View Full Version : Challenge: Tech reset bug?

Jun 15, 2003, 12:01 AM
Well, I remember when Challenges 7-9 were released, there were plenty of bugs that people were complaining about. Material reset, techs reset, not to mention the bannings...

Now, I've already done Challenge Mode with my HUcaseal, but I really want that Bu-EI over my FOnewearl's head. So, my question is: Do level 30 techs still get reset to level 15 (or whatever it was) after completion of Challenge 9? I really would hate to have this happen. Thanks in advance.

Jun 15, 2003, 06:07 AM
I'm afraid to report that it's still there. I decided to double-check to see whether or not my FOnewearl would lose spells. Well she had a level 28 Gizonde before I went into the C-mode game, and she came out with a level 15 Gizonde (lucky for me I never use Gizonde with my FOnewearl). Dunno why Sega can't seem to catch this bug. Another thought, though, is that it might only hit when you earn a prize. My FOnewearl earned her second shield. So I'll try playing one more stage later and see if she loses any more spells.

Jun 15, 2003, 09:04 AM
thanks for your research vulpes - would be very interesting.
funny/strange thing is (please correct me if i'm wrong) that it only affects one tech a time...

Jun 16, 2003, 01:02 AM
Okay, I finally have some definitive answers about the tech reset bug (and yes, Rena, it only effects one tech at a time). I fed my FOnewearl another Gizonde 28 disk and tried playing C-mode a couple more times. She didn't lose any technique levels this time. So the cause of the technique loss is earning a prize. Once you've earned all three of your prizes you'll no longer lose technique levels. This makes it best to clear C-mode and earn prizes before raising spell levels if you're using a character you plan to level. Also, remember that if you reach the lobby and lose something you don't want to lose you can always turn off the system to keep it from saving. You'll lose any unequipped items and meseta, but you can then redo the stage and re-earn your prize.

Jun 16, 2003, 01:13 AM
I was afraid that this bug ws still there that is
why I still have not done c-mode with my fonewearl.
she is now about lvl 111 and I have spent the last
15 to 20 lvls in the ruins and seabed offline looking
for the high lvl tech disks, she is pinkal. I would
hate to loose them after so many deaths. Every trap
I die (until I got smart and started buying trap
visions), died a lot to getting hit till I found
High lvl deband and Jellen. I still want to complete
cmode with a fonewearl, guess it is time to buy
another memory card and make a cmode fonewearl

Jun 16, 2003, 03:33 AM
On 2003-06-15 23:13, PinkyBloodyArt wrote:
I still want to complete
cmode with a fonewearl, guess it is time to buy
another memory card and make a cmode fonewearl

Hey, that is exactly what I did. I made a memory card for cmode only. I was FSODing like mad one day and decided not to risk my high level characters over cmode anymore...so I recreated my characters on a cmode memory card...the only disadvantage is that I have to recollect my guild cards. I wish there were a way to copy them. I have gotten quite a number of guild cards of great cmode players.

If you are looking for good mode games you can try the JP server Alcyone 06. If you are on here remember that there are some people that speak english and not. Be sure to use word select when ever possible and be curtous. Oh, and read this...it will give you some advice on playing cmode and communicating with others.
