View Full Version : XBOX: Legit Items

May 25, 2003, 09:20 PM
Is there a way to get a list of items that have not been released in any form for XBOX? That would help to be able to spot the known hacked items.

May 25, 2003, 10:04 PM
Unavailable items:

Magic Water
Magic Rock "Heart Key"
Blue-Black Stone
Parasite Cell D
Berill Photon
Photon Booster
Photon Sphere
Any Mag Cell, or any Mag created by using a Mag Cell (Chu Chu, Chao, Angel/Devil Wings, Tail, ect.)

Black King Bar
Nei's Claw
Nei's Claw (original)
Plantain Fan
Huge Plantain Fan
Snow Queen
Iron Faust
Burning Visit
Power Maser
Striker of Chao
Magical Piece
Demonic Fork
Love Heart
Safety Heart
Flame Garment
Parasite Wear: De Rol
Parasite Wear: Nelgal
Parasite Wear: Vajulla
Virus Armor: Lafuteria
Red Ring (or any colored ring, for that matter)

Items that could be found, but are 99% most likely hacked/duped:

Dark Flow
Dark Meteor
Dark Bridge
Lavis Blades
Double Cannon
Guld Milla

I might have forgotten some, feel free to add on.