View Full Version : Experience

Jun 3, 2003, 05:45 PM
I'm curious... I looked at the experience chart on this webpage and I'm curious if that experience is what you need to get to the next level or total experience...

I'm on level 111 and basically I need 130,000 exp points to get to the next level.

My friend told me that it would take me a million points to get to level 100, but it took me only like 85,000 or something like that. O_o

I have the GC version.

Jun 3, 2003, 07:11 PM
sup dude,
the experience chart that they have online here at PSO-World shows the total exerpience points you will have when you reach a certain level, not how much you need to advance. Your friend was probably right when he said that it would take a million experience points to get to level 100 (meaning the total exp points that you have accumulated in the game, because it keeps track of both exp points accumulated, and exp points you need to advance to the next level). I cannot recall the amount I have collected so far, I'm at level 171, and it will take me 860,000 exp points to advance to level 172, I think my total exp points accumulated is somewhere near 30 million. Keep on Rocking in the Free World! See you on Ragol!

Wes C. Attle HUmar Level 171 (my favorite to use)
Dream Hunter FOmar level 95 (fun to use, gets boring quickly)
Vectrex Racast Level 41 (very cool, but use my HUmar too much)