View Full Version : RAngers - what kind of setup do you use?

Jun 12, 2003, 12:02 PM
I have three sets of weapon when Im out kicking ass; Guld Milla, Snowqueen and Spread Needle. What combinations do you go with, or do you have any other recommendations?

Jun 12, 2003, 12:51 PM
I use the same set of weapons. But I really don't use the SnowQueen.

Jun 12, 2003, 12:57 PM
That setup is good, but there also some other things you could use. Charge Vulcans are very effective, and Yasminkov 9000M's have the range of a rifle, and Frozen Shooter can combo. Spread Needle is probably the best shot because of it's speed, so you won't need to replace it.

Jun 12, 2003, 01:08 PM
At the moment, my RA is only lv47, so i go with Yaz 3000R for range and power, Ruby Bullet for speed, and Red Scorpio for bosses.

Jun 12, 2003, 01:13 PM
Spread Needle for crowd control

Snow Queen for freezing things (and fighting multi-hit location bosses, and flying bosses)

Charge Vulcans for killing something real fast

I occasionally use a Yasminkov 3000 for DF and Olga Flow.

Jun 12, 2003, 01:23 PM
Am the only one that uses weapons that match my RA's level and/or found with them? I use H&S25 Justice, a Rappy's Fan, and a Visk or Wals.

Jun 12, 2003, 01:50 PM
On 2003-06-12 11:23, Kalonera wrote:
Am the only one that uses weapons that match my RA's level and/or found with them? I use H&S25 Justice, a Rappy's Fan, and a Visk or Wals.

I did. Until I got bored.

Jun 12, 2003, 02:12 PM
I don't really have much choice in weapons. I pretty much switch between a Frozen Shooter and Red Handgun. I'm looking for a Spread Needle, but no luck finding one yet. @_@;

Jun 12, 2003, 05:38 PM
Am I the only one who uses non-rare weapons? I use a Geist Railgun +5 with 0/35/35/35

Jun 12, 2003, 05:51 PM
right now, i only use my delsaber combo. And i will ues my Justy on bosses.

Jun 12, 2003, 07:51 PM
well, my Greennil HUcaseal finds loads of RA weapons, so i just hand them over to my RA to use. The only reason i can equip that Yaz is because i have a 4-slot frame with 3 elf/arms and a god/arm equipped plus a mag with 55 dex.

Jun 12, 2003, 07:58 PM
C Bringer rifle, and Spread Needle.

Jun 12, 2003, 10:04 PM
Im only lvl 5 right now with my ranger but when he gets high enough ill put on a frozen shooter and maybe a red handgun or something.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Joe-Azlin on 2003-06-12 20:10 ]</font>

Jun 12, 2003, 10:24 PM
Forest- GULD MILLA, SPREAD NEEDLE, S-rank twin's or my s rank handgun with spirit specials (this is to impress hunters who think they do the most damage >=} "hey wtf a ranger can't do 1500 damage on a bartle" hahahaha)

Forest Boss- NUG2000BAZOOKA

Caves- FROZEN SHOOTER(for those damn ob's), GULD MILLA, S-RANKS w/ spirit.

Caves Boss- NUG2000BAZOOKA or S-RANK TWIN(depends on what I feel like)

Mines- GULD MILLA, SPREAD NEEDLE (40% Machine), S-RANKS with spirit.

Mines Boss- NUG2000BAZOOKA (its freaking good for boss's except for the next one o.0)

Ruins- YASMINKOV3000R (with 55% dark), SPREAD NEEDLE (with 35% dark), FROZEN SHOOTER (for Berla's and Gran's), GULD MILLA.

Ruins boss- YASMONKOV3000R (55% dark)

episode 2 is pretty much the same set up only I use HEAVEN PUNISHER for those monkies that spit lighting and megid (but only in ultimate), NUG again on all the bosses except for OLGA FLOW wich I use GULD MILLA on.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-06-12 20:24 ]</font>

Jun 13, 2003, 01:47 AM
hm... my ramarl has one of the better guilty lights i found, equipped. on hard mode (where i left her some weeks ago) she doesnt need other stuff.

well, my hucaseal starts finding good mech guns actually (the v1-rares i mean), so the ramarl will get her share once i continue leveling her...

Jun 13, 2003, 10:42 AM
Am the only one that uses weapons that match my RA's level and/or found with them? I use H&S25 Justice, a Rappy's Fan, and a Visk or Wals.

I do the same, on psox I'm currently using a Visk along with non-rare mech-class and shot-class weaps with decent percentages.

Jun 13, 2003, 11:23 AM
For my RAcaseal, I have what I feel is a very balanced and OWNING setup. Mechs with % in like three of the most played areas(F/M/ and R) with high hit if lucky. A G battle, G ability, G power, and G luck. The luck is to compensate for lack of SD.

Now if you don't have those, you could go with the lesser, like gen batter, Master Ability, O power and well Angel Luck sucks, so stick a arm in there muhahaha.

Jun 13, 2003, 11:48 AM
Most of time in online setups:

Crush Bullet - 15% hit
L&K14 Combats - 40/0/0/50 or 0/35/40/45
Frozen Shooter - all 0%

I switch to Spread Needle (0/0/25/0/40) for ruins.

Charge Vulcans (45 hit) for Dark Falz

Justy23ST - 0/0/25/40/25 for Olga Flow

Red Slicer/Red Mechs/Red Handgun/Red Saber for Olga's 2nd form.

Offline, I just play around with various weapons unless I'm in serious situations.


Jun 13, 2003, 12:26 PM
My favorite weapon for my lvl 114 RAcast is Demon Arms with +20% to hit. So I reduce their HP to 1/4th then finish them off with my Justice, ANO Rifle or Soul Eater if playing with a Resta happy FO with a Psycho Wand. =)

Jun 13, 2003, 03:13 PM
My all time favorite combo is:

Spread needle
Yas 7000

But i got bored and now my combo is:

Ano rifle

Jun 13, 2003, 03:19 PM
Final Impact (slowly working on s-rank shotgun)
Charge Repeaters 45% Hit
Frozen Shooter

Jun 14, 2003, 07:07 AM
I use every item in my inventory but when things get ugly I use crush Bullet+25 with nice %. Charge gatling 50% hit and Justy 23 ST with good % too.

Jun 14, 2003, 12:48 PM
I use Brave knuckle +7,Wals MK2+2, and Final impact+1 and for some reason my RAmar as the same attack power as my brother's HUmar at the same level. how do you get all those weapons?

Jun 14, 2003, 08:13 PM
I use a FROZEN SHOOTER +9, FINAL IMPACT +30, and a Gush Laser. I am only level 79. It seems like it takes forever for him to level.

Is it me, or is the Gol Dragon on Ult freaking easy? I finished him with my FINAL IMPACT +30 and I was doing 35 to his body with shifta and 110 to his feet... He died within 10 minutes, maybe less.

I got killed once by the pansy megid the Zol Gibbons have... -_-

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Delsaber on 2003-06-14 18:17 ]</font>