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View Full Version : I only desire a boot command.

Mar 13, 2001, 03:42 AM
Tired of the hacked lv1 force with a spread needle and lv1 foie which hits for 999? Boot.

Tired of the guy that keeps hanging around you're group trying to train sharks onto members so he can steal thier weapon? Boot.

Fed up with having people who are lv 100 hop into your team then steall all the kills when the group is ironically named "newbie lowlv only"? Boot.

Tired of the guy that just sits in the city, spewing off racial slurs at the japanese member of your group? Boot.

Downright sick and tired of the guy who runs around the city repeatedly asking to see your special items so he can dupe them? Boot.

Boot command. Live by it.

Mar 13, 2001, 11:36 AM
Agreed. However, they'd need to implement a bit in there somewhere so you could see who created the team you are in. It'd be all to easy for some corrupt trader to create a room of his own, and offer a trade, and then as soon as the item is dropped by the other perosn, boot himmout for the resulting freebies.

Hmm, for that matter, a unethical team creator could boot the rest of the team out as soon as they got a huge haul (like beating Falz) so that he could grab all the loot for himself.

Tricky, that.

Mar 13, 2001, 06:40 PM
Very good points, with this in place we'd probably see alot of complaints about that appearing on the boards, I'd still rather have the option to boot though =)

Mar 13, 2001, 06:59 PM
How about a majority only vote to boot? Like that ever works in CS. Hmm, how about the game creator's vote counts as two, one more and *boot*

Ok, then. How about a timer? "Spasmo has kicked Super-Duper, 30 seconds till disconnect." Also, how about the game creator only being able to boot one person at a time? And being able to choose from boot, or boot/ban?

Mar 14, 2001, 07:11 AM
Majority boot wouldn't be very good given that team size is just 4.

What if its just the team creator playing by himself when some guy joins and starts using some pk hack? Majority here wouldn't help.

Then there is the possibility of 2 people joining your group specifically to boot you from it.

Lastly having 4 players will result in a deadlock for majority voting.

I'd still prefer if the boot command(if any is introduced) be left in soley in the hands of the room creator, even if you find a corrupt leader, you can always leave and create your own group where you can admin as you please.