View Full Version : Found a cool viewpoint glitch!

May 24, 2003, 03:25 PM
It's so cool that you can do this! In the GameCube version, here's how you do it:

Step 1: Plug a controller into Port 4.
Step 2: Play the game.
Step 3: Hold L and R, and push down on the Control Stick a little way, until it's just before the screen starts rotating. (I hate that.)
Step 4: While it's in that position, unplug the controller in Port 4.

Voila: permanent zoom! It even stays that way when you leave the area! It doesn't stop until you quit the game, or you plug the controller back into Port 4.

May 25, 2003, 11:31 AM
sound fun.. i'll try it soon http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 25, 2003, 11:51 AM
Interesting. I may try that someday.

May 25, 2003, 12:23 PM
oh yay, what fun. Zoomed in megid from ob lilies ~_~ ow

May 25, 2003, 02:10 PM
wowzers. that was fun. but one time, i messed up and it kept spinning, i did a whole HS while spinning. good times

May 25, 2003, 02:11 PM
wowzers. that was fun. but one time, i messed up and it kept spinning, i did a whole HS while spinning. good times