View Full Version : Item: Lavis Weapon

May 29, 2003, 12:47 AM
Well, I would like to know hwo long it took some of you guys to get a Lavis Cannon and two Synestia. In amount of runs or enemies killed. I'm doing a good friend a favor and I would really appreciate it if you guys would let me know.

May 29, 2003, 08:43 AM
good luck. lv 159 purplenum and havent seen either one of those items.

May 29, 2003, 10:31 AM
I'm lv130 Purplenum, but I didn't aquire the items for my Double Cannon through this ID at all.

The trick is to use multiple IDs to find the quickest way there.

First off, the Lavis Cannon. Purplenum can find it off of Tollaw once in a blue moon. For quicker results, opt to find a Redria character with access to the Ultimate Caves. There, find the Slimes and start pipehunting for a Red one. It'll likely take LOTS of them before they drop the Lavis Cannon, but it's still the quickest way to do it.

Afterwards, use an Oran character. Purplenums can get Syncesta as well from Sinow Red, but the odds against you are as high as they get. So, Make it to Ultimate Forest with an Oran, accues the Forest Of Sorrow quest, and start hunting Hildetorrs. Check the Beat Time "REPORT!" Thread for some good times to start piping for Hildetorrs. They should work with Orans, Purplenums, and Skylys, as far as I've seen.

May 30, 2003, 02:11 AM
Thanks. I really appreciate your help guys. You see, Im a Greenill and Whitill and they get the Lavis Cannon pretty late. Plus the monster in Ultimate mop the floor with my Whitill Character. (Gladiator LVL 101) And as for the Greenill (Richtor LVL 115) Im not even gonna try.But I know that Greenill gets a Sycnestia from C.Assasin and Whitill get Lavis Cannon from Gibbles. What a drag eh?