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View Full Version : Sega team needs a straw so they can suck it up

Jun 10, 2003, 09:03 PM
personally i love Pso.
But there are SOOOO many things that i think sega team should be doing to improve the game.....i have heard about all the complants and i have some of my own....
we arn't paying them this hunters fee for nothing....i know we use there servers but there are alot of ppl playing pso so i am sure they get plenty money and i know they are bankrupt but why should we have to pay for there money troubles? we are paying for a product and i think they should listen to the genral public of Pso
First the topic of duping. The only reason people do dupe and hack is cause it is so god dam hard to get items in this game. i think they should make it abit easier so that way for the legit players they don't have to spend hours and hours on single player offline to get some good items. And as soon as they do that maybe then they can work on the hacking/duping problem......
Next i think that they should make a new weapon or two every month and put them on a patch. It adds a new enjoyment that i think would keep people playing for awhile longer so we won't all get bored of the items in acouple months
I also think they should get rid of this freezing lose all your items crap....i know why they put it in(so that people won't turn off the system when they are trading and end up with both people having both items) but hey come on is that any worse then duping? it really sucks not being able to carry a gun and maybe 2 different swords on my hunter without fear of losing them. And for those ppl who don't dupe....losing items that took so long to get is a big loss.
One more thing is those quests.....easpically the photon drop quest.....Y does gamecube have it and xbox doesn't......this is nonesense.....i am tired of it all
i know i am asking alot and i realize that what i wrote proabably will never get seen by thier eyes but i hate paying that fee and knowing they are doing nothing for me.
I know it will take awhile to do these things even if they try to but all i want is a date....or somethihng that shows they care about us and they relize the problems and want to make our gaming experince better. I think they should show they care about there customers. I would like to see these things be done and i would to know dates and what excalty they are working on. When they give some crap automated service that sends the same thing to everyone that complains tells me that they don't care and everything we say would be better put in the garbag........
What does everyone else think?

Jun 10, 2003, 09:07 PM
I'll give you a cookie just because you said "Sega Team."

Jun 10, 2003, 09:12 PM
Thanks i don't like calling them a team though....i think i will call them.....
The Lazy Sega's

Jun 10, 2003, 09:13 PM
hehe. I like sega team, but they do need to do something about the duping and other stuff like that. I mean PSOX was hacked the first day. What kind of game is hacked the first day. Thats sad and better yet this game is supposed to be an MMORPG, but there are no expansions or updates...... so im confused on that one.

Jun 10, 2003, 09:18 PM
On 2003-06-10 19:12, Bardsley wrote:
Thanks i don't like calling them a team though....i think i will call them.....
The Lazy Sega's

Nobody will know what you are talking about since the name of the group that made the game is Sonic Team...

Jun 10, 2003, 10:36 PM
*ignores pile of text*

What the fuck! If I see just one more huge jumble of words all non-paragraphed up...!

Jun 10, 2003, 11:24 PM
On 2003-06-10 19:18, rbf2000 wrote:

On 2003-06-10 19:12, Bardsley wrote:
Thanks i don't like calling them a team though....i think i will call them.....
The Lazy Sega's

Nobody will know what you are talking about since the name of the group that made the game is Sonic Team...

*coughs* nice call i was about to do the same.
remeber it's a video game theres so much you can do, and it was Sonic Team's first try at this, come on back off. sonic team is great, my fav infact.

Jun 11, 2003, 11:38 AM
there are actually 3 things you could do:

1. continue playing this game since its just a game - you dont have to play with everyone and if you have found people nice enough to use non super rares when you ask them, then it will be fine anyway.

2. stop playing and stop paying for it. simple as that.

3. find out where yuji naka lives and deliver him a personal letter with your concerns written in polite, correct, high japanese. maybe he'll think about that twice.

i'd just say... preventing any bug that allows duping would at first mean to make it server sided saving - and here i personally draw the line. i dont pay like with ff xi just to even play with my chara. 90 % of my time is offline.
and i'm fine with investing around 200 hours to level a character until she can handle ultimate mode. if i find nice stuff while doing this, ok. if i wont find anything super rare, then well, fine as well. i just need weapons i can do damage with, not ridiculously rare weapons to show off.

just my 2 eurocents

Jun 11, 2003, 12:55 PM
This is what I think:

Sonic Team really needs to get their act together. It's bad enought that they hcarge us US players alot more than the they charge the JP players, but it seems to me that our servers are not being patched or fixed (this goes for both the GC and Xbox versions). I think that since we are paying the most money, they should atleast do somethiong about the server problems over here or they should not make us pay for their trashy servers.

Jun 11, 2003, 02:32 PM
actually europeans are paying the most money. its 9 euro for us each month, thats more than 10 $US.

of course we had to pay more for the modem and bba and not to mention that we had to wait several months for the game being finally released.

just wanted to mention that... never mind.