View Full Version : Yay! I got to Ultimate!

May 26, 2003, 10:13 PM
I finally got to Ultimate on offline mode, level 65, HUnewearl.

I was shaking like a leaf while fighting Dark force. Just had one weapon on me (a gun - forgot the name) and Difluids, Trifluids, Dimates etc equipped on all the other slots.

My strategy:

Blam-blam-blam (heal) blam-blam-blam (heal) blam-blam-blam (heal) repeat until dead.

Anyway, I'm nearing the end of the fight, and he's doing that thing where he saps your energy every time you hit him. I'm getting so nervous by this point, I forget to heal, and I'm using an automatic gun, so it's blam-blam-* and I noticed in a split second, I'm right down to 10HP, and the next bullet is gonna kill me, and there's NOTHING I CAN DO!

Then I hear a *ping* noise, - did my mag get to 100%? No, that last bullet KILLED him!

Lucky or what? ^_^

Anyway, I am now able to play ultimate, and it's sooo exciting, all the monsters are different and lots of the graphics too. Took me 4 hours to do the ruins, but it was WELL worth it.

Anyway, I'm going to bed now. It's 4AM.

- Shimarisu

May 26, 2003, 11:18 PM
CONGRATULATIONS!! I remember my first time in ULT and how excited I was by all the new stuff http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Enjoy the bosses LOL. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

May 26, 2003, 11:48 PM
4 hours!!!! Holy shit! Anyway, congrats...by the way. The lillies spit Megid now. Please don't make a post about it.

May 27, 2003, 12:19 PM
man ive never been to ult. my game always gets erased at the vhard ruins:(

May 27, 2003, 12:37 PM

I just made it on friday at level 80 or so, and I've gotten to the caves. It's going to be VERY hard for you in the sixties, but, enjoy.

May 27, 2003, 10:17 PM
awsome i just made it 2. i was level 58. Ramarl it was really hard went through 2 scrape dolls lucky i had 3! but i was suprised how hard the ice dragon was. man u touch him and u freeze then the idiot steps on u and u die. goss!! but i beat him. now iam lvl. 80. the exp is awsome espeally in temple.

May 27, 2003, 11:17 PM
Congrats! Getting there at lv65 is fairly respectable. My RAcaseal got there at lv57, and my FOnewearl got there at lv67.

Just an FYI; it's not a good idea to shoot Falz when he has you 'soul sucked'. It's not that he's sapping your energy - any damage you do to him gets transferred to you. When you get to ULT Falz, you will have powerful enough weapons/stats to kill yourself in one shot. Happened way to many times when I was playing with teams online. ;_;

You can use that time when you are captured to heal yourself, switch weapons or equipment, use mates, etc...

Good luck with ULT mode. Make friends with a FOrce online; they are an invaluable asset later in the game. ^_^


May 27, 2003, 11:42 PM
Nah, the damage you deal to falz while sucked hurts both of you.

May 28, 2003, 03:30 AM
Ultimate mines are annoying The robots rarely get knocked over.

May 28, 2003, 08:56 AM
Congrats! heh me and you got to ultimate almost at the same time only about an hours difference. My first time in ult. to and im a lvl 63 HUcaseal and getting pwned by the dragon lol.

May 28, 2003, 11:53 AM
Thanks all!

I beat Sil Dragon at Level 67 last night, I soon figured a strategy to avoid getting stepped on and dying in one hit. Basically as soon as he lands, get behind his tail, and run behind him with your analogue stick at a slight angle, constantly hitting the triggers to keep his tail in view. Fall back when you get to his feet. That's pretty much foolproof. Then you whack his feet when he stops.
He's not that hard, just has cheesy attacks.
Oh, and if you get frozen, and PLENTY OF PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THIS, as I've seen on online mode:
put your hand over the analogue stick and waggle it for all you're worth. You can break out of the ice in under a second that way.

BUT, ultimate mines are boring. I got sick of how many hits the monsters were taking (IMO it's a tad unbalanced compared to ultimate Forest), so even though I'm not dying in one hit or anything, it's driving me nuts so I'm going to play some of the missions first and level up. It'd be WAY less boring with other players around, but the stupid online mode won't let me on til I'm level 80. IMO that's unfair, I'm causing WAY more percentage damage in Ultimate at level 67 than I was on Hard at level 20, and the online mode lets you on hard at that level.
I'm starting to wish I had a Force though, I'm chucking magic at lots of monsters on Ultimate just to dispense with them more quickly for the wads of exp points. It's got to the point where I'm getting so much cash that Difluids and Trifluids seem like they are costing nothing.

May 28, 2003, 08:12 PM
How do I post I'm new to the forum and it is different than all the others so how do I make a new topic and how do I respond to people without using the quote button thank you your help will be very much appreciated

May 31, 2003, 01:29 AM
Yay, I got my FOnewm to Ult today at L54. ^_^ Currently hating rappies. Gimme a Pal, and gimme my Agito.

May 31, 2003, 03:31 AM
On 2003-05-28 09:53, Shimarisu wrote:

BUT, ultimate mines are boring. I got sick of how many hits the monsters were taking (IMO it's a tad unbalanced compared to ultimate Forest), so even though I'm not dying in one hit or anything, it's driving me nuts

yes they are a pain in the arse, and when i first got there at lvl 84ish the sinows could crit hit ko me at full hp.. hell the traps seem to do a base of 700.... i always die at full hp from those too, even now at lvl 104
just get your atp up there, and soon the stupid thinds will be dropin and 5 to 6 hits

btw your gona LOVE utl vol opt hope you got a lot of scape dolls or 700ish hp, the orb attck cant be out run, and doging is harder then it sounds. but when you can take it just watch you mag bar fill up http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 31, 2003, 03:37 AM
Oh yeah? I got to ultimate OFFLINE at level 65 with my HUnewearl...

My RAcast has been there for ages though hahaha!! Decked her out nice and good!!

May 31, 2003, 01:52 PM
ahh..ultimate...the evil little bastage. i remember my friend freaking out oveer it and i was excited to do it, so i was at level 80 kicked very hard dark falz's asss and then i met the forest. Ooooo its evening and its all pretty...OMG ITS A TURTLE...smack half my hp gone....THAT WOLF WANNA BE HAS HORNS! ram slowed and weak. ...A KILLER GRASS HOPPER! smack almost dead. yeah ultimate is a biznatch, it take s awhile to kick its ass, i'm currently in the ruins and doing fairly well. Then again i have a god/power/battle/ability and some elf legs ++ and i'm doing pretty good. my BLack King Bar takes care of those arlans, and i kill a gran socerer before it has a chance to do anything. But o my good lord..those dark bringers charge shot kills me instantly and i have 900 hp...its evil. I'm 114 and mines are still a pain. STUPID ROBOTS FALL OVER...o and don't even mention episode 2....i'm not going there for a while....damn sinows...i hate sinows so very much...all machines are evil....ok but yeah you'll earn to love ult. for the constant rare dropping and you'll see mats and red boxs much more now. Its fun...just takes a while! have fun!

Jun 2, 2003, 12:09 AM
Confuse traps own ultimate mines...slicers, too

Jun 2, 2003, 03:38 AM
L52 FOmars get bitchslapped by Ult Forest. But that goes without saying. I must be nuts.

Jun 2, 2003, 10:16 AM
I got my FOmar to ultimate at 48 beat the Sil Dragon at 50 and beat Da Ra Lie at 54. I am in the mines and have not tried to beat it yet. I am currently level 102. My RAmar got to ultimate at 45 and he is in the caves at level 65. My HUmar, at level 112, can handle central control area with his Orotiagito, 0% on all. 1750 power with that weapon equipped, nice.

Jun 2, 2003, 10:27 AM
I remember when I went to Ultimate mode for the first time (Lvl.66) ... had a hard time beating all of the enemies... lessee confusion, slow, shock... then mr. sil dragon says... you haven't gotten frozen yet...

I'm forcing my character through ultimate mode in the spaceship... going to bring a heck of a lot of scape dolls for gol dragon. x-x