View Full Version : Churel MAG

Jun 3, 2003, 07:59 PM
Ok ok... i was going throught the mag gallery in the website and something caught my attention. In the gallery it is said that the Churel mag on the boss fights casts shifta & deband, BUT that's NOT TRUE..!! why you may ask? I have a churel and it NEVER EVER casted shifta or deband at boss fights..!! not whatsoever.!! only RESTA... BUT (yeah yeahh another but) on the first weeks it would cast REVERSER whenever i died, NOT anymore..!! so it might be possible my mag is STUPID or something..!! it is level 200, iq at 200, it's a power/def mag, and the sinchro is above the 100's somewhere... so what the heck is the problem??
Ohhh i'll use just one thread the post TWO questions about MAG's...
I also raised a second mag in order to use the angel wing's, but i did a BAD planning on it..! and it reached level 100 with TWO pb's only, so that means i CANT get a third one?? or is there another way to do so???????? i dont think so... but maybe i'm wrong..!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all... good luck..!

Jun 3, 2003, 08:56 PM
If you change the stat order (like Dex>Pow>Mind instead of Pow/Dex/Mind), you could make your mag evolve again and maybe get a new PB. UNLESS you already used the mag cell, or you got one of the lvl 100 rare mags (which would be stupid, because if I remember right you can't use the mag cell on a rare mag).