View Full Version : Delimas Delimas

Jun 2, 2003, 01:14 PM
My old characters are starting to los their novelty so I think its time for me to start a new character. My current characters include:

89 HUnewearl
44 RAcast
40 FOnewm

Since I've covered each basic class I am having trouble choosing a forth character. I simply want your opinion on any characters you think I should try and perferably a good section ID to go with it.

Jun 2, 2003, 01:54 PM
i think you should get a HUcast. they have the highest HP potential of any class and i think atp potential too. REDRIA is one of the best section ids. look at this guide

redrias find very good special weaps including most "red" weapons.

Jun 3, 2003, 01:34 AM
Wow, thats it? One suggestion?

Jun 3, 2003, 01:43 AM
wait a little, more people will post, it's late.

Jun 3, 2003, 02:31 AM
FOmars are good if you're up for a challenge, not to mention they're probably the most versatile class in the game. Being a Force, he's got talent with techniques, and a 30% boost to Gi-level techniques and Grants, as well as the 2x range bonus with Shifta and Deband. He's also got the highest ATP growth of the Forces. High-level Shifta and Zalure paired with some high-powered weapons or high Hit% mechguns can do some serious damage. They're pretty good at filling any empty role in a team as they can do good melee, ranged, or elemental damage.

Jun 3, 2003, 02:47 AM
On 2003-06-02 11:14, LegendaryMage wrote:
My old characters are starting to los their novelty so I think its time for me to start a new character. My current characters include:

89 HUnewearl
44 RAcast
40 FOnewm

Since I've covered each basic class I am having trouble choosing a forth character. I simply want your opinion on any characters you think I should try and perferably a good section ID to go with it.

Tough one since as you mentionded you already have a Hunter, a Force and a Ranger. By the looks of things you have yet to try an Android Hunter, a Human Ranger or a Human Force so I would recommend either Hucaseal, Ramarl and Fomar since they are on completely different ends of the spectrum to the charcaters that you already have.

I myself am going through somthing similar to what you are and I am concidering creating the unthinkable, a Humar.

Jun 3, 2003, 05:08 AM
for short, i'd second that FOmar suggestion - the human forces are quite different to the newman forces.

and for later characters, i'd second the previous post as well - a hunter android, a human ranger.
and right, a humar is quite different to a hunewearl as well.

good luck

Jun 3, 2003, 05:47 AM
I third the FOmar idea. They're neat...

And what in the name of Unreal Tournament is a delima?

Jun 3, 2003, 02:16 PM
Good I was leaning towards a FOmar from the begining. Can anyone suggest a section ID to accompany him?

Also I meant to say "Dilemmas Dilemmas" (A Dilemma is a desicion your having trouble making between 2 or more choices.)

Jun 3, 2003, 02:16 PM
Good I was leaning towards a FOmar from the begining. Can anyone suggest a section ID to accompany him?

Also I meant to say "Dilemmas Dilemmas" (A Dilemma is a desicion your having trouble making between 2 or more choices.)