View Full Version : its all about dupers

May 31, 2003, 10:40 PM
all thats ever posted in here is either Dupers suck, why do dupers suck or leave me alone I'm a poor defencless duper honestly everyones decided half of us Hate them the other half doesn't and were not going to change each others mind.
(don't call me a hypacrit due to my recent popular thread)

May 31, 2003, 11:02 PM
Poor defenseless duper haha

go dupe yourself a barrier or get your duping friends to give you a duped frame, with 341056130463 slots so you wont suck like you would without duping.
or heres an idea..... play legit and learn not to be insecure enough to have to cheat to be "good" at this game!

Jun 1, 2003, 01:05 AM
actually he does have a point. There be a lot of bitchin at dupers on a section regarding 'cheating'.

Jun 1, 2003, 03:45 AM
Well being legit isnt cheating so there isnt much else to talk about.

Jun 1, 2003, 03:49 AM
On 2003-06-01 01:45, LegendaryMage wrote:
Well being legit isnt cheating so there isnt much else to talk about.

You could say that but then what excatly is the point of this section other than the rampant bitching I've seen going on?

Jun 1, 2003, 11:08 AM
hasn't this turned into a nice mild rant.
don't call it "bitching" it's complaining.
and we have the right to complain because well. some of us enjoy it. (oh boy i said we. i ment them)
i'm sure duppers get annoying with people whinning and complaining.
well Legits are annoyed with Duppers because they are annoying sometimes.
how do you feel knowing that you use a weapon just for it's power, knowing it isn't yours. o_o i mean sorta makes it boring, and gives your character no originality.
as a "legitie" now that i've been some what forced to stay offline as of last week.
i found it very very unstandable.
it was like Clones, everywhere. i could predict what kinda person joined my games, it was sad.

"Supa Saiyan jin Como has joined"

ok this guy is a yellow spiked haired HUmar with a BKB kasumi Bracer and a tigger happy RAfoie finger.

hmmm was i right? yes o_o
if that isn't enough to make you pull you hair out think about this.
all the bad duppers out their are cocky little punks that hate to lose.
i beat them in battle and they whine and whine and whine. then if they break the rules they continue to do it "their way" they have no respect. but of course, thats human nature.
i continue to say to myself on Vega

"i'm surounded by idiots....."
and i'm usually right http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Jun 1, 2003, 02:02 PM
listen if they feel the need to cheat.. let them, does it really matter as long as it doesn't effect you? it's not like you're duping, or going out of your way to get dupes, and so you're a legit.. fine big deal.. it's not like it's very easy to tell what items are duped or not *although sometimes it is* so hey quit complaining, bitching, pointing out, noticing, whatever you want to call it, about it and just play the freaking game


Jun 1, 2003, 04:24 PM
It's all very simple if you use logic and common sense. Cheating unbalances the game, and cheating is always bad in any game, you know. Simple.

It's not possible to just go play the game and avoid them. In time it will get to you, and you're going to be affected. Being legit isn't that easy, either, because when someone gives you a weapon it can be duped, but you can't tell. And even if you don't pick up items, you might receive one of a friend who innocently picked up what other people offered.

And finally, cheating can lead to corruption or banning. The servers record cheating going on, and if you're unlucky to be the last remaining person in a team that has been cheating, the cheating gets recorded to you, and then there's a chance that you will be corrupted or after some time, banned. If someone wants to lure you to somewhere saying there is a rare item, don't, as they are planning to leave the team before you do so the cheating gets recorded on you and not them. This might sound far-fetched, but it's true and it happened.

Jun 2, 2003, 12:58 AM
Everyone needs to get over dupers, legits, cheaters, HUmars and all that crap!

Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111
Just play the game and try and have fun.

Yeah I said it

Jun 2, 2003, 02:12 AM
Actually I dont dupe I don't even have the net I im doing alright I'm sick of the dupers complaining too GG why the hell do you asume to much relax GG I don't agree with dupers but don't bloody kill them even before you know their dupers

look I make a thread trying to stop people complaining and they argue in this to ralax dupers or not dupers it doesn't matter your all just people who love PSO get over it.

Man I havn't sounded that good in ages

Jun 2, 2003, 09:26 AM
Just play the game and shut up.. I think that is all you people know how to say is shut up. Well Duping has run amok and the game is ruined. If you think I am going to pay 8.95 a month to play a hacked game, your wrong. Thank you hackers for bringing an end to online PSO. Most players are using Demo Comits or Double Cannons at level 30. Oh sure they say it's not a hak, what do they think, I'm stupid?.... Oh and here is the kicker. I join a game and the second I log in I get "do you have and god crap"?... I say "no, I have never even seen a god item drop". They hak playing duper, drops his jaw in amazement to the fact that at level 102 I don't even have a god item on me. Yet even thought he is asking me for a god item he has 3 in the bank and still wants more. Guy asks me if I have a weapon for trade, I ask him what are you using now? He say's Sange and Yasha,, WTF? And you think I have something better? He say's no I just like to have every weapon. I say, well you can only use one at a time, why do you need 12 swords? Damn dupe item collecters..Anyway game is ruined, thanks hackers, hope your proud of what you do, and I hope some "real" hacker gets your SS number and shows you what a "real" hacker can do.

Jun 2, 2003, 11:23 AM
On 2003-05-31 21:02, CGoodness wrote:
Poor defenseless duper haha
play legit and learn not to be insecure enough to have to cheat to be "good" at this game!

Legits are no better than dupers. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif They both have this "holier than thou" attitude.

Jun 2, 2003, 11:37 AM
Waaaaaa! It's just a game... get over it.

So what if a level 30 character joins a game with a BKB. Maybe it's a legit person who made it with their level 150+ character and just decided to pass it on to a new character that they made. Lots of legits pass mags, rares, etc. to new characters to have a little edge on starting the game over.

They're are too many scenarios to go over, but think about the possibilities. Don't play on Vega. Go to a ship and block that is hardly used and make games there. Find and join a clan that is legit only (they're out there). The game is not ruined, you just think it is based on your own rules.

Jun 2, 2003, 12:35 PM
Yes it is Ruined... I played Diablo legit, it was fun for a week. Then I went and god all god stuff and the game was boring in 5 minutes. I never played it again. Same scenerio here, now that I have all the best weapons and gear and have solo'd the main boss twice,, game is boring and I'm done playing....Microsoft is fixing to loose out on Millions of dollers in revenue because they can't write a secure program. You may think it's funny, but when it comes too millions of dollers in lost funds, you can bet your ass, someone is working on the problem. Hey I'm not a hypocrit, sure I picked up the J Sword some Duper was running around dropping and stuck it in the bank. Why play online and pay? I have all the gear I want and don't need any help getting more, because I'm in god mode.

Jun 2, 2003, 01:41 PM
Why play online when you have every item you want? Umm ever heard of friends? I've had all the items I've needed for months now and I still play this game... I've been playing since it come out in October... why? Friends! And trying new characters out is also a lot of fun... and when I get sick of normal mode, my friends and I will try challenge mode, where we will merrily get our behinds kicked until we learn what we're supposed to do, and we will have even more fun http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Whining about dupers ruining this game is silly, they only ruin the game if you let them.

Jun 2, 2003, 02:59 PM
We shall see... I played Everquest for 4 years. If their had been hackers and dupers in that game, I can garuntee you Sony would have lost out on millions of dollers. As it stands, they currently have over a million people who still pay them 12.95 a month to play, because the game is secure. Hey I don't care what you do with your time and money. I'm just pointing out this game will be dead in 6 months because of the dupes.

The real funny thing is, all these people running around with uber weapons and they still suck at playing. When they see me using my crappy Cross Scars and still wooping their ass, instead of descididng "I" kick ass, they asume my crappy weapon must be better than theirs. So of course they ask if I can dupe it... what a joke.

Jun 2, 2003, 07:10 PM
oh... what did I do wrong... why why... all of you, I made this to try and stop people complaining, see my point, everything revolves around duping even if it's not on topic.

Jun 8, 2003, 11:17 AM
I can understand why some people dupe. I mean, why not have at least some of your best stuff "backed up" in case of FSOD. I think MS and ST could lessen the dupers around pso if they had some way of duping a couple of your best items but not modifying them in any way. There has got to be some kind of incentive for them. Otherwise find some way to prevent fsod completely. God knows I shake in my boots everytime i go online with my best stuff for fear of losing it. And yes, I do go down with 2 or 3 weapons because i like to have felxibility in combat. Yamato +27 for 1on1 power, Flowen's sword +21 for multiple and Devils Raygun for range.

Jun 8, 2003, 05:53 PM
games are meant to be fun, if someone wants to dupe to fly through normal, hard, and vhard to get to ultimate so he/she can have fun, then whats the problem?

Jun 15, 2003, 12:54 PM

Legits are no better than dupers. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif They both have this "holier than thou" attitude.


no not really.. I play offline only however, cause I don't have the BBA yet. Sometimes cheating is fun, as long as it doesn't effect the game permenantly, like if I felt like cheating one day *which I normally don't.. nor do I know how* I'd get a whole bunch of cool duped items and go around kicking things asses then when I'm bored with being all powerful I would drop the duped items.. even if they are really good I don't care. I have yet to actually feel like cheating.. or have the ability to
