View Full Version : The LAST things you want to hear your BA partner say...

Jun 6, 2003, 02:14 PM
Battle rules 1, 5, and 6 allow you to play on teams, which can result in some pretty funny or painful experiences. What phrases of doom have you heard from them so far?

For example:
"Do we need our own weapons for this?"

"Uh-oh, I forgot my mag!"

"vbrueghuwg I dropped my mechs!" (well, it would have been worse on DC...)

"I wi11 ki11 j00! MWAHAHA!!!"

Jun 6, 2003, 02:23 PM
How about when a HUcast walks into your BA6 game?

Me: Hey, have you played BA6 before?
HUcast: Nope.
Me: *cries*

Jun 6, 2003, 02:25 PM
When your FO partner uses grants in r6 >_<

Jun 6, 2003, 07:15 PM
yea and if your partner is a hucast and drops a freeze or confuse trap in BA6 they start hacking at you lol i hate that. that and when your partner tries aiming at the foe and your on your last life in BA6 which ends up killing you happened to me 2 times

Jun 6, 2003, 07:34 PM
when your playing with a nOObish person and they say something like, "So we have to hit the other guys CHARACTERS? Well. at least i have a strong resta to use while he's attack ME" my friends said almost that exact thing once haha

Jun 6, 2003, 09:15 PM
yea lol but what really annoys me is once i was in ba6 and this jerk starts killing EVERYONE includin her own team member the we all killed her and pronounced a noob even though she has a 140 sometin fomarl lol my chars 121

Jun 7, 2003, 12:15 PM
"What's a km?"

lol... that happened last night. >.o;;

Jun 7, 2003, 12:25 PM
On 2003-06-07 10:15, ChibiMyu wrote:
"What's a km?"

lol... that happened last night. >.o;;

Or even better..

*middle of the battle*

Them: "wait...why would I kill the person on my team?"

Me: "gah....just trust me and kill me when I say KM!"

Them: ".....I'm confused."

Jun 7, 2003, 01:31 PM
km? sorry im on xbox and only have 1 battle set....

Jun 7, 2003, 01:35 PM
On 2003-06-07 11:31, M8TRIX wrote:
km? sorry im on xbox and only have 1 battle set....

km stand for Kill me. When you partner is low and HP and out of TP its better for you to kill him rather than let the other team kill him. If you kill him you lose 1000 points for him dying, giving you a net loss of 1000. If the other team kills him you lose 1000 points for dying and they gain 1000 for getting a kill, giving you a net loss of 2000.

Jun 9, 2003, 10:39 PM
On 2003-06-07 10:25, Prof_Frink wrote:

On 2003-06-07 10:15, ChibiMyu wrote:
"What's a km?"

lol... that happened last night. >.o;;

Or even better..

*middle of the battle*

Them: "wait...why would I kill the person on my team?"

Me: "gah....just trust me and kill me when I say KM!"

Them: ".....I'm confused."

Reminds of Miranda 7 days (some battles).

Jun 10, 2003, 02:49 AM
The worst thing I can hear in team battle is when my partner says he has mail (becuase he always answers it and stands still).

Jun 14, 2003, 01:58 AM
RandomPartner: WHOA did you know we can use traps in this?! *uses everytrap and stands there* awesome....

you: Wait no, those traps will go off in - (BOOM)
RandomPartner: LOL~

Jun 14, 2003, 11:25 AM
" What's a 'Battle Rule'."
Or.... , having a lvl 1 Hunewearl kill you. Repeatedly.