View Full Version : FO weps

May 26, 2003, 07:14 AM
I am currently building up a FOmar but when it came time to start looking for a weeapon to help get him through Ult I relized that I really don't know what I should look for. If anyone knows a lot about FOs please give me some wep recomendations. I am right now trying to decide between the Sigh Of A God or Cadacaus. Please tell me if there are any better ones I should look for.

May 26, 2003, 07:22 AM
I don't use FO's often so I don't know.. Just get what ever you like and stick with it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

May 26, 2003, 01:04 PM
Depends on what kind of weapons you like.

Like I have my FOmarl use an Agito 1983. She's my main character and I have her melee. But if you use your FOrce like a healer, then you might wanna stick to more FOrce weapons.

I will make a note that The Sigh of A God only hits once. There is no combo, which is why when I finally got mine I was diappointed and immediantly traded it. (That and it being a dupe didn't make me exactly happy either.)