that. Such a selfish way of life brought much pain to another. I was not about to sellout for the sake of my self-being and walk her road of ignorance.

I stormed out of their office, fuming. The staff started getting aggresive in their methods, desperate to regain control in a situation they were only making infinitely worse. "Do we need to go over there and take away your Dreamcast? Cause we will." I stopped dead in my tracks, and gave the room a dooming glare of unpredictable hostility.

"You are NOT the ones I live my life by. I will not allow your arrogant careless ways to force me to watch a young man die by my eyes. I have a duty to fulfill that obviously goes beyond your simplistic by-the-book comprehension, and if any of you even touch the floor of my room tonight, I will kill you.

"Is that a threat?"

"Ahh, a threat. How typical of you. I guess your next option would be to call the cops and have them take the steaming shitpile of a situation you're single-handedly creating out of your hypocritical asses. Hypocritical because you manage my life in these apartments, and encourage me to do the same and live life like the rest of normal society, but now here is a troubled boy, just like one of us, creaming for help. He doesn't have much time. He could be gone any moment. And right now, he answers only to ME. And yet you try to convince me away without a care in the world. You care for your patients, but not others. You dare tell me to turn a blind eye to the one who needs me the most, simply because he's not one of us."

"So, here's how it's gonna be. No threats, no promises, nothing idle or empty. I've laid down my conditions and have no intentions of making any exceptions on anyone who enters my doorway tonight, whether they wear a badge or not, may I die following what I believe is right. The thought of me stopping a person by any means necessary because their actions will cost a child his life is self-defense in their name, and since the original Hebrew translation of the Bible states, quote: "Thou shall not murder.", that means this is a perfectly honorable act which I'll have no problem performing. (The effect of fear and gloom from this statement spread like a plague of silent havoc across the room) You can make the call, but you'll be sending somebody to their fate. And if you do so simply because that somebody won't be you, damn you all the more for being a coward. If you leave this be, there won't be an issue come dawn. Now if you all will excuse me, I have a life to save. So go back to doing your job with the others, cause you're certainly not doing it now."

Once outside, I hesitated momentarily. Nothing. A moment more, still nothing. The unbelievable had happened: I stood for my beliefs in the most extreme way, and it worked. No police ever showed, no one bothered me again, complete and total compliance. For the first time since I blew my top, I realized what had just happened. Had I really said all that? Did I really mean it? ("I have a duty to perform." Did I really believe that?) I quoted the Bible, for doodlyfuck's sake! I realized that I truly had gotten myself involved. It was like a stray kitten having found it's way to your doorstep, begging for a decent place in life, longing to be loved. The need of the boy was too great to be ignored, and I'd personally made it my responsibility to see him through the night alive. I had momentarily beaten off any obstacles, to help...?

It was then I realized, I couldn't even remember the guy's name. I had just put my neck in the guillotine post, and made it all for nothing, and for what? A stranger. A random sob story I hadn't known for 2 hours, I thought. As soon as I thought that, I blamed myself for putting him below me. For a moment, I almost thought like the staff inside. I couldn't quite understand what had made me risk my own future to save another's. A strange, overwhelming feeling it was, what it was, I couldn't be sure. Fear. Anger. Grief. Adrenaline. All this in more, a powerful mixture that almost made me faint on the spot. Quickly remembering the cause, I ran back to my apartment. A fantastic rush surged through me, a man partially born anew inside. Standing up for myself and challenging authority in the name of humanity; it sounded corny but it felt great. And yet, would I have really gone through with it? To be honest, I guess I'll never know. Not likely, anyway.

(I later came to the conclusion that I had become subconsiousally aware that this was no game. It was very real, and the stakes were nervously high, it was all just being done in a game. A game where people come together and make a joint effort to prevail against a common enemy. A game where thieves steal and victims suffer hardship. A game where people talk about life and 15 years old boys are learning about girls the hard way. A game of suffering, determination, friendship, enjoyability, emotion, life. I had to see it all through his eyes to feel his strife. Not just the loss of a girlfriend, but how it happened in an alternate reality that was his reality, one that had just shattered. I at once saw all he had, the draw to a life and personality online, shelter from a world of loneliness where he had neither. Welcome to PSO.)

When I got back to my room, I had found things just as I had left them. The others were relieved to see me back, and the boy was still hanging. However, he soon revealed that he'd already done the deed: He'd taken an overdose of sleeping pills about 15 minutes before I got back. Everybody in the lobby was sent into shock. I immediately told him to purge his system, and he went off and did. He felt like shit afterwards, but then said he was still feeling a tad drowzy. All I knew about that was what I've seen from Fight Club: Once they fall asleep, they're done for. That, and all of a sudden, he had a sudden will to live. So, since he was sure an ambulance would never make it in time due to his remoteness and distance from mass civilization, I proposed the only logical solution I could think of: An allnighter.

Everyone else couldn't manage to stay through the night, so I did it with just him and me. We managed to work it until 4am. By then, both of us couldn't last any longer. So we turned in, but not before making sure that he'd be alright and that he promised me to see me later that evening. Of course, I wasn't sure if the pills had worn off. That was a risk I had to take. Later when I woke up around 10am, I went back to staff and formally apologized for my behavior. I told them all that had happened, and that I was waiting on the result. Surprisingly, they didn't seem to indifferent to the the cause anymore. They seemed actually a little impressed by my stand. Not really support, but an encouraging word nonetheless.

We met back up later, thank goodness, but not without a setback. He revealed that as soon as he got up, he took his grandfathers pistol from a hiding place the boy had found long before, and in a haste to end it all, put the barrel his right temple and pulled the trigger. Obviously, the gun wasn't loaded, and he was too shaken up the experience to try again. My job was far from over. I spent almost every night over the next two weeks playing with him every chance I got. We talked a lot, revealing to him the deception behind the ex-girlfriend, and that he could do better. I also assured him that is at all, try online dating, but not PSO, since he basically had no alternatives. After 2 weeks, he seemed to be back on his tip top self to his friends, and everyone thanked me for my efforts.

So what happened? Well, unsatisfyingly, there's no good ending here. Rather, an anti-climax.

See, when the wave of Sharkers and Codebreakers invaded v2, I was appalled mainly by how easy it was to get rares from dupers and hackers. My power-hungry roommate, however, loved the free handouts and gladly accepted the unlegit power. But it still wasn't enough for him. One day while I was at volunteer work, he purchased a Codebreaker behind my back, and learned codes online the next day. He tried them, making the most powerful banned weapons with skyhigh hacked stats, and blinded in his quest for instant might, tried to go online without entering the Master online code. You know what happened next: immediate ban. When I came home to find out I couldn't get on, I was frusterated. When I learned why, I was infuriated. When I realized that due to my broke ass situation at the time, I couldn't get another copy of the game, I was truly pissed. All my efforts ended in a big fat "?". I never touched the game again until GC came out with it. I never knew what happened to that Asian kid. From the way it ended, just hope that it was for the better.

What's the moral of this story? Some people take this game far too seriously than it was ever meant to be. Keep this in mind when you're posing as a girl, and don't let things get too far outta hand, cause someone WILL get hurt.

Oh yeah, and that when it comes to meaningful spam, I am the king! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

May 27, 2003, 10:58 PM
I cant believe I read all of that o_@ good story tho

May 28, 2003, 02:23 AM
Me neither, do you believe in God Neo??

May 28, 2003, 02:43 AM
what's just as bad are people tryin' to make families or what not online. when i had my old PSO game, i had a HUnewearl and another HUnewearl wanted to know if i wanted to be her daughter or if she was gonna be mine. i was like, "WTF? i'm here to just play a friggin' game."

May 28, 2003, 05:19 AM
On 2003-05-27 16:26, kat wrote:

On 2003-05-23 09:39, Broken Hope wrote:
I've seen your Bf on pso...He was begging for rares in the lobby which I found funny considering you complain about people who do this on pso.

Yeah, it would be funny... if it had really been him.

You know how many guys named Chris play PSO? He's seen other Chris characters as have I...

...please... ::scoffs::

Named darkmagician or something close to that, who show up when your card is searched? REALLY sure it wasn't him?

May 28, 2003, 10:51 AM
On 2003-05-28 00:43, Ryuzaki00 wrote:
what's just as bad are people tryin' to make families or what not online. when i had my old PSO game, i had a HUnewearl and another HUnewearl wanted to know if i wanted to be her daughter or if she was gonna be mine. i was like, "WTF? i'm here to just play a friggin' game."


Ok, that's kinda strange. Not like creepy strange, just fairly odd strange. No Family's please. ST already got this whole marriage concept the official endorsement, but the wierdness should end there.

It's a game, people. Game. Gaaaaaaaame.

May 28, 2003, 11:19 AM
mm...honestly i have a gf over PSO...atleast she has the same interests as me (i.e. PSO) http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

May 28, 2003, 12:01 PM
On 2003-05-22 17:04, LollipopLolita wrote:

there are no girls on pso

font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-05-22 17:04 ]</font>

I know sum girls on PSO. They;re moms tho.

May 28, 2003, 12:09 PM
Hmm, yeah. I once knew a 30-something mom who played the game. She was introduced by her son, but then she started playing it more than he did. Interesting...

May 28, 2003, 12:19 PM
Yeah, The moms i play with have lil kids like 5 and 6 yr ols they;re constantly yelling "watch out mommy" or "AHHHHh a monster".

May 28, 2003, 12:37 PM
Lol. Strange trends. I wonder why & how moms find their way into the game when it's hard enough finding girls our age?

May 28, 2003, 04:11 PM
On 2003-05-28 03:19, Broken Hope wrote:
Named darkmagician or something close to that, who show up when your card is searched? REALLY sure it wasn't him?

NOt him - he's Chris a Ranger, and then Dart McCloud a force, and then as McAsswhooping, a Hunter. he's got a few other ones, but none by that name...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I know there's another Kat on PSO, and another one that calls herself Katt... so maybe he's hers?

Anyway, if we're further currious as to this, let's take it to PMs...

Sep 9, 2003, 08:02 PM
Why would someone date on PSO? Just thinking about that makes me feel confused, and a little awkward. It does make perfect sense though. It would be basically AIM, but with 3-D human shaped figures instead of icons. I will say I don't really think it is a good idea unless you've met that person in real life. To all of those who date on PSO, I wish you luck on your relationship.

(feels kinda stupid and confused.)

Sep 9, 2003, 08:09 PM
Don't bump old topics.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bit on 2003-09-09 18:10 ]</font>