View Full Version : HUcaseals really suck?

Jun 6, 2003, 12:26 PM
So i was playing online today with my FOnewearl in Vhard Cave going to Falz when the HUcaseal in our group out of nowhere says. "#$%@ this %&*! im remaking as a HUnewearl, i can't stand being this crappy". So he left the game and we continued on to Dark Falz (I still cant survive his damn swipe attack, how much HP does it take off!). And so after i went to play some of my lvl 27 HUcaseal but then i remembered what he said. Now im having doubts about my HUcaseal. I want a powerful character but i don't know if i should stick with the HUcaseal. Do they really suck as he said? (he was lvl 89) or was he just exaggerating? I had a 63 HUnewearl before i had to return my XBOX and im just wondering if i made the wrong choice to go HUcaseal. Heck i remember i used up 10 dimates 10 monomates and 9 trimates just to beat Barba Ray on hard at like lvl 23.

Jun 6, 2003, 12:32 PM
He was 89? And getting owned in vhard caves? It sounds like HE is the one that sucks o.O

(edit) Oh, and GO KOF NAMES! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif (/edit)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Suhleap on 2003-06-06 10:33 ]</font>

Jun 6, 2003, 01:13 PM
HUcaseals rock!

Jun 6, 2003, 02:18 PM
I agree, I'd say the person that was playing the HUcaseal is the one that sucks. Also, how much mates do you expect to go through fighting Hard Barba Ray at that level? You can't expect Hard Ep 2 be a cake walk at that level.

Jun 6, 2003, 02:54 PM
Hucasel lvl 108 VS Caves boss on Ultimate. I won but I was out of mono,di and trimate and down to 50 hp's when he died. Do I suck? Note: I have no haks.

Jun 6, 2003, 02:59 PM
HUcaseal is like a HUmar without magic. She has lower atp, dfp, and hp than him. Her sole advantages are her ata, evp, and her traps. HUmar ATA is pretty close to hers, and any character can make up the difference with hit %. HUcaseal also gets the shaft by having less traps than any other droid.

On another note, RAcast has better stats in every single area except EVP

Jun 6, 2003, 06:29 PM
Rhete took the words out of my... keyboard, except...

The only thing HUcaseal has going for her is Challenge Mode, and hot-hot-hot dagger/double saber animations.

Jun 6, 2003, 07:55 PM
Meh... I tried a HUcaseal for a bit, and I've seen my boyfriend's. I'm not fond of them, I'll stick with my HUmars and this HUnewearl I made last night and feel dirty about... She has daisy dukes and an eyepatch. Rar. Her ATA sucks balls, though, so I'm making her a 5/145/50/0 Rati. I'm used to HUmars. Freh... L9 and she can only just now equip a Handgun natively. I'm used to being a Hunter and having guns from the beginning. FOs I'm used to the lack of guns, but not Hunters...

I don't know about online, but offline the swipe takes 390. I assume it's higher Online. (Which made getting a L52 FOmar with 368 HP to Ult quite interesting... Several Scapes there. XD)

Jun 6, 2003, 09:08 PM
I wouldn't trade my HUcaseal for anything, her "disadvantages" are far outweighed by her advantages. It's all been said a thousand times before and really, it's all a matter of play style. Some people just don't have what it takes to effectivly manage a HUcaseal in the field.

Jun 6, 2003, 09:20 PM

Hucaseals don't suck. They just need DEF and high LUCK(to make up for no SD, and assured killing in one animation). Bout all they need. I got my HUcassy up to 148 dfp at lv52 now, and need three more to be able to do well in very hard. After 80, a HUcaseals ATP is like WAY up there, so ULT shouldn't be a problem.

Maybe that person just can't stand taking obserd amounts of damage. Like the FOmarl, HUcaseals are a very mature looking character.

Jun 6, 2003, 10:22 PM
I don't need Luck. I just made my HUcaseal all high on Def and Power pills.

Jun 6, 2003, 10:53 PM
Well i just remade my HUnewearl and shes lvl 16 right now in normal ruins. I forgot how nice it is to have heals (not that it matters since a double saber kills everything in one hit) I just cant get a feel for androids and there reliance on mates. (lvl 27 RAcaseal 27 HUcaseal and 29 HUcast just sitting on my HD collecting dust). Oh yeah my FOnewearl has like 390 HP at 79 and with a dragon/HP has 440 but STILL cant survive a swipe from dark falz online hard. Oh well i guess ill have to find another dragon/HP. Thanks for your opinions but i guess androids just werent for me http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

And yes K9999 is the man in 2k2 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jun 7, 2003, 02:24 PM
What can I say about Hucaseals?

I have one and I am very fond of her. For the most part my progress through the game has been easy ( almost effortless ) although I do have major problems with Olga Flow and Dark Falz's last form. There are times when I do wish she had more ATP and DEF ( what can I say, my previous charcter was a Hucast so natuarrly the big diiference in stat levels is always in the back of my mind ) but in my opinion it is alot more important and alot more useful to be able to hit your opponents almost everytime and do moderate damage than to deal major damage but miss every other attack.

My Hucaseal is currently in semi-retirement right now. Even though I can easily make it through Very Hard Caves with her I have chosen not to do so and instead I have her raising several Mag's. She probably won't gain anymore levels for about a month or two since Mag raising takes forever before I resume playing. The reason why I have chosen to do this and concentrate on other characters is beacuse I just got a bit tired of the non stop hacking and slashing and I needed a break from her. This is probably the biggest dissadvantage I can think off for an android Hunter, that things do become a bit repetitve after awhile, more so than with other characters. It should also be taken into concideration that I am affraid of Ultimate difficulty ( apparently where a Hucaseals limitations become apparent, poor ATP, DEF and HP, no shifta, no deband, no resta, oh crap! ) and I want to postpone having my Hucaseal reach there for as long as possible.

Hucaseals arn't for everyone but they most defenetly DON'T SUCK.

Jun 7, 2003, 03:47 PM
HUcaseals are likely the best class to use in C-mode. One, because they are droids, cannot be paralyzed or poisoned (and as such, can put antis into feeding a single person's Mag), and can use traps. Two, because they have high starting ATA. Three, (of relevance for certain C-mode levels), as Sham said their dagger combo rocks rocks rocks. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

My standard game HUcaseal is on level 83 and she does fairly well by herself. Like others have agreed, it sounds more like that HUcaseal player in your narrative was more sucky than the class itself. If you know how to use a droid and cover their weaknesses (i.e. lack of Resta and weakening/buffing techs) you can do very well. It's even better to be on a team that can even more easily compensate for your lack of techs by buffing you, healing you, and weakening the enemies while you go in smashing them.

And I have to admit, sometimes I really get used to using traps.

Jun 7, 2003, 07:15 PM
In a sense you could always argue that statistically there are some classes better than others, but why should that make you pick the better one? Why not take a challenge in a game and see if it's more fun?

I'd have to admit that it was a heck of a lot easier to get my HUnewearl into ultimate mode than it was to get my HUcaseal there, but it was also a hell of a lot more boring. Sure, resta is almost a God-like spell in this game but what is the fun in HAVING to use it every few monsters just because your complete combo missed. All in all, Androids in general, are just a more tactical class. If you would rather find a way around getting hit instead of running into it and using resta when your done, then being an android helps.