View Full Version : Whats classes can use the Real Nei's Claw

Jun 13, 2003, 08:56 AM
I looked in The database but it did'nt say.

Jun 13, 2003, 07:44 PM
All the pics show it equipped on a HUnewearl. Not to mention that the original Nei's Claw used to be HUnewearl only back on the DC & PC versions. My guess is that the Real Nei's Claw follows suit and is HUnewearl only.

Jun 13, 2003, 08:40 PM
I'd have to disagree with you Vulpesmundi, although anything we say here is pure speculation until a US ver player gets his grubby hands on one.

If I remember correctly, the Nei's Claw could not be found in DCPSO. However being a casualty of the long gone Gameshark, players had access to it.

I believe the item description said something about only female hunters (there was only the HUnewearl at that time) and rangers could equip this weapon.


There's a link to the fake claw's description, but I can't remember if DCPSO was the same. For some reason I have a memory of something that took the RAcaseal out of the picture, leaving the description... out of place (like it was referring to a RAmarl or something).

Geez my brain can't be going yet.

Anyway, still wait and see I guess, but the HUneweal already has an exclusive item/weapon: The Heart of Poumn/Ali's Claw
Wouldn't be fair to the rest of the kids if it were Honey only.

Jun 13, 2003, 08:43 PM
no one really knows, all we know is for sure a hune can equip it

Jun 14, 2003, 07:19 PM
I was hoping my RAmarl could use it, that is IF I can ever get my hands on one lol.

Jun 14, 2003, 07:25 PM
what's surprising is that it's taking some time for the claw to be mass duped. give it another month and it will be i suppose

Jun 14, 2003, 08:33 PM
Yeah thats tru, I'm shocked I havent seen it yet, I've seen mass dupes of just about everything else but that and a Demonic fork errr whatever its called lol.