View Full Version : Basic Training in the army

Jun 3, 2003, 06:25 PM
well i joined the army in December and now im finally done with all my training. BCT took 9 weeks long and AIT took 5 weeks. my job in the army is Administration specialist (71L) and i am currently training for postal school (F5). right now i am in FT Jackson in South Carolina which is where i did all my training at.

Basic was hard yet easy... the hard part was dealing with all the yelling and getting used to not being able to do what i wanted to do. the first 2 weeks are the hardest part because thats when the Drill sergeants try to make you into a soldier instead of a civilian...

anyways im currently going to be stationed at FT Sill, Oaklahoma... but i got lucky everyone eles in my platoon got stationed at Korea (Whew!)
anyways just thought id give a heads up to some of my old friends here...

if anyone has any questions about how basic is or anything about the army just post them and i will try to anwser them...

Jun 3, 2003, 06:43 PM
do you have military secrets that you're not supposed to share?
is it like prison in the sense that you shouldn't bend over in the shower?
is it like the navy, with lots of sea men going getting up everyones ass?
is it true what they say about the guys that drill you?
how fast did they turn you from a civilian into a mindless arse?
am i getting on your nerves yet?

anyway, serious questions now...

how hard has this been on you mentally and physically?
what areas of the training did you struggle with most?
whats the food like?

Jun 3, 2003, 06:53 PM
My cousin graduated as a sniper and they sent him to Iraq. The last we heard he was on leave for a bit and then they were sending him out again.

Congratulations though.

Jun 3, 2003, 06:57 PM
Well congrats on finishing up your training. And good to see ya! Well I hope everything goes well for ya. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jun 3, 2003, 06:57 PM
Recently I've been thinking about joining the military. If I don't, I can always have that as one of my options. There's always a job in the Army. I'll just use it as a last resort.

But congratulations anyway.

Jun 3, 2003, 07:11 PM
my younger brother almost joined the army, but went to the air force instead, like my youngest sister did. he hasn't started yet though. i wonder how different their basic is from the army? probably not as difficult... bah!

my older brother went route of army... he said that they put some drug in the food to keep your mind off sex, it made people impotent. but only during basic. maybe you know? do they still make you breathe tear gas? after basic, he went into generator repair. one thing he noticed, was that they could not get what they needed sometimes, because the military was horribly underfunded in the clinton days. but i understand from a classmate (who is in the reserves) that that has changed. i sure hope so!

i wish i could do route of military too, to serve my country and get college funds, but they are not very tolerant of people who have asthma. it makes me very angry, because i'm sure i could be a better soldier than both of my brothers, just let me use my inhaler! grr! er-hem!

congrats to you for an excellent decision!

Jun 3, 2003, 07:21 PM
Hey, congratulations.

I hope things go well for you.

[Edit: Err, I just realized I basicly said the same thing as D. >_> .....tell us some boot camp experiences?]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Prof_Frink on 2003-06-03 20:56 ]</font>

Jun 3, 2003, 07:51 PM
Good for you, holmes!

I'd say something, but I'm too lazy to thin of anything else.

Jun 4, 2003, 11:38 AM
On 2003-06-03 16:43, Sai-Yuk wrote:
how fast did they turn you from a civilian into a mindless arse?

Thats the Marines ^_^

but basic wasnt hard mentally cause im used to dealing with chaos and people yelling all the time. physically it was kinda tough because i was in the middle of winter freezing my ass off in the rain. but the PT tests are easy for females its 19 push ups 54 sit ups and run a 2 mile in 19 minutes and thats for the ages of 18-22

males its like 42 push ups and 54 sit ups and run a 2 mile in 16 minutes...

the only hard part in basic was this thing called the "skyscrapper" where you had to climb a tower that was 6 stories tall with no gear, it scared the bejesus out of me.

anyways lunch break is over see you all around.

Jun 4, 2003, 12:30 PM
On 2003-06-03 17:21, Prof_Frink wrote:
Hey, congratulations.

I hope things go well for you.

[Edit: Err, I just realized I basicly said the same thing as D. >_> .....tell us some boot camp experiences?]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Prof_Frink on 2003-06-03 20:56 ]</font>

omgwtf j00 n00b!

Jun 5, 2003, 12:19 AM
The only reason i'd ever join the military is to realize my dream of pretending i'm Cloud Strife

step 1. join
step 2. barely get through basic
step 3. finally a private
step 4. fail utterly
step 5. pretend im someone else, someone powerful
step 6. bail out asap
step 7. completely buy into my own insanity
step 8. buy a big sword off ebay
step 9. revel in my lack of caring
step 10. become a mercenary

Jun 5, 2003, 01:02 AM
I'm to much of a coward to join the military. I'd be the one up the back with camaflage a garbage bin on my head and a rifle in each hand looking every where and not listening to anyone.

Jun 5, 2003, 01:11 AM
Going to war and risk dieing for your country!

I think I'll pass. I would highly suggest going to college instead of joining the army.

Jun 5, 2003, 01:27 PM
Congrats on passing the basic training.

My older brother is coming back from his first six weeks of basic training tonight, which is cool, ill fineally get my money back that he owes me.

Jun 5, 2003, 02:08 PM
Hey congrats man. I think its awesome that you decided to serve your country. Got a few questions,

1) What's the food like there?
2) What's the sleep schedule?
3) What made you decide to go in the army instead of another branch of the armed forces?

I'm just wondering because I'd probably like to join some branch of the military when im old enough. Thanks and congrats again.

Jun 7, 2003, 12:40 PM
I thought a little bit about joining the armed forces, but I discounted that after looking at my skinny nerdy self in the mirror.