View Full Version : 3 'FSOD's in an hour?

May 30, 2003, 11:09 PM
I was playing on Wednesday, and I had the oddes experience. I got like three FSODs in an hour... only my screen wasn't totally frozen... so it wasn't total FSODs... that and I never lost my items ::sweatdrop::

First time I was burting into a game, and got stuck part way into coming in. I had an out of body experience on Pioneer 2! I was up in the air, stuck, and I could see down on the ship itself. I was at leat on the second story of the guild building, and I could see the ships flying about in teh air but nothing else happened... it took about 5 minutes before I got back in the guild. All I have to say on that one was that someone had better fire Scotty...

Second time I was in the item bank, and someone else burst in, and I waited and waited and waited... by the time I got out I was panicked and the person had come and gone....

Last time was when I left that game to the lobby to get away from what I had to guess was lag. I was at the counter to transport and nothing happened and I couldn't move or anything... I never came out of that one - had to hit reset.

Any thoughts? I can't be the only one to have gone through this...

May 30, 2003, 11:21 PM
Ah yes I've had that happen before. I wouldn't call it FSOD, more like server screw ups.

Another mark of Sega's incompetence.

May 30, 2003, 11:27 PM
On 2003-05-30 21:21, WeinerTrick wrote:
I wouldn't call it FSOD, more like server screw ups.

How about FFSOD? False Frozen screen of Death?

May 31, 2003, 12:22 AM
On 2003-05-30 21:09, kat wrote:

First time I was burting into a game, and got stuck part way into coming in. I had an out of body experience on Pioneer 2! I was up in the air, stuck, and I could see down on the ship itself. I was at leat on the second story of the guild building, and I could see the ships flying about in teh air but nothing else happened... it took about 5 minutes before I got back in the guild. All I have to say on that one was that someone had better fire Scotty...

That happens when you join the game as someone disconnects, or leaves the game. Nothing to worry about.

May 31, 2003, 12:23 AM
So more like 1 fsod.

May 31, 2003, 12:32 AM
still FSODs shouldn't happen - PEROID!! Why the hell is pso the only online game that suffers from this on a daily basis?!