View Full Version : Pay 2 Play Has caused

Jun 2, 2003, 10:55 PM
I left pso for i believe good on Feb 2 2003. I havent played since then. Wonder why? Cause its pay2play. Why should have to pay like 15 bucks a month to play a game? Had it been free i would have stayed on longer, and dont give me that "Cause of Hackers" Ish. I'm tired of always hearing bout some stupid novice with a codebreaker or xploder or gameshark and truely has no life going around bothering other people. With the arrival of PSO3 The card cr@p. Its definitely over for me. 1. I can almost say for certain it will be p2p. 2. CARDS?!! Just cause Lost Kingdoms used it doesnt mean YOU have to PSO was not made for CARDS! 3. Limited Movement. What better game let you move around and avoid attacks with your fast gaming reactions!? none. Thats it for me. I'll probably log in to see whats up but other than that i dont think you can convince me to go back on pso. Sega has killed it for me.

Jun 2, 2003, 10:59 PM
15 bucks a month? I don't think so..

Jun 2, 2003, 11:00 PM
You know what I meant.

Jun 2, 2003, 11:02 PM
On 2003-06-02 20:55, RellikTakahashi wrote:
I left pso for i believe good on Feb 2 2003. I havent played since then. Wonder why? Cause its pay2play. Why should have to pay like 15 bucks a month to play a game?

I swear it was 9 bucks. 12 bucks if you use PSO Explorer.

Had it been free i would have stayed on longer, and dont give me that "Cause of Hackers" Ish.

Okay, here's my take: companies like to try out stuff, and in the future, online games'll be cheaper to play online.

I'm tired of always hearing bout some stupid novice with a codebreaker or xploder or gameshark and truely has no life going around bothering other people.

On Gamecube? Hadn't heard any proven evidence.

With the arrival of PSO3 The card cr@p. Its definitely over for me. 1. I can almost say for certain it will be p2p. 2. CARDS?!! Just cause Lost Kingdoms used it doesnt mean YOU have to PSO was not made for CARDS!

Uh, hello? You don't know if that's just an extra mode! Episode III could add more stuff besides a Card game! AND NOBODY IS FORCING YOU TO BUY IT!

Jun 2, 2003, 11:10 PM
Ta-ta..take care and have some fun wherever you go.

Whats the point of trying to convince anyone to buy anything? If it sucks to you now, it's always going to suck to you one way or the other. Your choice, yeah?

Jun 2, 2003, 11:13 PM
I'm sure many of us would love to have either a sequel, prequel or entirely new episode based on the same play mechanics as PSO episode 1&2. But it doesn't look like that will be the case. So basically you are left with 2 choices. You can dismiss the game and refuse to have anything to do with it OR you can at least try it out and see what you think. I'm not crazy about the card battle system, but as I have said many times before, I'll at least put it through its paces and see if I can enjoy it for what it is. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jun 2, 2003, 11:37 PM
I pretty much expect to pay some money to play an online that involves servers, since it does cost money to run them.

Jun 2, 2003, 11:39 PM
might have considered if it was a sequel lol

Jun 3, 2003, 01:28 AM
On 2003-06-02 20:55, RellikTakahashi wrote:
With the arrival of PSO3 The card cr@p. Its definitely over for me. 1. I can almost say for certain it will be p2p. 2. CARDS?!! Just cause Lost Kingdoms used it doesnt mean YOU have to PSO was not made for CARDS! 3. Limited Movement. What better game let you move around and avoid attacks with your fast gaming reactions!? none. Thats it for me. I'll probably log in to see whats up but other than that i dont think you can convince me to go back on pso. Sega has killed it for me.

Okay, so Sega has killed it for you because you (obviously) lack the mental capacity to understand that it isn't very smart to judge something before trying it for yourself?

...That doesn't make much sense.

Oh well, good riddance, hopefully with your absence, there just might be fewer people that follow this track of thinking (-1 so far).

Jun 3, 2003, 02:50 AM
Okay, so Sega has killed it for you because you (obviously) lack the mental capacity to understand that it isn't very smart to judge something before trying it for yourself?

4 words.
turn-based card game.
enough said.

(Just adding that I am a Magic (real card game) player, so I know very well the fun than card can be, thank you. And it's nothing like real-time action as current PSO is)

Jun 3, 2003, 05:22 AM
its online, it costs money, not just providercosts, also money to maintain the servers. what do you think, that sega has something to give away for free? these days are definitely over.

how good for you that you know a game that you havent even played yet (and even then, playing it some minutes at e3 doesnt count).
if you have the slight feeling that you wont buy it, then fine, good for those who will buy it, but keep it to yourself. noone is interested in your future planes in buying games or not.
if you wont buy it, then dont buy it. simple as that.
no offense, though, really.

things just really started to piss me off, bitching everywhere, teens that think they're all knowing game experts. "this will suck, because its celshading" "that will suck because it has cards" "i'm feeling uncomfortable with changings, i want my games in sequels and with as less new features as possible"


Jun 3, 2003, 05:45 AM
Lol, the 23904234th "pity me i don't like sega" thread. I doubt anyone will care. They wont miss your money, because other people value the opportunity to play online for a small fee. Seriously, if $9 each month is too much, then perhaps you should ask for a raise in allowance http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif. Tons of games are pay 2 play, and people are happily paying it. It's a small fee for interaction with alot of people. ( Btw, i'm guessing you don't pay for your internet connection either lol ).

And get lost with your "oh no, it's cards, eww". Just because it's PSO doesn't mean you have to buy/play/like it.

Jun 4, 2003, 12:10 AM
PSO ep 3 is criticized more than Kingdom Hearts...and that turned out to be a kickass game. Kinda not related much to topic, but meh..

Jun 4, 2003, 12:46 AM
^-- My rant within a Rant that'll answer the PSOIII thing.

now for play to play.
we all knew what it was like to play for free


Yuji Naka:"nope.." -.-


everyone jumps onto the money train, and Sega really needed the money at that time, heck to this day they're still rebounding from Sega Saturn (i wish i had one)
it was bound to happen we all have to pay and yes it isn't fair, some of us gammers are saddly un able to pay for it, adult and children alike.
Parent may think "paying for a video game? so you can sit infront of that idiot box with people across the world, absurd"
some of the adults out there don't feel like getting another job http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif
oh well, the Pay to Pay is never going away now. maybe in time...the price will go down.

Lastly i must note: it seems that only RPGs require Pay to Play systems due to the Advanced Replay value.
Fighting games, 1st person shooters etc seem to be free (yay yay! Sonic Heroes maybe free!)

if you can barly get enough money to pay for rent, food, and all other things needed to substain comfortable but basic style of life, why would you be worried about a online game? (excuse me harshness i herd someone say "we barely have enough money for food)

for those that do pay, and still don't like it ^.^ think of it like this:

your paying for all the people you play with hear see etc all the new quest and items AND your helping sega out buy getting them out of their small finacal rut.

Jun 8, 2003, 08:18 AM
One name, three f words

Star craft.

It’s fast!

It fun !!


What? "It cost money to run server's"

*Makes a retard sound*

Jun 8, 2003, 12:22 PM
That's a bit different, Blizzard didn't go down the crapper like Sega...

Jun 8, 2003, 01:50 PM
I seem to recall something on PSO. What was it again... Oh yes, OFFLINE MODE!
Who says you have to pay to play?
I know, it can be dull when you play alone, but there is a multiplayer option! Don't you have friends? It's basicly the same as online except you don't need a half hour to type a sentence. And if one of your teammates bothers you, you can smack'em!

Jun 8, 2003, 02:01 PM
hahaha ya thats true bash your friend up for being annoying. But You cannt get all the weapons Offline now can you? the only way to do so is with a cheating device...is there even one that'll work offline?!