May 31, 2003, 12:30 AM
People, I am sick of xbox's lack of quests and shit like that. To put this short, I am startin to not have fun in PSO. Now I am geeting tired of hearing how fun GC's quests are. So I wanna know, should I switch? Please dont give me a fonboy reason. You see, on xbpso i got a lvl 110 HUmar, lvl 40 force, and a lvl 1 ranger. plus some rares. (Which im sure GC version can easily get me some if ya know wha i mean lol) but then my freinds are on xbpso as well. what should i do. and the cost for gcpso:( please help me decide.

May 31, 2003, 12:32 AM
I'd say that with as much time as you've invested in teh X-Box version, you should stick with it and enjoy the groupness of it in general - its not all about quests...

Personally, I have a cube, and I'm sticking with it even though I like the concept of voice chat...

...for me, it's the same sort of thing.

I just thought that I'd add that if you play other games (yes, there are other games than PSO) you might want to base your decicision on what other games you want available to you...

May 31, 2003, 12:39 AM
They'll probably start adding stuff after two months of being released, so people will start having to pay for the new stuff.

May 31, 2003, 12:45 AM
On 2003-05-30 22:39, Kent wrote:
They'll probably start adding stuff after two months of being released, so people will start having to pay for the new stuff.

so evil it has to be true...

May 31, 2003, 01:17 AM
The new quests are hell....

May 31, 2003, 08:07 AM
Yea but whata bout this, One of tose freinds will be with me. With all the quests and seeing how summer's here, I will play nonstop for that lvl once again:( and the rares im sure i will gett plenty of. So c'mon people! more decisions!

May 31, 2003, 10:45 AM
I don't know if I'd quite call the lack of additional quests on the xbox version 'evil'. First off, all of the d/l quests from the dreamcast are already included in the xbox version, and it's still been less than 2 months since the game has been released. Give them time, and the material will appear.

Keep one thing in mind, though. I would imagine that MS & ST release their material based on when the 'average' player would expect them. The average player does not play the game 5+ hours a day, does not have a (let alone multiple) lv 100 character(s), and does not spend time in game specific forums like this. The average player will probably not even notice the amount of time that passes before the additional content shows up. And as such, probably won't notice the amount of money they are spending. That may be evil, but that is business and ALL COMPANIES work that way. Pbbth.

I would certainly enjoy a return to the Endless Nightmare Quests, TTF, and the rest of the win back quests as a way to accellerate the leveling up of my character, but in the meantime, I've got c-mode and helping my lower level friends catch up to me. I can also take some time to raise some more mags, and keep looking for more interesting rares. That, at least has been much easier on the xbox than on the DC. And hopefully the Photon Drop dude will show up after the new patch is in place. ^_^

May 31, 2003, 10:51 AM
the gc quests arent even that good i dont think. its just the same area with a different objective. apart from the new ones...

May 31, 2003, 10:55 AM
If your friends are on X-box PSO with you, stick with it because most likely the same quests will be released for PSOX.

Sure, if you went to GC PSO you'd make new friends, thats a given, but you have to weigh the pro's and con's yourself. No matter how many reasons are given, you're still going to be torn until you just sit down and think about it yourself.

For as many people who will say stick with PSOX, there will be just as many reasons to go with GC PSO. It just comes down to you wanting to make the switch.

From me, just stick with PSOX since you got that far already and wait it out. Spend that time lvling up your lower characters, yeah?

May 31, 2003, 10:56 AM
... and incidently, by my own deifinition I am not an 'average' player either. I have 250 hours on the game in the last 6 weeks, spread over 2 characters, and have become active both here and on the (now deceased) psoquest forums.

And I'm OK with that. Really. ^_^