View Full Version : Snapple sato mag

May 26, 2003, 05:17 AM
I'm having trouble with the guide, my mag is level 60 and soon it will become a sato but i'm running out of meseta and losing it fast because im buying dimates, so is it alright to feed it monomates instead? Thanks in advance.

May 26, 2003, 05:37 AM
As long as all your are trying to raise with the mates is the POW stat, then yeah you should be fine. The mono mates will add power, but much slower, and most likely lower the other stats. The bars can only drop to zero, you can never lose a level on a stat so you don't have to worry about that.

So if the dimates are just raising POW until its level 100 and will change, then yes monomates will be fine, just take longer.

May 26, 2003, 05:40 AM
Thanks.. I don't really mind if it will take longer because I have all week and i'm getting close to getting a sato..

And I'm only getting a sato because my other memory card got corrupted with my level 200 mag on, since i lost that i'm weak and can only use my yamato and i cannot use my red saber yet.. :|

Oh well back to raising my mag. Thanks for the help!