View Full Version : Heaven's Punisher

Jun 10, 2003, 02:30 AM
Ok, I just got a Heaven Punisher today and I was wondering how long 100 beats is.. like 100 beats = ?? Hours, and ?? Min.. From my guess its about 2 hours and 30 mins, but I'm not sure.. If you know, please tell me.. Also, whish is better, the Snow Queen or the Frozen Shooter..

Jun 10, 2003, 02:35 AM
Beat are a system of wordlwide time based on 1000. There is 1000 beats in a day and no matter where you are in the world, it is always the same beat. 1 beat is equal to one minute and 26.4 seconds. So 100 beats is equal to, 144 minutes if my math is correct. Here's a detailed guide to the beat system,


The difference between the snow queen and the frozen shooter is that the SQ will penetrate, meaning it hits many enemys in a line, and also has a 100% success rate. I have a snow queen and love that, but never got to use a frozen shooter.

Jun 10, 2003, 02:40 AM
Alright kool, thanks man! I have a frozen shooter as well as snow queen. The frozen shooter can do the combo, and the snow queen cant, the snow queen does more damage tho, and penetraes like u said.. Thats why I haven't decided which is better.. Though, I like the snow queen better so I think I will be saying with that =)