View Full Version : PSO Job Fair?

Mar 13, 2001, 11:07 PM
i have a great idea for a pso function.

ive just started to look around for a new job. being a professional in information systems, i updated all the online job search sites and was thinking there must be some better way to network.

well, ive met a lot of people on pso in their upper twenties. and a lot of these people are also professionals. so i put two and two together and realized- pso would be a great place to network!

first off, one could totally see personality traits by the way people play. spend a lot of time in the city before a quest could mean they are organized, not taking all the items in battle means they are unselfish, leading an attack means they have initiative, etc.

second, pso is worldwide. which means people like myself who are looking for a job in another part of the country wouldn't have any problem finding someone online who had hire/fire responsibility, or at least someone who could benefit from a referral bonus...

so what does everyone think? is this a good idea? if there was enough interest we could try another pso world gathering on one of the ships. hey, maybe even sega would give it some press!


Mar 13, 2001, 11:44 PM
Hey fellow Chicagoan!

If this Job Fair thing happened, I'd go to it. Anyone looking for an HTMLer or Grahpics man?