View Full Version : Possible for an Oran HUmar to raise a Rati?

Jun 13, 2003, 06:55 PM
I'm curious. There doesn't seem to be a feeding guide to follow to raise a particular Mag. I've used MagFarm, but it gets kind of long to follow. Anyone know of a good feeding guide or if it's even possible for me to raise one?

Jun 13, 2003, 06:57 PM
I'm an Oran Humar and I raised my first mag to be a Rati, by accident acutally. Here's a guide on how to raise one,


Jun 13, 2003, 06:59 PM
Ah. Cool. Thanks. Now, is it even worth it to raise one aside from the cool factor? I'm pretty happy with my Apsaras.

Jun 13, 2003, 08:51 PM
Depends, I guess. Ep1&2 rare Mags tend to be easier to feed than normal Mags. Rati casts S/D on PB meter fills and boss fights. It's low level, but for a HUmar it's better than none at all, and has a similar effect to L15 Zalure on the Shifta... Can be quite nice at times. It'll restore your health sometimes if you get really low, and sometimes when you die it'll revive you. I'm quite fond of the sexy little things. Sure, I raise the occasional Sato, but usually it's a Rati I'm after when I farm Mags... They're just so cute. ^_^ Apsaras are ugly and are not you friends. *nods sagely*
Rati are adorable and love you. *cuddles Fluffy*

Jun 14, 2003, 08:36 AM
I typically raise my Rati's for androids, so i do the feeding with a Ranger up to lv99. If you evolve the mag with Dex it goes through Kalki, Mitra, and Kaitabha and learns Mylla & Youlla, Pilla, and Estilla. These are great PB for a droid, plus, through these evolutions it's very easy to control the Def and Mind stats.

My droid mags typically end up at 15/135/50/0.

Making a Rati with Mind is infinitly easier.

Jun 14, 2003, 09:49 AM
true, its easier with mind ^_^
but imho, rati is one of the best looking v3-mags and will be very useful with the pbs you mentioned (also my 3 favorite, btw) - especially for an android.

Jun 14, 2003, 12:35 PM
Yes it is possible. My first character was a Oran HUmar and my first rare mag was a Rati. Look the on the episode 2 rare mags page here. iT tells you how