View Full Version : Insanely hard gameage

Jun 7, 2003, 08:48 PM
This has probably been done before, but since I'm bored I'll ask around. What is the most insanely difficult game you've ever played?

Chalk one up for Ecco: The Dolphin (Genesis)
Glad I cheated to see the ending because I would've broken that game in half had I taken the time to get through it otherwise.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HotWaterDeath on 2003-06-07 18:49 ]</font>

Jun 7, 2003, 08:50 PM
Ikaruga...although i think im getting the hang of it

Jun 7, 2003, 08:55 PM
Hm. o_O I'll have to think about this one for a while. Not sure of *the* absolute hardest...

One I can think of right now, though, is an Ecco sequel: Ecco the Dolphin, Defender of the Future. It was for Dreamcast, and it ticked me off to no end. This may or may not have something to do with me constantly going through walls (and drowning, since it wouldn't let me back into the actual stage) and then spawning under a giant worm-thing that would eat me. Nice graphics, but it wasn't worth it.

I'm really bad at Chu Chu Rocket. It moves too fast for me. ;_; I think I've only beaten Oregon Trail once, because everyone drowns or dies from diseases, but it's fun leaving tombstones in it anyway.

Then there are games that I can beat, but not get 100% on. I'll never get all of the emblems in the Sonic Adventure games. I'll never beat Extra mode on Nightmare in Dreamland. There's more out there, but those are the first that come to mind.

Jun 7, 2003, 08:57 PM
Megaman and Bass. Still can't beat Burner Man.

Megaman 7. Can't beat ANY Robot Master.

Jun 8, 2003, 12:05 AM
definitely Robo Kid! >_< It was some unknown game for genesis that my dad got me for free ages ago...

Jun 8, 2003, 12:56 AM
I still havent beaten animal crossing.


what did you say?

Well anyways to be serious..


probably unlocking all the "cheats" in goldeneye for the 64...my bro and I beat every level on 00 under the restrictions to GET EVERYTHING. Ill never forget beating the facility under 4 minutes.

Plus I enjoy watching my brother cuss during offline SOCOM navy SEALS hardest difficulty http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jun 8, 2003, 01:13 AM
another unheard of game for genesis here.....
Anyone ever heard of Bubba and Stix?
Neither had I, that damn game was as impossible as it was pointless, stupid, and uhhhh stupid.

Jun 8, 2003, 01:15 AM
The new Contra is pretty hard, if you're trying to get a decent rank. Ikaruga is hard, but short and all about patterns. Certainly not as hard as Contra.

Jun 8, 2003, 01:21 AM
On 2003-06-07 23:15, Zhuzhen wrote:
The new Contra is pretty hard, if you're trying to get a decent rank.

Contra:Shattered Soldier for the PS2 is...well it's one reason to get shit faced. o-O

I bought it, expecting a fun experience like on the SNES...40 minutes later I calmly put the controller down, turn off the system, go outside and shoot afew things until they stop moving. O-o;

Then my brother and cousin play two player mode..put it on easy..needless to say I was sitting afew feet away, staring intently as I stopped myself from bursting out laughing at the aneurism they were about to get from it. XD

Five minutes later, Contra: Shattered Soldier was deemed the game that leaves you with a sore throat from yelling obscure obscenities that would make a sailor cry.

Jun 8, 2003, 01:26 AM
I'm goin the same direction as you guys.. Contra 3 and ecco: defender are the hardest i've played, and i suck at pretty much ALL games except RPG's so just imagine how frustrated i am. Still love Contra 3 though.

(now where did i put that Game Genie?)

Jun 8, 2003, 08:42 AM
The hardest game I've played would have to be Starsiege on the Cybrid campaign, that was hard, but still a ton of fun.

Jun 8, 2003, 08:47 AM
I never really have encountered a game that was too hard to beat.

Jun 8, 2003, 11:24 AM
populous. the first one.
and a lot of games on older systems, where you had to do pixel perfect jumps... ugh... i hated them.

so many games to list, so few games i care enough to list.

Jun 8, 2003, 11:58 AM
megaman zero was sorta hard.

Jun 8, 2003, 12:05 PM
On 2003-06-07 18:57, RavenTW wrote:
Megaman and Bass. Still can't beat Burner Man.

Megaman 7. Can't beat ANY Robot Master.

Ok Ok...I'll give you Mega Man and Bass. I have the import for SNES. That game IS hard, but WTF man..Mega Man 7!? That's one of the easier ones! (Hint: Start with Burst Man *nudge)

HOWEVER...the hardest game EVER is Batman and Robin on Genesis...that game just um *cries*

Jun 8, 2003, 02:10 PM
The most difficult games I have come across is undoubtly Angband, Ancient Domains of Mystery, Nethack and other Roguelike games. Long and hard as hell, no saving and if you die once it's game over and start again. Nahlakh, a shareware rpg for PC witch has some just about impossible battles takes the second place.

Jun 8, 2003, 03:19 PM
On 2003-06-08 12:10, Urscumug wrote:
The most difficult games I have come across is undoubtly Angband, Ancient Domains of Mystery, Nethack and other Roguelike games. Long and hard as hell, no saving and if you die once it's game over and start again.


i beat TOME a while back. my angband variant of choice. never beaten any other, or Nethack... even using wizard characters i haven't... because i suck, obviously.

Jun 8, 2003, 03:23 PM
Final Fantasy 1. Hard as hell, but I beat it.

Jun 8, 2003, 05:05 PM
Megaman Zero. Man, ive been playing that on and off for ages now and i still cant complete it. Pretty much the same with the other Megaman games, i can ever get past the bosses cause i suck.

Also Bubsy 3D, but thats cause the game itself sucks! Yeah, lets make a paltform game were its nearly impossible to see where your jumping! GAH, that game wa one of the worst fifteen pounds i ever spent, me and my stupid memories of the good 2D Bubsy's i played when i was younger.

Jun 8, 2003, 07:28 PM
Final Fantasy 1. Hard as hell, but I beat it.

There we go... that's old school right there. It's obvious that the older the game is, the harder it is to beat. I'm wondering if anyone here has ever tried to actually beat some of the old school Nintendo, Genesis, and even some Super Nintendo games. The ones that come to mind as being the most challenging are Drakkhen for SNES, Dungeon Master for SNES (which later had a sequel on Sega CD that was also difficult, but I managed to beat both) Faxanadu for NES, Soul Blazer for SNES, Shadowrun for SNES, and let's not forget the most difficult SNES game of all, Prince of Persia. If you could beat Prince of Persia all the way through, you were a genius. Not to mention extremely patient and skillful.

My vote as the #1 hardest game I ever beat- Prince of Persia for SNES.

My vote as the #1 hardest game I never beat, even to this day- Kid Icarus.

Jun 8, 2003, 07:40 PM
Hmm, lets see..

Batman and Robin for the Genesis. The third level kicked my ass every time.

Jun 8, 2003, 08:28 PM
On 2003-06-07 23:21, ABDUR101 wrote:

On 2003-06-07 23:15, Zhuzhen wrote:
The new Contra is pretty hard, if you're trying to get a decent rank.

Contra:Shattered Soldier for the PS2 is...well it's one reason to get shit faced. o-O

I bought it, expecting a fun experience like on the SNES...40 minutes later I calmly put the controller down, turn off the system, go outside and shoot afew things until they stop moving. O-o;

Then my brother and cousin play two player mode..put it on easy..needless to say I was sitting afew feet away, staring intently as I stopped myself from bursting out laughing at the aneurism they were about to get from it. XD

Five minutes later, Contra: Shattered Soldier was deemed the game that leaves you with a sore throat from yelling obscure obscenities that would make a sailor cry.

Yeah, I did a hell of a lot of that. In fact, if I wasn't playing with a good friend of mine chances are I would have just turned it off and brought the game right back to Blockbuster.

Jun 8, 2003, 11:43 PM
On 2003-06-08 17:40, Prof_Frink wrote:
Hmm, lets see..

Batman and Robin for the Genesis. The third level kicked my ass every time.

I swear to god Frink...you're my long lost white brother O_o.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Vitamin_D on 2003-06-08 21:44 ]</font>

Jun 8, 2003, 11:59 PM
Well, I found Ikaruga to be quite tough. I nearly kicked my dreamcast through my TV when I failed the third thing... Although I'd say the hardest thing about Ikaruga is burning it...

But I know I have some games that are unbelievably hard... OH! OH! I know a game that's physically impossible to get to give you a straight answer, Super Question Wizard!!

It's definantly the worst game in the history of interactive entertainment. Since it worked like a magic 8-ball, but only played WAVs as the answer(no text response) and all you ever could get was fuzz.
That game sucked so hard. "Will I ever find true love?" "FFFFFFFFffffft!" "Will I ever fix this game?" "ZZZZZZZZzzzzt" "Is this the worst game in the world?" *Unspellable sound made by a computer program that cannot read WAV files*. You could NEVER get an answer, therefore making the game impossible to use! YAY!

EDIT: Forgot to mention the old Friday the 13th game. *Goes Left* *Goes Left* *Goes Left* *Gets Killed by Jason*.

Or that broken version fo F-18 No Fly Zone! The game that moved at 800 billion frames per nanosecond. I died within before I could count to '4'.

Or this one oline(Java-Based) RPG(the name escapes me), which played like the old Phantasy Star game for the Master System. It had(as far as I can tell) 1 enemy, the "invincible-super-creature"(as I called it). It was the First monster I fought, took no damage from me, did half my health in one hit. That was a game that really blew.


Ghosts and Goblins was hard...

*Thinks some more*

AH! The Windows version of CheeseToast(Yes, it's not just a Mac exclusive) was physically impossible (atleast on my old machine). The asteroids would not blow up.
The Windows version of Hemorrhoids was also garbage. Ship just started blowing up as soon as you start the game.
Several Arkanoid clones that came with shareware disc had a paddle that the ball went through(Which was the default paddle, you had to get an upgrade before you hit the ball).

I'm sure I have more.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Captain_Dude on 2003-06-08 22:13 ]</font>

Jun 9, 2003, 12:45 AM
All the old school games were about skill.


That's all I have to say.

Jun 9, 2003, 01:10 AM
On 2003-06-08 22:45, IHPSOC wrote:
All the old school games were about skill.


That's all I have to say.


Ghouls 'N Ghosts on Genesis was a pain.

Jun 9, 2003, 08:52 AM
Ya'll want some hard ass shit? *crowd says yeah* Ya'll want some real hard ass shit? *crowd screams yeah*. The Original Star Fox. Yup, call me sorry or whatever you want, I don't care. I never made it to Andross. I always made it to the last level though........and no I don't mean beat it by blowing up the comet and doing the bonus game, I mean straight beating it.

Jun 9, 2003, 09:19 AM
I played that game once. Never played it again. Couldn't even get to the first boss.

Jun 9, 2003, 12:13 PM
mine has gotta be tunnel b1 on the saturn that game has got to be one of the hardest ever made (unless you beat it and totally disagree, lol)

Jun 9, 2003, 01:51 PM
this stupid ecco game i hade for dc. the only reason i didnt set it on fire and whatch it burn was because i had a gameshark thingy(not really a gameshar but an off brand one)

Jun 9, 2003, 01:52 PM
For some reason, I could never beat Super Mario Bros. when I was a kid. I'd always get nervous and I could never get to Bowser.

I ended up playing it again in college, and beat it in under 10 mins. Sure, I took the warps to bowser, but I was just really surprised that I did it so quickly without flinching. What happened?

Anyhoo, that's not the hardest for me anymore. I never beat duck hunt, and I didn't have the gamer's stamina to go through the dungeons in the original Phantasy Star. (Or the smarts to try to map the dungeons out, if you could at all.)

Tedious and Kinda Hard:
Legend of Legaia.
Incredible Crisis.
Sewer Shark (That was more tedious than anything.)

You want hard? Try playing Frequency or Amplitude on the hardest setting and try to get a score of 90% or higher on the very last song. It's doable, but it'll take ya a while. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jun 9, 2003, 01:56 PM
Star Fox and Batman and Robin (for SNES, not Genesis) were always too hard for me. @_@; I got past the first and second stages on Star Fox on the easiest path, but that was about it. (Though after looking at a walkthrough I remember some of the later bosses, so I must have gotten further than I thought. ) It's a shame, because it had some of my favorite monsters/bosses/whatever on the harder difficulties (the giant stingray things and the 2-headed dragon thing come to mind). Not to mention all the secret things, like the black hole (which I never got to! Wah!) and the slot machine thing. The Super FX chip was interesting, too, but I can only think of 2 games that used it...

StarFox64 was really easy, though. o_o The Attack Carrier on that was a million times easier than in the original.

I wonder why games got easier? n_n;

Edit: I got bored and tried StarFox again, and found out that it's hard because you can't tell what the heck you're supposed to be shooting at. x_o I did get to the black hole, though, and I got as far as the giant space whale thing in Sector Y or wherever, which promptly ran into me and killed me. It dropped a healing ring right afterward, too. T_T

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LamerPanda on 2003-06-09 13:03 ]</font>

Jun 9, 2003, 03:57 PM
Recent games that had me pulling my hair out:

Contra: Shattered Player(oops. Soldier)
Mega Man X6

Old school (The Classics):

Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
Ghouls N Ghosts (any of them on any system)
Ecco The Dolphin 1 & 2 (Genesis/CD)
Snake Rattle N Roll
Super Star Wars Trilogy

Jun 9, 2003, 11:19 PM
The hardest games I ever played are as follows:

3. The scond Zelda Game on NES, I couldn't beat the last castle
2.Snake Rattle and Roll
1. The boy and his blob.<-----no story no guides and no idea on what to do. This game gets my vote hands down as the most difficult game ever.

Runner Up: King's Knights

All these were NES titles.

Jun 10, 2003, 03:17 PM
Ya'll want some hard ass shit? *crowd says yeah* Ya'll want some real hard ass shit? *crowd screams yeah*. The Original Star Fox. Yup, call me sorry or whatever you want, I don't care. I never made it to Andross. I always made it to the last level though........and no I don't mean beat it by blowing up the comet and doing the bonus game, I mean straight beating it.

Star Fox will always be one of my favorite games, ever. At first, I admit it was hard. But after a couple months of playing every single day after I got home from school, I ended up mastering it. The trick was to always tap the R button as fast as you can so you can always roll and avoid 90% of the damage that you take. Also, there are three paths, the middle path is easy difficulty, the left path is medium difficulty, and the right path is hard difficulty... but from my experience this is not the case. It's true that the middle path is the easiest path, no doubt about that. But the hardest path in my opinion is actually the left path, not the right path. I can go through all three paths without ever dying, and can get 100% on almost every stage except Fortuna (the dinosaur planet- never got 100% on that one for some reason) But there's a certain boss on the left path right before Andross that is the hardest boss in the game... period. If I ever die, it's on the left, or "medium" path. I think everyone should play that game at least until they beat the hard path because the ending is SO WORTH IT! The music is awesome, and the way they show all the specs of the bosses you fought is a REALLY cool idea... just thinking about it makes me want to play it again.

Jun 11, 2003, 04:41 AM
I never found the left path in Star Fox that hard. The boss before Venom on the hardest (right) path kicked my ass every time. I beat it and the game one day and was shouting so loud my parents came running to see what was going on XD

MDK2 was hard as hell too

Jun 11, 2003, 12:54 PM
I never found the left path in Star Fox that hard. The boss before Venom on the hardest (right) path kicked my ass every time. I beat it and the game one day and was shouting so loud my parents came running to see what was going on XD

Are you talking about the boss on Macbeth? He's one of the easiest... you might be talking about the boss in the Airspace above Venom before you go down to the planet itself, the one where you are dogfighting it, and you have to shoot all of the lights that pop up on it while you're going straight at it. That boss can be awfully tricky to beat... and what's worse is when you go down to the planet itself and that same boss assembles itself into a robot and hurls all of those metal balls at you. Now THAT was fun, and very challenging.

Jun 11, 2003, 03:52 PM
I've never played a game that I would consider overly hard.. but there are a few games that test even MY patience.. super monkey ball is one, but not so bad as... SEVENTH SAGA! OH MY FREAKING GOD AFTER YOU GET ACROSS THE OCEAN WITH THE DINOSAUR OR BOAT OR WHATEVER IT GETS FREAKING IMPOSSIBLE TO DO ANYTHING WITHOUT SPENDING OBSCENE AMOUNTS OF TIME LEVELLIING UP! needless to say I have only beaten the game twice and have chucked it against the wall.. well I haven't chucked it against the wall yet.. but I've thought about it


Jun 13, 2003, 12:00 PM
3.Mega man and Bass

2. Batman and Robin for Genesis. I got to the bank level and never beat it. But the hologram training was pretty fun.

1. Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Try and beat this game without a guide. They give you no direction whatoever and have you figure out the most obscenely stupid tiny little details opn your own.

Example: Theres one room where a wall that looks like any other wall in the game can be broken. If you do you walk through a hallway and you die automatically within 5 seconds if you dont quickly tuen on your light amplification goggles destroy 3 switches and takes out the machine at the end of the hallway (that you cant see untill you turn a few corners)all within 5 seconds. If you die you go all the way back to the last time you saved. (There is no auto save so you have to save by yourself. Forget to save and you have to start all over again.) Then after you destroy the machine theres two poles far above you that you can climb on. But you can only climb on one and thye both look the same so with no guidance if you try the wrong pole you are going to assume that you cant climb the other. Then you have hop on a car that drives by and randomly guess which hole out of about 6 is the right one. If you pick the wrong one then yo have to start over.

Thats just one of the many annoyances of the game.

Another annoying thing is when you fight 2 shadow troopers and one holds you up in the air so you cant move and the other just kills you. Even if you force push out it's too slow sometime.

Jun 13, 2003, 01:44 PM
The hardest game is Enclave for Xbox.

Jun 13, 2003, 02:56 PM
not too hard to beat ...

ah yes, i tried that damn SA-X scene in metroid fusion for 20 times and finally gave in. crap game.

and i hang at metroid prime, but thats just a matter of time and tries.

actually there was no game too hard to beat but for some i didnt bother to solve them completely.

i could never unlock the final level in golden eye, or i still cant solve perfect agent mode in perfect dark for example.

Jun 13, 2003, 03:35 PM
Shinobi (Revenge of Shinobi for Genesis)

IT's IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT THE LAST LEVEL!! IMPOSSIBLE!...I've been through the game 20 times and still can't find the friggen boss through all the friggen doors >_<

Jun 14, 2003, 04:01 AM
I still dare ANYONE to try the copy of F-18 NFZ that I have! If you can beat even ONE level, hell, if you can kill more than one enemy, I'll give you a billion dollars!

Jun 14, 2003, 04:48 AM
On 2003-06-13 10:00, Robomonke wrote:
1. Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Try and beat this game without a guide. They give you no direction whatoever and have you figure out the most obscenely stupid tiny little details opn your own.

That game was easy, the only hard parts about it are on Jedi Master difficulty before you get your saber and that one mission with all the snipers. Instant-headshots are not how you turn up the difficulty.