View Full Version : PSO while you sleep...

Jun 8, 2003, 09:23 PM
It's late at night, I'm playin pso with a couple of my friends. I'm so so so tired... I begin to doze off. Suddently, i wake up, my friends are staring at me confused. turns out that for the entire time i dozed off, i continued to effectively press the buttons to do my combos!! Thats so god damn weird!
The same thing also happened to my brother and one of my other friends.
So i was just wondering, has anything like that ever happened to any one of you?

Jun 8, 2003, 09:30 PM
HeHe I woke up from dozing with a nearly empty tp bar and all my fluids were gone. Now thats playing PSO to much but of course your already knew that

Jun 8, 2003, 10:18 PM
This may sound hypocritical but maybe you newmans should get some more sleep.(Sleep is evil and I am a Fonewm)

Jun 8, 2003, 10:21 PM
i used to be known for the common "walk in circles for hours" trick. i played the dc version in bed so it was only natural for me to fall asleep playing.

Jun 8, 2003, 10:41 PM
Played the Star Spangeled Banner on guitar in my sleep. The guy who saw and heard me said I was snoring and playing it note for note. Now if I could just figure out how to do that at work.

Jun 9, 2003, 05:32 AM
I wake up in the morning with my Xbox online and my character dead almost every day...or lobby waiting.

Jun 9, 2003, 05:41 AM
when i fall asleep playing pso my guy usually just sits there for a minute then he attacks for a while and then he sits there and then he attacks for a while and as far as i know(because ppl have told me) i do that for as long as im asleep.

Jun 9, 2003, 08:49 AM
I fall anytime on DC x_X and my friends, so i had to use Icons such "Yahooo!!!!" for wake up them http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif)

Jun 9, 2003, 09:14 AM
I've fallen asleep at my computer before, but never while playing a game as they usually tend to be what's keeping me awake.

Jun 9, 2003, 11:47 AM
I used to stay up 72-96 hours straight many times the first summer I had V1 on dreamcast with a local friend. I fell asleep many times for a few minutes and he said I would be killing things randomly and eventually would just walk into a wall and not do anything, hehe.

My longest time ever playing straight was with the same guy, we both stayed up 127 hours straight playing pso %90 of the time and basketball %10 of the time, we got 2 characters to level 80 during this time, was great. Until we passed out from sleep deprivation and had to get medicine from the hospital haha...