View Full Version : fastest way to get to 80?

May 29, 2003, 04:29 PM
im trying to find out what the fastest way to get to 80 is...doing quests, or completing all areas in a game. when i say quests, i mean like back to back real fast, HS and stuff. so what do you think? any suggestions?

May 29, 2003, 04:39 PM
Open up ult forest offline and do forest runs. If you're not strong enough for forest, do fake in yellow

May 29, 2003, 05:35 PM
I agree with Rhete. With my Humar when i got to ult offline at lvl 63, i realized i was too weak for Ult. I trained in V hard ruins till lvl 70 then did forest Runs with kireek for a while. After 75 i just did forest over and over again and again.

May 29, 2003, 05:50 PM
Do alot of HS and mines.

If you get to lv 75. Do HS like 10 times or 8.

May 29, 2003, 08:57 PM
I think the core of the question about the fastest way to 80 isn't what to do once you unlock Ultimate offline.

It is what is the fastest way to unlock ultimate offline? How do you level the fastest in Normal, Hard, and Very Hard? The part after that is only part of the story.

I found that if a friend online takes your level 1 to normal ruins, after one run you'll be level 12. Of course that's with a ranger who can easily hit all the enemies once. When I did this a shadow handgun dropped, which was fun to get some kills with. A FO would need a lot of fluids to tag things.
From there its easy to run straight through normal offline.

The beginning of Hard can be trouble when you're level 20, but again some help with a friend running you through some mines/ruins will get you to the high 20's where you can do it on your own.

For my newest character (RAmarl), I'm now just about to enter very hard offline at level 34, or try...

May 29, 2003, 09:18 PM
I went from 40-80 in less than a week doing HS runs if that helps...

May 29, 2003, 09:19 PM

May 30, 2003, 02:35 AM
i have to agree that the fastest way to get to level 80 is to get to ult offline as quickly as possible. given that it is not your first character that you are trying to quickly get to level 80, you need to have a couple things prepared for getting to ult fast: mag, armors with 4 slots, weapons, and of course, tons of scape dolls.

the basic idea is to be able to play in a higher difficulty than you would be able to online; under 20 in hard, under 40 in vhard, etc.. with my racaseal, the earliest i was able to reach ult offline was i think level 60 something, but with a hunewearl, i was able to get to ult at level 42.

once you are in the higher difficultly, even if it takes you a long time to beat each enemy, you level much faster than any area you would be able to in a lower difficulty. i think the biggest challenge, assuming that you have good equipment, is very hard falz because his grants attack will kill almost any class at the time you reach him (assuming you beat each area as you got to it.)

in any regard, each time i tried this method (rushing through offline) i was able to get to level 80 at around 21-24 hours.


May 30, 2003, 03:32 AM
play online with others, hit everything as you can (rafoie, weap that hit multi enemies) try to do always at your lvl online, mines or ruins, once you are able to play other difficulty mode, go for it (like u reach 40 go play in v hard...etc) then you can really lvl up fast...

always , hunting with others is a lot easier than hunting alone...teamwork!teamwork!!

May 30, 2003, 07:28 AM
hm... play addicting food over and over, try to beat vhard falz as soon as possible (dragon/hp helps) and then forest + sil dragon over and over until you can play addicting food on ult ^_^

its really easy for a force - i gained the last 30 levels within 5 or so days... lost count...

a hunewearl is also kinda easy.

it gets difficult with specialized charas like hucaseal or rangers imho and as far as i heard...

all in all its just how much time you invest in the game and what equipment you use.

good luck